Ragesperging for god

It seems odd that religiotards become so triggered and enraged by atheists. If I genuinely believed that I had found salvation in no less than the founder of the universe, I would feel nothing but sympathy for those less fortunate. And if I were true to the claimed teachings of my faith, I would try to help save them too.

But that's not what happens. Christfags invariably start foaming at the mouth with rage when they encounter reasonable, rational people. Now, why might that be? Do they envy the courage of atheists who face their mortality unflinchingly? Do they feel cowardly by comparison? Or is it that atheists remind them of something that they subconsciously know is true, but are too terrified and ashamed to acknowledge: that their religion is a scam, that they were the mark, and that their god does not exist.

For someone who claims not to believe in God you types sure spend a lot of time lashing out at him.

Repent, sinners.

>Do they envy the courage of atheists who face their mortality unflinchingly? Do they feel cowardly by comparison?

Nice quads. How much time do I spend on the subject? How do you know how much time any of us spends, given that this is an anonymous board? Why did you dodge the questions I asked?

>Christfags invariably start foaming at the mouth with rage when they encounter reasonable, rational people.
Is that true? If you head over to r/atheism it looks like the complete opposite is true. Atheists get irrationally angry at Christians while Christians practically never think about atheists. All I do when atheists come into christian threads is rationally explain why the Bible is true then they get angry spout some "lol kike on a stick!" memes then duck out without ever refuting anything

You dodged the questions too. I wonder why....

well maybe thats because religious cucks think it's their goal in life to make everyone else's life miserable

>All I do when atheists come into christian threads is rationally explain why the Bible is true

kek. You poor kid. I hope you get a clue some day.

Case in point.

That's actually the atheist's goal.

Thought the title was Racepurging for god...
leaving disappointed


Why do evangelicals represent Christianity as a whole these days? It's almost like there's a conspiracy to make Christianity and reverence towards God seem stupid and repulsive

We dropping redpills for why atheism is bad now? I can dig it

Perhaps it's just because I live in a liberal hellscape, but the few Christians I see stand out. They might have their flaws, but they are very good people compared to the average secular atheist.

While groups that are made of secular people can be fun and friendly on the surface level, I've found them lacking. Christian groups, while they can be toxic at times, dive deeper on an emotional level.

This. When Christians gather in a thread or IRL they talk about any number of things. I've had many in depth conversations about, e.g., the heresy of Protestantism. Very rarely talk about atheist kids. But when atheists gather all they talk about is the absolute rage they feel at even the idea of Christ. It'd be bewildering if it weren't so obvious why the subject of God makes them so uncomfortable when they spend all of their energy cursing and denying Him.

Atheists spend more time thinking about God than anyone else I know. I wonder why that is. God bless.

I like to remind them that omnipotence,can't exist since everything must evolve,feeling that a god sprang from know where,is like believing that Donald duck is real.

Notice how they're killing themselves and not other people. Only edgy antitheists want to destroy religion most atheists just want to be able to live their lives and not get blown up, beheaded or thrown in jail for violating a rule from a religious text.

Sure why not


So you believe the universe doesn't exist? If it does, did it come from nowhere or is it eternal? Why is it beyond comprehension that the same applies to God?

Is that so?

Which god do we think about?

I don't mind Christianity but I dislike Christians. Well at least American protestants.

*tips fedora*
great post friend, wanna yiff? uwu

To which god?

man atheist are the best kind of cattle
>i would do everything you want my master
>i just want no trouble

that's a load of bullcrap. I'm going to Heaven and I'm getting my Harley wings. Personally I think its gonna be a whole lot like Star Trek.

>implying stalin read 'thou shalt kill all the religious' from the holy textbook of atheism and then went 'yeah that sounds about right'
>implying atheists have to accept marxism
>implying atheism is left-wing
good goy keep worshipping the dead jew, he died for your shek...sins, after all

The hat boy emerges. I'm surprised it took so long. On the day you find some evidence for your favourite god, you will be able to talk about that. In the meantime you will continue to embarrass yourself by talking about hats.

