How do you come back to the "They aren't real muslims" argument?

How do you come back to the "They aren't real muslims" argument?

Other urls found in this thread:

>shoot him
>that wasn't a real bullet

Why do you argue with liberals in the first place?

point them toward that aussie muslim leader who says otherwise.
i forgot his name


Says who? Are you the king of Muslims?

it appears there are a LOT of fake muslims then

imam tawhidi i think

"who are you to tell someone something they're not?"

Well I'd say. "They believe in the same god, book, and values that all the 'real' muslims do. They use the teaching and apply it to themselves by interpreting it in the most literal way possible which shows how violent the quran is."

Sometimes its unavoidable
I know the guy Imam Tawhidi
There's a difference between Shi'ite and Sunni. Sunni are the 'peaceful ones'.

This. Also, does it or does it not state very clearly to kill non-believers and apostates? There's the answer. Context schmontext. In Islam, "Kill" means "kill" and "death" means "dead."

Not real communism
Not real fascism
Not real scotsman

yeah him, theres a good video he did where he goes through the 3 qurans and points the main parts out.

Ask them to explain the specifics of "real Muslims" and laugh at them when they try and make them out to be essentially the brown version of the family from 7th Heaven.

They are the real Muslims. The "moderates" are in reality dirty apostates who hate religion and only go along with it because if they don't they will be murdered by OP's pic related.

Why do you feel they aren't real Muslims. Do you have any knowledge of Islam?

>Not real scotsman
Thanks my man. Thats what I was thinking of this whole time.

Maybe you should examine the sticky m80

>"They aren't real muslims"
Pull out your copy of the Quran and show them the verse that supports your arguement, pretty easy stuff

>those terrorists died for their allah, according to your quran 3: 169-170, they are the devout true believer and you're a wimpy pretender

Read the Koran and the Hadiths, (yeah, dont be afraid you wont turn into a mudslime because of that).
You will find that they ARE real muslims.
If anything they are even a bit too liberal compared to what their prophet did.

It can be easily refuted

The real ones are the ones who believe that violence won't solve anything.

The fake ones are the ones with even a single thought of violence in them which is around 95% of them.
(also, people of other religion and no religion have a lot of violence in them)

What's that?

Always use their own logic against them.
Abortion bombers, inquisiton, crusades, etc weren't real Christians either.

Not really its pretty specific if you read it states to kill all nonbelievers otherwise if you wish to grant mercy they may pay an infidel tax or become your slave

The same way women use against rapist men - Imagine a bowl of candies. 10% of them are poisoned. Go ahead, eat a handful, not all candies are poison. #NotAllMen ... or Muslims

There were never any ((real)) christians except for like a century after christ's death.

Christianity was corrupted by adding Pagan influences into it to stop the Pagan vs Christianity riots tearing up Rome..

Its not on the sticky m88

Not sure if bait or this new but here

Who says there's a difference between them?


Sharia law is Islamic law.
It has one of the most radicals law inside of it.
So with that logic of OP Sharia isn't Islamic.

Oh shit now I see it.
Saying there's no difference between Sunni and Shi'ite is like saying there's no difference between Christianity and Catholicism.

Ask them if protestants aren't real Christians. They believe themselves to be "real" and that's all that really matters, from their point out what they actually mean is:
>That's not my interpretation
Which is a much weaker position. Not that it'll matter in the end, since anyone that come out with the "real" argument is probably too dumb to understand the difference anyway.

they are real muslims. isis is doing everything by the book, according to sharia law. our muslims(anatolian muslims) for example are not real muslims. they drink alcohol, sleep with people without getting married,have paganistic behaviour in dealing with daily life yet they call themselves muslims. isis is real islam and it's horrible. give them examples from sharia.

you can't
wahabism is NOT islam.
are you telling me that the gay scat community represent you ? same here the wahabi salafism is does not represent muslims.

remember, next time you want to know what real islam is. don't ask an actual sunni muslim, ask a white liberal woman living in L.A

Join the CIA?

You worship a literal pedophile.

Pretty simple.

Shit man I'm not reading that give me a tl:;dr

Exactly this medbro knows
Little preview
Wie meinsch wirds usgseh ide schwitz? Mir sind schono sicher.


