I'm a Trump supporter and all that jazz, but is there an actual, legit reason to oppose universal healthcare?

I'm a Trump supporter and all that jazz, but is there an actual, legit reason to oppose universal healthcare?

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yes there is. it's only going to be for the boomers. everyone knows it nobody says it. the system can't support everyone anymore.

Trump supporters don't deserve health care.

>freedom to

Its dysgenic. If you want your country to get more shit people in it sure go for it.

>I'm a Trump supporter and all that jazz

the most people ever per capita are out of the work force. We allow fucking ANYBODY into our country, wholesale. If universal healthcare was a thing, the price on the average working adult would be insane. Ask Europeans about their taxes.

It'd cost way fucking too much for a single worker.

Why not Freedom to Universal Guns???

Healthcare isn't a right, it's a skill provided by people who train for years to do it. Universal healthcare sounds great but like anything government regulated it runs piss poorly. It also is funded by massive taxes, go ask Canadians how much in taxes they pay for that "awesome" healthcare they have.

Let me add, I am ALL for compulsory military service. The work done will help A) get people trained for jobs, motive them B) help offset some of the cost because the work is practically free.

They'll have 'earned' it.

Everyone should get guns like in Switzerland.

Guns are for people with small dicks, trying to play out a Rambo fantasy by murderimg people under the name of "burglary" and """self defense"""

Healthcare saves lives. The sick, old, young and poor would die without healthcare.

And Americans would pay way, way more because we have even more moochers.

>hiding your Swedish flag

Because it does not exist. If it is "Universal" it won't be healthcare. It will be "Healthmanagement". Does the DMV "care"? Just for starters.

Second, how do you get someone like me, who spent 30 years learning how to be a doctor to provide you something you consider to be a "right" if I do not acquiesce? So there is where your claim it is a "right" breaks down.
You really should try to learn a few things before you ask dumbass questions on the internet.

I agree. Lots of Trump supporters bitch and moan about being nationalists, but when push comes to shove, they refuse to provide free healthcare to fellow citizens. So much for "nationalism".

Healthcare would probably be better if everyone was required to pay it and it was under one company.

Although there is evidence that once people do get healthcare they will use it more often than before not having it.

>guns are self bought
>healthcare would be everybody pays for everybody

Gee I wonder why somebody could possibly be opposed to this.

How do you propose we have nationalized healthcare with what will end up being more than 20 million 'illegals' and growing when it gets implemented?

Please, explain it.

Yes, the money used to support that healthcare comes out of my hard earned money in the form of taxes taken from my checks, and it can go to some stupid spic/nigger/faggot who sits on their ass all day and doesn't do shit instead of working hard themselves to pay for their own fucking healthcare. Not only that, but it means i would have to pay for a healthcare plan, which could include a bunch of extra shit that I don't need but which I would still be paying for. I think everyone should just independently pay their own healthcare and pick a plan for exactly just what they feel like they would need, say for example picking a plan that includes dental shit such as cleaning and oral surgery but doesn't include treatments that a diabetic would need. This would lower the price of the healthcare plan to only include what the person requires instead of paying for a whole bunch of unnecessary shit.

Your lack of understanding about Natural RIghts and Individual Liberties reveals you to be a moron. Try to learn something before you reveal to the world what an idiot you really are.

>this is still being posted
>it's still getting replies

> freedom to universal healthcare
again with this shit


We give the undocumented citizens who have been good a chance. No crime and got an education. They'd contribute more to the economy than most Trump supporters anyways (who happen to be poor Southeners and Midwesterners)

>>Go to school to learn a highly specialized skill
>>Pay out the ass and go into massive debt for tuition
>>Do it any way because this is something you want to do with your life
>>Work long hours, dealing with sometimes foul unhygenic people
>>Realize even the slightest mistake can ruin or end someone's life
>>Deal with having to sometimes tell a mother or father their child didn't make it.
>>Deal with the constant threat that someone is going to sue you for reasons.
>>Have the government suddenly tell you that you are required to provide this service for free or for a "nominal fee" that works out to less than minimum wage when all the time and effort you have to commit is factored in.

And lots of "I'm with Her" morons reveal to the world what morons they are. Lacking even the basics in understanding economics or history.

