Redpill jews

Redpill jews.

I'll start.

Other urls found in this thread:










Leo Strauss


Larry Summers,

"It does appear that on many, many different human attributes -- height, weight, propensity for criminality, overall IQ, mathematical ability, scientific ability -- there is relatively clear evidence that whatever the difference in means -- which can be debated -- there is a difference in the standard deviation, and variability of a male and a female population. And that is true with respect to attributes that are and are not plausibly, culturally determined"


>tfw you comeback years later and are red-pilling still but the SJWs can't take a joke.

> Redpill
> Jews
Pick one.




Polish-Jewish poet Julian Tuwim. "Hated by Poles becouse he was a jew and hated by jews becouse he was Polish"

Julian Tuwim
The Jews

Black, cunning, bearded,
With insane eyes,
In which there is eternal fear,
In which there are centuries of legacy,
Those who do not know what home means,
Because they live everywhere,
Tragic, nervous people,

Greyish, eternally rubbish
With long arms,
They tell themselves some daring things
And they smiled coyly,
They were secretly secretive
From billions of black, punctual letters
These sick madmen,
Selected Family Man!

They wet their beards
And again they advise, they advise ...
- They will walk away,
They call on the page,
They shook ... their eyes were scuffed
They will hurry quickly forward,
Can not hear anyone ...
The ages have engraved on their faces
Painful grimace of suffering,
Because they bear in their soul memories
About the walls of Jerusalem,
About some black funeral,
About the cemeteries ...

Some Satanic Mass,
Some hidden crime
(under the windows ... on Fridays ... passersby ...
Goyim ... will look into the windows ... Sza! Hush-a-a!)



How is this even remotely red-pilled?
>Some people like Jews, others don't. But they're interesting though!
That's just dumb.

"There is a danger of tyranny in the attempt to treat the desirable as if it were always possible, when in fact it is not."