Joel Osteen

What's the deal with Osteen ? Did he get railroaded by the (((media))) or is he a legit scumbag ?

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He's a regular pastor who made it big because he looks pretty. The fact that (((media))) tried to take him down shows he may be legit.

media loves to rip the guy in reality he isn't so bad.

no he is a typical mega church money grabber who would have been whipped by Jesus like the rest of the (((money changers)))

>he looks pretty

legit scumbag snake oil salesman false prophet

He's a legit scumbag.
He's basically a jew, in christian clothing.

Gief moneys, plox.
Good goy, god like you this week.
gief moar moneys.

they are trying to turn him into a modern day robert tilton. and of course, all rich people are greedy assholes who want nothing to do with the wretched poor vermin of humanity.

i don't much care for the guys style of ministry, it's pretty generic shit, but as long as he isn't asking people to put their hands on their tv screens for salvation, or to buy some fuckin rosary or "salvation cloth" or some shit while he's preaching his message, he's fine.

people are just butthurt because he was cautious about letting thousands of people flood into his church and wanted to be adequately prepared to handle it.

In these disasters blacks tend to go crazy and loot and kill. He's sane and based. All the entitlement and zero law enforcement around.

look at his face OP

I just don't get the whole "you own a big building therefore you are immoral for not making it into a shelter immediately" thing. It's a church not a hotel building, not even well equipped to shelter people. Seems like a setup by the media

>he looks pretty

no one wants to be the next super dome

don't forget that we are on a war with Christianity right now by the left. we need to show that Islam GOOD, Christians BAD

No, he's kind of a scumbag but the (((media))) like to blow things out of proportion. It's not like anyone who knows of him doesn't think he's a shit head

he might be a scumbag or it could be a typical "muh cecil" style witchhunt, which every leftist is jumping on as an excuse to shit on christianity, as usual.

>CNN, MSNBC, AND Fox News are all in agreement: he's a scumbag.

So that might give you some insight

Pro israel stooge who pushes heresy

New age christian that basically caters to upper middle class and makes them feel good for being better off than poors.

He's a heretic who's leading people to hell.

Joel (((Ostein))))

Church should have been open initially to help people displaced by hurricane regardless of being asked to or not.... the offering plate thing doesn't bother me, no one points a gun to your head (as far as I know) and has you empty your wallet.

>Church should have been open initially to help people displaced by hurricane regardless of being asked to or not
So say he lets 200+ rabid niggers into his mega church with no guards or staff to watch over them what do you think will happen?

>mega-church evangelical
legit scumbag


>cultural Marxism is an authoritarian doctrine. It can harbor no competing voices of authority.

>therefore it seeks to destroy all religion because the state is the parent and the God.

Joel Osteen has a huge following therefore he must be discredited.

> muh Christianhood persecution complex
> implying Christians are persecuted
NAh your s cunt