I know the universe,is evolving,because there's data to prove it.

The one true God, the Father. I never see atheist children uncontrollably raging against Daoism or Hinduism, it's always against Christianity. Their rejection of Christ gnaws at their souls until the spew bile, when all the have to do is pray on why they feel such emotion with respect to His Word and accept Truth.

>the founder of the universe
ehh, i don't subscribe to organized religion but you're approaching the subject from a faulty premise, just like the "religiotards" you whine about. there is no "founder." there are no persons or identities involved. it has not subject nor object. it is just consciousness.


Read the Urantia book. You can't understand the Bible and religion until you read it. It's like the Talmud for TRUECHRISTIANS.

>implying atheism is left-wing
Atheists vote in identical patterns to Jews, 4 to 1 for democratic candidates. All SJW's, radfems, antifa, marxists, communists, and LGBT advocates are atheists. Atheism is a Jew pill.

*3 to 1
It's late.

If all that exists is the material world and no higher values exist, why do you care about the pursuit of "truth" at all? You don't think there's a metaphysical "good," since concepts outside of the physical don't exist. So why don't you just smoke crack and masturbate all day? Why engage in anything?

You surrender free will to a believe trap,and therefore take know responsibility for your choices.

how smelly are your paws furiend

I'm a closet theist, everyone around me is atheist or faithless and I find that I'm happier/more fulfilled than all of them. My grandma passed recently and she was the only religious person left in my family. She was really close to me, but I know that she's in a better place and that warms my heart when I think about it. I don't get angry if people insult my faith, I just hope that they change their ways and become the person they could be.

Also, we have literal "Christians" on Sup Forums judging non-Christians while saying how gays are degenerate and blacks are inferior while the Jews should be gassed.

>literally worships a Jew
>"thou shall love thy neighbor"

Reminder that this whole board is satire

Google "complete list of gods" or similar. Scroll through the literally thousands of gods which have been fabricated. Pick out the most obscure, unknown, ancient, forgotten god from the list. And then understand that YOUR favourite god comes with exactly the same amount of supporting evidence.


You think the universe is a series of physical reactions. You don't even believe in "good" or "evil," let alone free will. By what metric in your material universe can you possibly judge me, when you disclaim all values or nonmaterial truths?

atheism is a tool for communism to remove religion as a barrier to totalitarian rule

>ehh, i don't subscribe to organized religion but you're approaching the subject from a faulty premise, just like the "religiotards" you whine about. there is no "founder." there are no persons or identities involved

Obviously, jizzknuckles. I was stating it from the perspective of the christfag.

No thanks.

I love it when atheists try to use their shallow understanding of Christianity's own rules against it when they don't even believe it. It's such a Jewish tactic. "Follow the rules, goy, Americas Statue of Liberty says you gotta let in the immigrants! What, Israel? No, we're an ethnostate that doesn't apply to us!"

so what other god than the real God have made a civilisation like the west? well better like the whole world? just one? the Christian one? no way! it's must be a coincidence

>implying atheism is left-wing
Atheists are one of the most left wing voting blocs, right alongside blacks and jews. Every single SJW, bluehaired pansexual genderqueer person pushing the tranny agenda is an atheist. At least have the guts to take responsibility, the leftist cancer is exclusively on your side of the fence.

>My grandma passed recently and she was the only religious person left in my family. She was really close to me, but I know that she's in a better place and that warms my heart when I think about it.

The problem is, you're wrong, champ. She's dead. Decomposing with worms and bugs feasting on her granny boobs. Either that or she went up in smoke. Either way, that ain't a better place.

Open minded scepticism,if it isn't your experience,it isn't your reality.


Why is open minded skepticism good? Metaphysical concepts like good and truth don't exist for you, only atoms and worms.