The one on the sticky is a lot shorter though


Learn to support and form your arguments better.

Anytime some dirty kaffir tries to tell you something, show them the verse in the Quran - are they going to say the word of Allah is wrong?

I don't remember exactly, but Islam has a sort of a rule, that no other muslim can doubt/argue how one understands and follows islam.

So, basially muslims can't say those jihadists are not real muslims.

show them this

You have to double down. Say something like they are as real as any other Muslim.
That kind of tactic is meant to put you on the defensive, afterwards your opponent can call into question your other points.
But really it's best to avoid the Muslim aspect altogether. Instead of saying Islam makes murderers, say that people from the third world aren't equipped to handle our ultra liberal lifestyle.

Proofs ?

I believe that the Koran actually forbids people to declare that someone else is not a muslim.

This, but the thing is isis call most muslims takfir, so theyre takfir themselves

>There's a difference between Shi'ite and Sunni. Sunni are the 'peaceful ones'.
I have never heard someone make that distinction. Iran/Iraq/Azerbaijan are the only Shia countries. Iran being the biggest one, and Iran hasn't done shit that wasn't deserved.


That link gave my computer a virus

>the Koran actually forbids people to declare that someone else is not a muslim
Where in it does it say that?

They call them kaffir so they takfir.

The first result I found on google for those who ignore the prohibition of takfir.

how about his marriage with aise, you'll probably tell me you dont believe in hadis don't you?

I dont, as any good shia i kill the takfiri islamists where they step


>beliving in h*diths

lol i'm not even muslim

>How do you come back to the "They aren't real muslims" argument?
says who?
when the leading Imams denounce the extremists as apostates and non-muslim then I might take some credence in the statement
>they aren't real muslims

But... that hasn't happened has it!

I can tell mr.Roach. Im bektashi

> Nazis aren't real Germans
> Israelis aren't real Jews, they live in a state, forbidden by the Torah
> Saudis aren't real Muslim, they're racist cucks

>shia & Sunni imams denounce isis since its start

no fucks given about what you are

Why the fuck do people have to denounce stuff. I don't see white people denouncing school shootings and shit.

So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens. That [is the command]. And if Allah had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon them [Himself], but [He ordered armed struggle] to test some of you by means of others. And those who are killed in the cause of Allah - never will He waste their deeds.

Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled

They are

There is no such thing as «islamic extremist», those people actually follow what is written in the Koran

This is because Islam is a religion made for nomadic warrior people.

However there are a lot of moderate islamic, mainly because Islam as written cannot maintain stable civilised society and has to be diluted somewhat, but it is still at its core a religion for nomads.

For example, many like to say that islamic countries where at one point more advance than the west, and its true. The real question is: why did those societies stagnated?

And the only answer is Islam.

>Takfir or the condemnation of a Muslim by another Muslim as a kafir is strictly prohibited in the Quran, the Hadith, and the writings of many eminent Muslim authorities.

>According to the Quran, if a person says assalamu alaikum to us to indicate that he is a Muslim, we cannot say to him "you are not a believer.'' (4:94)

>The second thing we learn from this verse is that if, from among a non-Muslim people, a person addresses us by assalamu alaikum, that is sufficient proof that he is a Muslim. When such incidents took place during the Holy Prophet's life-time, sometimes it was suspected by some Muslims that such a person was not sincere. But the Holy Prophet would say to them: ``Did you tear open his heart to see what was in it?''

>Thirdly, the verse cited above goes on to say: "You yourselves were like this before.'' That is, you too embraced Islam in this way, so what was sufficient for you is sufficient for them.

I am not a muslim and have not studied islam, but I was told this by a muslim and google seem to confirm this as true. Which is funny considering how the "respectable" muslims on TV always declare other muslims as being "not true muslims".

Can you explain what is wrong with following one's Holy Book?
Wouldn't the truly extreme people be those who refuse the Holy Book, or only apply those parts which they believe exemplify the laws of their own personal god?
The West is more extreme than Islam in every way. Just look at the ideology of feminism and the cucked men who allow it.
(And the fag has a fascist flag...)

"not all muslims are terrorists, you're right, but all terrorists were muslims" is a good starter, it doesn't exactly answers the point but usually does the trick.
The real answer would be too redpill for normies.