>Let the weak and asocial thrive
>Let the weak and asocial thrive
Fuck that.
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor

You already have the freedom to healthcare. You just want other people to pay for it.

You believe in the right to free universal healthcare, why don't you believe in the right to free universal guns & ammo? Free guns & ammo for everyone.

>it's wrong to want to be able to buy something with my own money

>it's right to be forced to buy things for other people with my own money.


One of those you buy yourself. The other one someone else buys for you because the government compels through theft of their wages.

But I don't have to provide anything for someone else. I can just retire and stop. I have a Natural Right to the use of my skill and if some idiot thins he has a "right" to my time I can just demonstrate how stupid he is by stopping. That is why they are called "Natural RIghts". Libtards are just too stupid to understand the concept and so they get butt hurt when the world doesn't conform to their fantasy.
I have worked hard all my life, I don't need them, they need me. Until they wake the fuck up I can just sit back and relax.

No there isn't any reason to oppose it. Not unless your a pharmaceutical jew

Yep, which means the barriers for entry go down, along with the quality of healthcare. Eventually, the need for medical professionals is so high, you'll wind up with Dr. Lexus telling you your shit's all fucked up and you talk like a fag, because is 6 week correspondence MD course taught him that.

Fuck "universal healthcare".

> claims to be trump supporter
> forgot to remove UN meme-flag
sure schlomo. i totally believe you.

> actual "legit" reason to oppose "universal healthcare"
explain how youre gonna pay for it.
thats all you have to do.
tell the american people how much it will cost, and how you will get the money.
it really is that simple
if your proposal for "universal healthcare" works and we decide the expense is worth the benefits, then it will happen.

Protip: saying "we will spend money we dont have and drive future generations even deeper into debt" is not an answer.

Couldn't afford Universal Healthcare right now even if we slashed the military budget, boosted taxes on the 1%, gave breaks to big businesses to keep jobs here, and laid off half the useless government employees.

There are just too many people. What we need to do is to focus on population control. Not saying we kill anyone, just saying that we need to limit people's reproduction based on their income or lack thereof. Two children maximum.
Our resources are already stretched out of control this won't be able to continue for another 10 to 15 years.

looting and redistributing (the basis for universal healthcare) decreases productivity.

To ensure that healthcare practitioners, goods, and services are abundant and affordable, the free market must be allowed to function freely, because only the free market is productive enough to provide healthcare for the majority of people, and simultaneously grow the supply of healthcare to meet future demand, innovate to create new technologies, and be competitive enough to lower prices long term.

'free healthcare' invariably leads to scarcity, crisis, and collapse.

There are a million reasons to oppose it. I have just given you a few. Wake the fuck up.

y'all posting in a shill thread

this stupid bullshit again
get your answer from the last 35000 fucking threads like this that showed up in the past couple weeks

The government was not meant to control our healthcare and decide who lives and dies based on their moralities. Self-determination, self-preservation and the fact that anything the gov touches gets expensive and disfunctional. They pay 5 grand for a single office chair. Also, healthcare was more affordable because I could get into the same low-risk pool with other healthy people like myself, rather than share the cost of every obese smoker woman that is shitting out a kid every year.

You see a lot of envy of doctors' lifestyle come up in this argument, too, which pisses me off. "Why does that neurosurgeon NEED a BMW?" Fuck you! If a guy can go in with his hands and rearrange someone's neurotransmitters and solve a lifethreatening problem with his bare (gloved) hands, he deserves a goddamn FLEET of BMWs.

>no crime

The vast majority of healthcare spending is the result of prolonged incorrect lifestyle choices. There is no moral defense for forcing the public at gun point to pay for the heroic but ultimately futile medical intervention to try to save someone from eating themselves to death

Liberals seem to be confused as to what is and isn't a constitutional right.

Mass redpill on muh healthcare

Trump supporters dont post or save these stupid lefty memes.

In addition. Universal health care implies we have the right to force doctors to provide their services which is in direct contlict with their constitutional rights. Maybe one day when we have robotic doctors would that make sense.

healthcare cost 1000 times higher than in europe.

Do you want your government buying your healthcare to the lowest bidder?

I'm not being forced to pay for someone elses guns.

