Something I think every Sup Forums user should read

Something I think every Sup Forums user should read...

Remember who built this place alright? It was immigrants. In 1776 anyone who wasn't British was considerd unpure and not white. Don't you see how ridiculous your division and hate is?

I know I might not change many of your minds, considering how diseased some of your brains are (enough to be a Nazi), but for the few good souls still on here I hope you can have a heart.

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I hate these misguided neo nazis and Trump too but if you want to be in a country why not just do it legally instead of crying?

Wow that's gay af

do you enjoy being nauseatingly GAY?

if you hate being white so much just kill yourself, you're helping nobody by being a miserable cuck.

keked and checked

>this country was built my immigrants!

yea and my people were treated like SHIT so my family had to work extremely hard to become successful, and that is why we are now so valuable. if we had been absorbed by the welfare state like modern immigrants, we would never have been able to break out of the poverty cycle that is bloating our social programs while keeping immigrants enslaved to the welfare state. how the fuck are we going to support legions of foreign immigrants when we don't even have jobs for the black people that have been here for hundreds of years? you libs always like asking "who will do those jobs," well when you consider that unemployment is at least DOUBLE for black communities, i think you have your fucking answer right there.

make america great again.

>Nation of immigrants
Yeah, predominately white immigrants that believed in basic American ideals. Now we have a ton of brown people who don't believe in basic American principals, so you tell me.

>It was immigrants
From where?

However there was no assimilating for our ancestors. Muslims dont assimilating to western civ. and thus, continue their homophobic, sexist, and racist culture. you're move liberal cuck.

Imagine you were this retarded. It's like advocating a diet of poison mushrooms because you ate a pizza with mushrooms on it once before, and it was nutritious and tasty.


Burgers came over, conquered land and killed off most of its inhabitants. I wonder what should they do when they see someone else coming to their land.

Lol you
Seem butthurt faggot , this is just year 1. 7 more to go bitch , we are going to shove it in raw without lube

Frankly they would have been better off had they limited immigration.

You don't see the failures of others and desire to make the same mistake.

Yeah, WHITE immigrants. Not niggers, not spics, not even asians. Whites.

>No human bean is illegal

That's an interesting standpoint coming from people who think fetal humans have no right to life.


globalists are inherrently a threat to a country.
They also usually bring socialism with them.

It's like if germany was a fungus and released its spores.

Stereotypical nigger bullshit the USC said white that meant europeans All stratas Russians to germans aka Hessians and French stop it with the lies. The foudners didn't have a nordic purity spiral. European meant European and Christian

When the Europeans mass immigrated to this new world they fucked everything up for the native population, think about that if you're all for mass immigration

Why did Mexico go to war with spain ? They were immigrants ? were they racist ?


You are totaly right. How dare we not want this cultural enritchment?

They weren't immigrants as much as they were settlers
Can't immigrate to a country that doesn't exist, but you can settle land that no one owns

Nice straw man bitch.

We aren't against immigration.

We merely want immigration laws to be enforced.

Also, less immigrants and stricter standards. They need to be compelled to integrate.

Too many burkas that barely speak English and may or may not have latent TB. There is no way they have jobs and are clearly on benefits.

This goy gets it. If you don't I will be glad to tell you ad nauseum about the 6 gorillion people killed in the Potatocaust

It's not like one day America will be 75% 'minority of your choice' and all of them will be on so much welfare the average American not on welfare can't even buy toilet paper. We will simply not have the money long before that's even possible. There are so many liberal fantasy desires that are simply not financially viable that shit will just work itself out either way. I think a bigger looming issue is that too many kids are making their primary careers making youtube videos or streaming some shit online. That's all good and well but so many of them are the kind of people who are going to raise kids (our future) that don't want to do anything other than ultimately have their hands out. When we get to the point when the majority of our youth are homeless cause they don't want to work, and don't know what to think unless they can watch a reaction video of their life, we will be some old ass mfers who are totally fucked.

thank to those lgbt communists I can't wear a rainbow in public without either being mistaken for being gay or being a supporter of the lgbt bowel movement.

I swear these are the same fuckers from school that would bully me for having a pink shirt because the tile in the girls bathroom was pink, except now that they're adults they have to find a legal way to bully.

and making the rainbow for fags so they could tell me i'm misappropriating the fucking thing every time i wear one just makes sense to me.

socialists and communists and globalists are all scum subscribing to an anti-white ideology that was created by a german.

