My city council screwed me over and I no longer feel any civic responsibility

So as the title states, my city council screwed me over with a zoning change, and ever since, I've felt no civic responsibility to my city. In fact, I actively want to screw it over.

That said, I'm doing yard work today and I have a bunch of branches to throw away. Do I throw them in the grass clippings dumpster a few blocks away and risk getting fined (while also screwing over the city because now they have to sort my branches out of the grass clippings), or should I just take them to the dump?

I don't want to pay for the dump.

help me, Sup Forums.

Pic unrelated

Be more specific, they can't just change your zoning....

They are many loop holes and tiger traps to this subject

Specifically they changed the zoning of an adjacent property and we went from being a nice, white neighborhood to nogsville

You know Goy
No matter what you do, in the end you won't screw the Goy that made the city a bureaucratic mess, you'll just fuck some poor shmock who's trying to get home to his family.

So let go.

Hand out propaganda pamphlets with outright lies on them as physically close to the polling site as you legally can

It's how nogs get in city council, school board, etc.

I'll get the goy eventually. Even if I have to screw over ever city schlep worker along the way

time for Killdozer my dude

Legally the have to contact adjacent property owners, were you contacted? Depending on your local government's state charter the selected there are specific rules they have to follow. If the local planners leapfrogged the sequence, you can sue. If it really bothers you contact the state department who regulates towns/cities.

99% of planning departments are incompetent. If they pushed the zoning to a higher use or lower use is the key.

>I get that guy even if I have to screw everyone including myself to do so
I bet you have ancestors in Germany

We had a public meeting, etc. nogs take precedence over actual tax payers

There is always the chance you bought a bad piece of property, in that case, you made the mistake

My local education board was great until the kikes infested it.

They pushed it to a higher use, for a lower use (nogs).

i always just put (small) branches in the trash
but one time a huge branch broke off my tree (like 10-12" diameter and like 15 feet long) i just chopped it up with a chainsaw, threw it in the back of my truck and drove out to the woods to dump it. that's pretty much what everyone does with biodegradable stuff around here.

i mean, if you dont have a truck and a chainsaw you're not really a man anyway

If you are not a touching adjacent property owner to project, you're screwed. Public meetings are a joke, and a dog whistle for the planning department found something wrong.

If you are adjacent owner, and I mean adjacent (not down street).. call the state department who regulates cities and towns are ask them to look into it... that's how you get heads rolling.. I wouldn't waste time locally

And I'm assuming you mean in the usa


>not using a regular steel saw
>not tying the wooden blocks and carrying them on your back
>not wiping with tree bark for extra man points

You could leapfrog on their higher use zoning and sell yours to a greedy hebrew

doing that would fuck over some petty worker who gets shit wages to sort through the garbage.

If you big concern is sticks and grass, dump them over the nog fence.. put up a camera and film them tossing them back over the fence..

Stop acting like a nigger and follow the laws. By doing petty, angsty, teenage bullshit like throwing sticks in the dumpster to fight "the man", all your doing is hurting some guy who has to sort them out, file the paperwork, and be kept at work from his family because of your bullshit. If you hate your city, move or start protesting against the elements you have a problem with. The laws, as stupid as they may be, are enforced by innocent people contracted by the state. By breaking them you only hurt them and yourself. I'm a libertarian, I despise the state, but I act like a civilized human being while doing it and not like a nigger. Stop it.


Is it in DFW? They did that shit to my town recently. Need to burn that new apartment complex down.

the solution is simple.

1) put branches in clippings bin
2) set bin on fire

> hurting some guy
it's literally the guy's fucking job


Chop your branches down and throw them away. Don't you have a bulk trash pickup in your area?

bro as much as i feel your pain, time to capitalize.
approved adjacent lot, value gets increased.

only thing to do if you own the property is to apply for an even more dense proposal so you can make them feel shitty. or just put massive protest sign in your yard telling city to go fuck itself "use clever words so city cant give you a fine and nigs wont understand"

also start getting established as a drug dealer, will pay off long term.

I am in a similar situation.

while It was ultimately my fault for not knowing the zone into which I was moving was a Mixed Light Manufacturing/Residential Zone and there were several manufacturing plants on a street running behind this small dead ender and when I looked at this place there were five acres of woods obscuring in between them and me eventually the Town permitted some additional HVAC units which substantially increased the noise reaching into my home.

More recently the Town granted Zoning variances to allow a previously unusable portion of an adjoining lot with manufacturing to be sold to another abutter who cleared the five acres of woods and installed self-storage buildings.. now the metal structures augment the noise from the HVAC units on the manufacturing plants and its literally torture when I'm trying to sleep. Its ruining my health and I need to relocate. Imagine paying $2,600 in property taxes a year for a place you can't stand.

Time to sell your house lol

Do you have access to a bulldozer and proficiency in welding?

Yes, but it's making his job unnecessarily more difficult and time consuming with (usually) no overtime pay.