It won't be long until this is taught as fact. What can we do to keep this from happening?

It won't be long until this is taught as fact. What can we do to keep this from happening?


You guys know your skin color comes from the latitude your ancestors lived in right? Stick a group of darkies on Iceland and after a few thousand year boom more white people


LOL they wuz lemonz n shit

You're right but

>Stick a group of darkies on Iceland and after a few thousand year boom more white people

is wrong. It might be even sooner than that because they might be carrying the white gene already due to pretty much everyone being mixed at this point.

We can have a white country by deporting nonwhites

Not entirely true, the darker skinned people will die off due to health issues from a lack of vitamin D unless supplements are given.

That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works.

S-so the white race will be ok after all? (In 1000 years but still)

Not without evolutionary pressure, which isn't a thing anymore

They will be similar to white people only in that they will have light skin.

They might get smarter from having to survive in a harsh climate without the aid of whites.

I didn't know people on Sup Forums were so fucking stupid. This just isn't true anymore. If all technology disappeared, maybe. But the only reason people in colder climates became white over time is because with genetic variation in each generation, the lighter skin babies grew up healthier since their skin produced its own vitamin D in the cold, and they made more children with other lighter skin people. This process rep reared until everyone that was lived healthily enough to reproduce in those climates were white. They didn't just magically become white from living in those latitudes.

This. Apparently eye color would change first as well (the earliest Europeans developed lighter eye color before white skin).


Evolution isn't real though in the sense that your genes change in reaction to a change in the environment. They would have to randomly mutate into albinism and that trait has to become popular and be bred within a small tribe. Along with random mutations such as caucasoid facial features.

>that's not how it happens. let me explain..
>*says exactly the same thing with a little more detail*

>eye color would change first as well
This is just a random mutation without any benefits (except for the fact that lighter eyes are sexually more appealing).

Did the Fino-Korean Hyper War have a third challenger we didn't know about?

More like a few hundred thousand years or more

and even then, not really guaranteed

Human origins are becoming very complicated, but the races trace significant portions of their ancestry to archaic hominids that inhabited the regions they lived in long before the rise of Homo Sapiens Sapiens

Blacks, for example, lack Neanderthal DNA, while Whites have it, and Neanderthals inhabited Europe long before HSS

you are all assuming we were black to begin with...just because we were "out of Africa" doesnt mean we were initially black. I think we were white-...then we left to climates that suited our genetics...the darker genes stayed in the warmer regions and turned into the blacks we know today...minus the western influence.