>freedom to buy something with your own money is the same as freedom to force others to pay for you to have something

Why do they always use Tsuyu for these shitty memes anyway?

You have no right to someone else's labor. this is why people with brains laugh at libtards.

Middlemen add nothing

Not much of a freedom to bear arms with the NFA and states having retarded gun laws. Besides, healthcare isn't a natural human right. The government is only there to protect our natural human rights not gib everyone everything.


is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?
in this case the man is the doctor and the sweat of his brow is being paid for treating you

only the sick die without healthcare the rest dont need it without being sick

I'd be okay with it if the system only treated taxpayers and the borders were closed.

I'm really confused. You already have similar systems through Medicare and Medicaid don't you? Just extend those to everyone and replace the money going to insurance companies with taxes. sure it's higher taxes but with a vastly bigger pool of people paying it'll be cheaper for you at the end and cover everything.

What's rare?

False equivalence.

It would either be:

Everyone is free to buy a gun, just like everyone is free to buy healthcare.


Everyone is entitled to a free gun, just like everyone is entitled to free healthcare.

See how it works? You can't mix those two, they aren't' the same premise.

>freedom to purchase a gun with your own money
>"freedom" to demand someone else pay for your medicine

the supply of doctors is purposely kept low by a variety of factors. in a free market, doctors would be far more numerous.

Nothing is free. The burden of prices will fall on already overtaxed middle class. Quality will fall. Too much money spent on people who we should let die already. Why this need to extend life at all costs? If you can't afford healthcare are you really worth saving? It's not hard just go get a job. I work in skilled trade union and they pay healthcare 100% for me and my whole family. I just pay deductable Wich is like 20% with a 5k cap per year. All the trades are similar. All the trades are hiring and almost all hire felons and people without college education. You just need to be worth a shit. If you can't find 1 member of family willing to get job, or you're to retarded to work then maybe the herd would be better without u.

Proof hyperintelligent black men exist

Universal Healthcare wouldn't be bad if we had a German style system. I hate how universal healthcare has become synonymous with a single payer system.

> hippie meme flag
go fuck yourself commie.
> muh "population bomb" meme
pure bullshit
> couldnt pay for it
we COULD pay for it, but the expense far outweighs the imagined benefits, a european style tax burden would cripple our economy the same way it has crippled europe's
> not saying we should kill off X% of the population...
yeah, you dont say it, you have other factions to make that argument.
> resources wont last...
so you want to eliminate 50% of the human population. thats the number you faggots usually throw out, and of course YOU get to decide who is the first into the soylent green factory right...

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about

Not really.

It's like everyone is entitled to a free gun if you pay an extra 0.1% tax on all earnings above 10k. Everyone gets a free gun but everyone has to pay for it if they earn enough. Basically the same premise of every government provided service.

I didn't go into the details of how """free""" it actually is, I was just proving the point that you can't conflate those two premises.

>reasons to oppose universal healthcare
1. Immigrants draining the system
2. Unsustainably fat fucks like Michael Moore
3. "Tranny surgery is a healthcare matter"
4. "Pay for all my abortions and birth control"
5. "This baby/elderly needs an RFID chip" ("efficiency")
6. Compulsory medication. Side effects?!?
7. Lack of consideration or representation beyond the statistical mean.
8. "Says here you did X and Y, and held Z belief." Why? Is this current?
9. "This is a standard inoculation/immunization shot that's just been approved and found safe and effective"
10. Recourse? Accountability? lol sorry. Take it up with the government.

yes because it's really fucking retarded the moment you bring economics into it

>A 0.1% tax on earnings above 10%
Oh wow, now we can buy everyone a secondhand hi-point
Oh hey, this actually is a really good analogy for socialized healthcare

Are you fucking retarded?

Freedom to guns means you have the right to buy / use them. It doesn't mean the government has a legal requirement to purchase a gun for your bum ass.

>is there an actual, legit reason to oppose universal healthcare?

Yes, there are many reasons; they're called the laws of economics:


He's right though. If there were more licensing/application services than the aamc and the AOA it wouldn't cost $2k to apply to medical school so more people would get in and there would be more residency spots available.

Wow, ya know, you're right. You should get an amendment to the constitution passed that revokes the second amendment and instead guarantees the right to health care.