These were the entire verses

if your holy book tells you to jump down a bridge, will you follow it.

O wait I know the answers since that book also says that you'll get 72 virgins for it

Proofs ?

Yea, if someone says they are a muslim, it would be un-muslim to question their faith.

>According to the Quran, if a person says assalamu alaikum to us to indicate that he is a Muslim, we cannot say to him "you are not a believer.''
How to avoid an ISIS beheading 101

The problem with quoting the koran is that due to the doctrine of abrogation, practically any verse in the koran can be abrogated to no longer mean what it plainly says. Allah himself changes his mind in the Koran, so the Koran, being the literal word of god itself, can also have its meaning changed.

Ultimately what islam lacks is a sort of 'magisterium' like what catholics have the definitively rules on what is true and false regarding the religion. Any imam can make any fatwah, with the help of abrogration, saying whatever he wants to say. In centuries past it was the Caliph or the Ottoman Emperor who did this, but now there's nobody

Use the Koran and Hadiths to demonstrate that they are literally doing exactly what their religion tells them to.

The funny thing about "peaceful" Muslims is that they use the same source material as the Violent Jihadis, believe the same thing, but simply don't carry out these actions because someone else will do it for them.

Hungover as shit right now, but from my understanding Wahhabism was developed by modern, educated Islamic scholars... there are different sects, but they're all in agreement about a few things, and they're all distinctly Islamic.

>Then Allah will accept repentance after that for whom He wills; and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

Repenrance for whom he wills? Is that some kind of lottery?

The Bible and Quran are so full of arbitrary, that I don't get how people can find those books fair.

Imam of peace

Crusaders weren't real Christians then. And the Jews killed during the holocaust weren't real Jews either because reasons.

and hitler wasnt a real nazi

who says there's a difference between Islam and christianity?

O sheeeet radical centrist here in the house

you tell'em bro

All that means is that the closer you get to the end of the Koran, the more true it becomes.
The Koran follows the stages of Muhammad's life pretty well.
It starts out by preaching isolationism, then teaches violence upon those who criticize Islam as it grows followers(defensive Jihad), and finally it teaches offensive Jihad in order to make all religion for Allah.

The Hadiths are books meant to give context to the Koran and nearly 95% of Muslims observe the Hadiths,
Funnily enough, that's where a lot of the incredibly stupid shit is.

"HA HA HA, Muhammad was a pedophile! I guess he got tired of fucking camels!"

Study Islam and then ask them how much do they know about it.

Just say "how do you know, are you a Muslim?"

That's a Postmodernist, neoMarxist idea.
Congratulations, you're not original or clever.

The metrics by which to measure religion is its historical impact(did it help, stunt growth, or harm the following congregations). How many has the religion killed? Why were they killed? Was it doctrinal?

These are objective measures by which you will find that, despite both being religions, Islam and Christianity are NOT equivalent.

Fucking neoMarxists.

>this stumps the mudslime

>How do you come back to the "They aren't real muslims" argument?

By educating yourself on Islam?

Nobody is reading Islamic texts that say "love people and be kind" and then twisting them to say murder people. Because Islamic texts don't say to be kind. Muslims are taking the literal interpenetration (as it should be)

When Muslims become "radicalized" they simply become more religious; they read more Islamic religious texts.

Groups like ISIS are pure Muslims as they read and follow Islamic versus more so than a "Western Muslim" who in reality is not a true Muslim.

They say ISIS "pervert Islam" when calling Islam a "religion of peace" is the actual perversion. This is the double think of the West. A total reversal of reality.

Islam was never called a "religion of peace" before around 15 years ago.

It's whole history is of war and conquering. People knew this up until recently.

If you can't answer people when they say to you "they are not real muslims" you simply don't understand nor are educated on Islam yourself.

The leader of Isis, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has qualifications in Islamic texts and had studied them. He's 1000% more of a pure Muslim than some white Western feminist who screams at you " not true Muslims"

-Christian guy here who grew up in an Islamic shit hole as a persecuted minority and had to study islam myself.

"Religion of peace" hah hah hah hahaha.

You don't belong in Europe.


Who says neomarxism is real?