Why the fuck is everything buzzfeed now?

The BBC posted a recent video regarding the use of black emojis and gifs. her name's victoria princewill i think. her fucking smug ass face is so fucking annoying.
0:44 on the video, she shows a white woman with dreads. BITCH, your hair is a basic white girl hairstyle.

Other urls found in this thread:


Niggers cause me great distress

BBC is basically just a more professional looking BuzzFeed at this point











Here's your answer.







Fucking niggers

What the fuck

>Those gauges
How is that even possible?



haha it used to be kind of ironic irl shitposting but I'm now at the point where my hatred and derision for most other cultures and races has grown so strong that I'm willing to sacrifice relationships and alienate myself from friends and family in exchange for my unashamed expressions of disgust for most of the world.

For a black person to use a computer at all is cultrual appropriation as it's a white man's invention.




Subtle is right.


There's a reason that channel was kicked off the air and made online only and that's because it's fucking terrible

That's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard of that's considered "rude" and I'm epileptic

forgot this one

>using black skin color is appropriating black culture
>you can't say a culture is based on race


that is the least blackpilling cap i have from there

this one is actually accurate. If a seropositive/serodiscordant couple want to have children, it is very much within the realm of possibility to conceive/birth via C-section without every exposing the child to the virus. It doesn't cross the placenta in an otherwise healthy pregnancy.

Totally OK with this. I hate seeing those black reaction gifs everywhere. At least it will curb the spread of degenerate black culture.

so a baby made of pozzed cum will not be an abomination??

I think I'd rather not speak to British people at all, in fact at this point I think I'd prefer to conduct all my interactions with them through the crosshairs of a rifle.
no offense.


that means this is just satire right? please tell me they don't believe this.

This is a legitimate question though. A person asking this question is concerned that they might end up accidentally hurting the person with epilepsy. If you are offended by someone being concerned about your well being, you're obviously fucked in the head.

people can get pregnant and give birth to an HIV- child even if you or your partner (or both of you) are HIV+

For all the talk of social reconciliation and diversity, etc, it really seems like the best thing a white person can do is not acknowledge blacks, don't speak of them or to them, don't imitate them, pretend they don't exist. That is basically the only way to please liberals.

>Things not to say to a transhuman

Black now have first world problem too.

Why not duh.

>missing the giant fucking satire hashtag in the corner

You fucking dingus OP

Right, but there's a significant chance that the baby will be HIV+, so it's completely irresponsible to have kids if you have HIV, no?

Everything is Buzzfeed now because Buzzfeed died and all those cancerous journos got jobs at everywhere else.


>significant chance
less than 2%

would you drive a car that has a 2% chance of giving you aids?

It's not on the actual BBC content.

>Buzzfeed died
I don't have fagbook or any of that shit so I never see anything Buzzfeed related, is it really dead or dying?

Jesus Doctor Who is completely fucked isn't it? Capaldi was the last Doctor.

>mfw I use the black emojis every time even though I'm white

>BBC officially advises everyone to stick to their own kind

lmaooo this can't be real. what culture is a "emoji" exactly?

Can't handle the bants

>things not to say to someone who's been shot
>"Why aren't you going to see a doctor?"


she posted this on her twitter


>1984 island broadcasting service literally made a whole series of language policing videos.
They aren't even trying to hide it anymore

*paid for by the taxes of 1984 island plebs

Wtf are they trying to prove?

BBC= Big Black Cock

damn... time to clear up my reaction folder. Don't wanna be racist.


BBC is grovement funded
> Grovement Funded
> SJW Propaganda
Fuck this shit, im so triggered at this BBC trash why the fuck do i pay for this shit!

FUck this bitch, im gona raid her twitter And imma roast her about her own shit

Looks like a poorly-drawn Klingon