>be me
>read this bullshit
>reads these 3 highlighted posts

Removing the wind from the sails of the autistic faggots, one post at a time.

I know you're a shitposter but in case you actually read these threads:

I will NEVER support a healthcare system that allows people to become obese then get paid for by the taxpayers for the rest of their "life". Terrible decisions, like becoming 300+ pounds, should NOT be subsidized by taxpayers.

We have "universal" healthcare here in Germany and it sucks. They don't even cover shit like ADD meds for adults. Thankfully there are private insurance companies, but they cost way too much and you are forced to get an insurance, no matter how poor you are, there is no opt out. I would be okay with universal single payer if it covered EVERYTHING. But it fucking doesn't so it's a scam.

> youre entitled to free shit, if you pay for it, and pay for tyrone's, and laquisha's and jose's and abdullah's and ....
typical britbong
you have no concept of freedom, liberty or rights because you have none
all you have are privileges bestowed upon you by the crown and parliament, which are revocable at any time.

your minds have been controlled for so long, you dont even know what real freedom smells like

Protip: it smells kinda like pic related

The AAMC is a tenth as expensive as you suggest and also isn't the only service. For example, texas has the TMDSAS. Other states probably have similar services.

>rights are gibs
This is stupid enough to actually work.

Oh, also the application system doesn't fucking matter, because all the slots are still filled up with wait lines a mile long. The only way to get more doctors would be to build more medical schools

Hmmm ok. Obviously nothing is free, I suppose the logical debate should be, would single payer provide an overall better standard of healthcare and/or the same as you have now but at an overall cheaper price. There's a wrinkle in how's it's paid of course, higher earners would have to pay more to balance it, but that's like any taxation system I guess.

I hate people like you. Basic, fundamental economic knowledge is all that is required to comprehend that we need more doctors, med schools, healthcare, etc. One need only look at the price of things to know. It is that simple, doofus.

>freedom to guns
>freedom to universal healthcare
I don't see an issue with either of these.
>taxpayers pay for guns
>taxpayers pay for healthcare
I see an issue with both of these.

>wait a year for a doctor to see your broken leg

>would single payer provide an overall better standard of healthcare and/or the same as you have now but at an overall cheaper price.
The answer to that is no. The US pays more in healthcare per capita due to fucked tort law causing hospitals to have to buy expensive liability insurance and do extra tests and procedures to cover their asses, the fact that you euroniggers don't pay your fair share for drug R&D, and the fact that americans are so FUCKING FAT

It was an example, don't be dense

Universal healthcare is the final redpill.
t. american, ignore the flag

>I'm a Trump supporter and all that jazz, but is there an actual, legit reason to oppose universal healthcare?

You're an idiot if you allow your government to be in full charge of your helathcare.

>using based frog waifu for political agendas

Of course we need more doctors, but it's not some regulatory force stopping that from happening, it's because it takes a long fucking time to build medical schools and expand existing ones, and then even more time to train the doctors.

>paying for illegal immigrants healthcare
>paying for "tyrone the gang-banger's" healthcare
>paying for fatty-fatasses healthcare while they eat themselves to death
uhh.. no thank you.

Difference is you don't have to buy a gun and your tax money doesn't pay for other citizens to help them buy guns

I like Thomas Sowell, but I don't entirely agree with him on this one. He's forgetting the fact that a private system has an even worse bureaucracy in the form of insurance companies, overpaid and unnecessary business executives, etc.

The losers in Brock's basement must be running out of ideas This is like the 1000th time they've posting that same retarded meme.
CTR/SB should really give it up. All they're doing is annoying us, which only makes us want to fight the left harder. If they left us all alone we'd probably be content to play games and not get so enraged about politics. They're not "influencing us" by posting their bullshit here, we are way passed any vulnerability to leftist influence by the time we get to Sup Forums. This shit might work on FB but here they're only poking an already pissed off bear. CTR/SB would actually help the Democrats more if they stayed on FB and never came to Sup Forums again. I know I'm not supposed to help the enemy, but it's the truth: posting your CTR/SB bullshit helps the Dems when you post it to FB but it hurts them when you post it to Sup Forums. I don't understand why you can't see that.

post automatically discarded

>list reasons why it wouldn't work efficiently

Good point fucko