Is there any counter-argument to this? i'm stumped

is there any counter-argument to this? i'm stumped.....

i like how they compare special shit for black people to weapons

yes there is. Its called life isn't a fucking video game.


those are all pretty good points. can't refute them. black privilege DOES exist

Niggers stole their kart and started the race late. Merchant sold them a blue shell at 6 gorillion percent interest. Meanwhile Ahmed is just holding onto a bombomb. That's Mario kart irl

Mario Kart isn't balanced asshole.

You want a fair, equal society? treat everyone fair and equally.

Jews and Asians are ahead of us

Leftists are so mentally ill they can't comprehend anything without trying to compare it to fiction

Equality does not exist and divine Hierarchy should be defended through violence

Ready for this 2 words


>treat everyone fair and equally
Learned that on pol, too.

>2 wrongs don't make a right
-t. my mother

None of the strawman privileges they mention matter. Ask real shit, like why anyone with brown skin is allowed into the EU and given money taken out of white workers' paychecks. Ask why Affirmative Action gives positions to black people who objectively qualify less than asian, white, or even hispanic workers.

When you are in first place in Mario Kart it is because you raced well and earned the position.

But if you get first in Mario Kart it means you are more skilled, then if you get fucked by shells it means the ones behind you were given unfair advantages because they couldn't compete on skills alone.

So basically Mario Kart is what happens because of Affirmative Action

lightning and blue shells are perfect analogies to the case of affirmative action. often the best performers are cut down for being too good, removing the incentive to perform their best, and the worst performers are artificially inflated simply because they are performing the worst. The difference is that winning Mario Kart is different from being an efficient member of society, and the people who are artificially promoted often can't meet the demands of being an efficient member of society

Countering invisible privilege made up in a social science classroom with real institutional privileges. Seems legit.

Everybody starts the same in mario kart

In Mario kart you have to work to get ahead just like life. By assuming all white people are ahead of you and got there simply by being white is ridiculous.

I've gotten blue shells and lightning bolts in first place.

People in first place because they are better

all Im hearing is mario kart panders to casuals who cant handle their own mistakes
Go play some fucking gran turismo

>basing your life on a video game


Their argument is saying that literally every black and woman is behind every man when in reality there are heaps of rich and powerful women and blacks and heaps of poor as shit white peopl


If the world was fair then of course first place could get the blue turtle shell. First place would have the same chance of pulling blue shell as any if the other places.

But life isn't fair and comparing hardships to things like video games to fit your narrative is moronic

So, she thinks whites are superior? Sounds like some kind of Nazi.

And most of that fiction is always using Harry Potter for some goddamn reason.

Do you really want to live in a society were people are willing to use a blue shell? Blue shells do nothing for the user, they are too far behind to feel the effect. Blue shells only hurt the person if first place for no other reason than they are in first.

I asked a guy once " why do blacks get a black history month ? What about us ? " He laughed and said " Who cares we own all the rest of the months "

Real 50% of blacks don't graduate hs or get their GED 90% ar eout of wedlock yet the illegal wage tax CODE gives employers subsidies to hrie them as well as insane over representation quotas. same for other minorities despite 85% of HS Football teams being white and all white competition or nearly all white teams beating the hell out of their coal black contemparies the CASTE SPORTS system artificially imposed through systematic anti-white racism denies them scholarships even though they are superior athletes IE Jordy Nelson had to walk on KState, Wes Welker OKLAHOMA GATORADE PLAYER OF THE YEAR had to walk on at Texas Tech.... has DOCUMENTED in THOUSANDS OF CASES 15+ years the tyrnany imposed by the (Israel Cohen)'s of the world against white athletes....thats JUST ONE facet of the socie-economic poltical structure totally built and directed at destroying and disenfranchising white Americans


Taking this metaphor further, this means modern American Society is just a giant Mario Kart race where whites are not allowed to pick up powerups such as blue shells, lightning bolts and others, yet everyone else is, but remain first place.

>Really makes you think

Minorities need all kinds of special help to get even steven with whites.
It doesn't help.
Nothing will.


I think the saddest thing about posts like this is how it just screams inferiority complex

>Mario Kart made by Japan
>the jew fears the samurai
>samurai become new jew

Here's your counter argument.

For there to be a counter argument there has to be an argument in the first place.

"Why isn't there a White History Month? Huh???"

Because every month is white history month, dipshit.

Behold: a man full of bullshit.
If every month were white history month you would see countless low quality displays with titles like 'White History and why it matters' or 'the world wouldn't be the same without historical whites' placed carefully to insure the portrayed of non-white people. We don't see that, of course. Because you are full of shit.

"There's nothing wrong with being the best."

Real life isn't a fucking video game, you fucking manchild. Grow the fuck up.

Also, not every woman or black person is behind every white man in life. A poor white man has a much, much shittier existence than a rich black woman.

wrong, you dumb shit

poor oprah

according to this theory, blacks aren't as capable as whites and therefore must ruin things for whites to bring them(whites) down to their(blacks) level

I hate both rubber banding and pay-to-win mechanics in video games. I guess that makes me centrist.

I'm more annoyed by rubber banding though since never has it brought me a sense of success, it ether fucks you over or gives you a victory you don't deserve.
Pay-to-win I can handle, since the sense of success I get from beating pay-to-win players is far greater than the "unfairness" I feel when I get beat by them.

I guess I see games like life as self-improvement and fun and not as a competition.

t.Right leaning radical centrist

There will always be a first place.

What makes the groups that aren't in first place think they're entitled to first place?

They're not.

If I'm in first place its because I practiced and worked hard to get in first place.