Colonists aren't immigrants
Shitskins will only make us weaker and less prosperous
You are a tremendous fucking faggot

Whats going on now is more like the early settlers and the natives. Anyone only a few generations old likely immigrated legally

>Appeal to Emotion

Absolute garbage, man. Kill yourself, plz.

I wonder why the people of Mexico and it's government aren't looking forward to 1000 years of prosperity when all of these highly educated, highly motivated people of outstanding character return to their homeland. Mexico's best and brightest is wasting it's unlimited potential living in this oppressive hell hole of patriarchal white supremacy.

>we need to flood our country with criminalistic, degenerate, Marxist, mestizos; because our ancestors were from Europe, and were even more conservative than us, and that makes us the same as cholos


There are people who actually believe this shit. In my opinion, they should all be deported, because they're not actually American.

i hate to make that argument but not all shitskins make us weaker.

I like the idea of a ethnically diverse united states but only if those ethnicities, all of them, are legally allowed to segregate their neighborhoods and companies are legally allowed to segregate their work force or only hire specific people if they so choose.

North america should be a bastion of liberty and freedom for any immigrant so long as they come here legally, and so long as communists aren't running the show. We don't need useless people and we certainly don't need them breeding uncontrollably.

Look at the picture. Look at the flags Flags from Japan, USA, Mexico, Italy, Ireland, Somalia, Romania (?), Portugal, and others. Why? To represent the diversity of America's settlers and immigrants. The diversity of our people to create the greatest country in the world. The world's brightest coming together to create one nation. You want to carve it up and divide it. We need to think of ourselves not as White americans but as AMERICANS period, and that includes respecting ALL Americans. They ALL helped build it.

Shut the fuck up, retard.

prefixing american with anything is stupid, I will agree, but it's mostly the doing of democrats because they win easier when people are divided.

That said, said americans should have full control over their living and working environments and should not be mandated by government who they may or may not live next to.

>they should all be deported
You have to ask yourself why are these America haters are not deporting themselves back to their great nations with such great culturally enriched societies and vibrant economies... oh wait

>muh diversity

The left only wants to import hordes of mestizos because they vote for leftist parties. You don't give a fuck about whites or white culture being preserved. In fact, you actively try to destroy white culture and disenfranchise white citizens.

You people are cancer, and you belong in an oven.

Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. They don't come here for a fair deal, but for gibs.

We didn't kill off most of them. They died due to inherent and moral weaknesses (disease).

Illegals GTFO

You know, if it werent for retards like you posting this shit, I likely wouldnt be a nationalist in the first place. Good job.

Fuck you and everyone who thinks like you. Crack open a fucking history book and actually learn something you dimwit, the Irish, the Italians, all of them had to go through paperwork and legalization procedures to become American, even 150-200 years ago. These people said a big "fuck you" to our sovereignty and our laws and now they're finding out what happens when America says "fuck you" back. Actions have consequences you stupid useless niggers. Get out. Not one tear shed for you absolute fucking scumbags. Go.



OP is right we need gas chambers not a wall. Ethnic tension wont exist if there is only one group.

Things have complicated in a modern era and as far as present day immigration policy is concerned, it's stupid to bring up some imaginary past where all these immigrants were working together for a common dream. None of them jumped on some bandwagon to happily help, most of them probably fucking hated it because they were either risking their lives for shit pay or being forced into labor because they were bought prisoners turned laborers. The later immigrants who came were fleeing major problems, many of whom managed to scrape by and eventually become nicely established. While we can all enjoy this great nation that it is today it's still just a british colony that said fuck the king and had nothing to do with some idea of wanting to be independent so we could all be a melting pot.

>Remember who built this place alright? It was immigrants.
It was the descendants of immigrants who fled their homelands to escape cultural prosecution, and who ultimately had to fight to preserve their new culture, heritage, and way of life from people who wanted to impose their own on them.

Someone should find out where this is and paint over it as much as possible.


-=- Important Information -=-
Report all illegal immigrants and individuals or companies hiring and supporting illegal immigration to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Not even hiding it...

Yeah but its been built for a minute now and the illegals arent doing anything but straining the economy and making crime.

Tl;dr We only need the absolute best AND YOU HAVE TO GO BACK

Cool no one is illegal. Do you treat me as equal if I say fuck Sweden and go to USA? Need welfare on the spot too :---))))

that's why you dont give an inch, if they're worth of being here they can make their own inch and then use that to make a mile.


Would love some more of THOSE immigrants, instead of the retards we're seeing now.

Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society