Ok, I will try to break this down as quickly as possible

Supernatural exists on the surface of the mundane realm like a reflection of water. Many eastern philosophies consider the reflection on waters surface allegory to be more representative of the appearance of reality that we, as humans bearing 5 sensory organs, can perceive.

However, the body of the water is the true nature of the supernatural as defined by yogis 500,000 years ago in the Rig Vedas, which were basically orally recited up until the discovery of written word in the most isolated parts of india.

However, the ascetic culture of ancient indians bled into the nomadic cultures of ancient hebrews

fast forward to the birth of christ, which many schools argue to be an incarnation of Vishnu, the churches have already fell to corruption amongst the tribes, angels have been "cast out" of heaven, and now rule the world upon the murder and immediate rebirth of the figure

Enter the Holy Roman Empire, the bringers of light and founders of Catholicism. Masons were already getting redpilled having been commissioned to build the temples that kept sacred artifacts hidden.

America gets discovered as a result of religious infighting within the pagan tribes, and catholic clergy. Christianity is developed.

From the dawn of hebrew culture to know, social erosion has taken place making it easier for demonic energy to corrupt the word of god. At the base of the vatican lays one of the largest insane asylums in the world.

I can only put the pieces out there on a timeline, but there isn't enough room or time to connect the dots for you...

No doubt another religiotard said exactly the same thing about their favourite god a few thousand years ago. A DIFFERENT god to yours, and proving the existence of their favourite god.

Do you now see the logical flaw in your "reasoning"?


I've seen radical atheists on social media going around attacking religious accounts and insulting them.

the reason Christians are the way they are is that it's part of their identity. same with Atheists.

problem is, neither is interested in actual Truth, both are wrong. so ya. purdy boring.

Christians have been here since the creaton of the world, do you see any other religion like this?

There were christians 4.5 billion years ago?

ofc you believe in the evolution meme

I'm glad to hear that because they deserve it. Now how about addressing the questions raised in the first post?

I didn't mention evolution. Your comprehension is woeful.

Both of you have sub 100 IQ's. get a room

What questions? They're all "when did you stop beating your wife" questions that assume a faulty premise. Happy to answer any honest questions you have about Christ.

either way the earth isnt that old

Because it's time humanity grew up, and took responsibility for our choices and decisions, and not to attribute failure or success to God's wrath.

athiests have helped ruin western civilization. They should be hunted down

151, Stanford Binet. Sorry matey, wrong again. But I suppose you are accustomed to that, being religious & all.

The problem with religion as a whole is that it 'resonates' with people; they never lock in. That's why they react when questioned.
"You mean to tell me God is a lie?"

To which you respond: "No, God is a reference point."

How old is it?

but that's what God wants, we make him angry cause our decisions

>151, Stanford Binet.
Not a chance in hell.

who cares

Your lack of education, and violent, uncivilised nature are on display. The textbook christian.

>Why do Christians get so triggered and enraged by atheists?
>I think it's good that Christians get harassed by atheists because they make me so angry
You sure dropped your facade and revealed your projection easily. The only one in this thread who is triggered is you, you're getting progressively more upset and angry.

Son I think you're starting to malfunction.

Of course not. Hell is fake, just like your favourite god. But more than just a chance on Earth, a reality.

What does failure or success mean? Those sounds like metaphysical value judgements. Don't you believe we're just materialistic piles of atoms? There's no failur or success, or good or bad, just existence.

It's just annoying to have fairy tales shove in ones face. If religious people would keep to themselves we had no problem. But as it is you influence the lives of many people and not necessarily in a good way.

lol atheists

You should. You made the claim that christians have been around since the creation of the Earth. To make that claim you must know the age of the Earth.

come on, you think what's happening to europe is just bad luck? bunch of immigrants coming to your continent to behead you, blow you up and out bread you?

it's a punishment of europe decadense, just like it's happening with USA, also have you seen Japan? they are drying up, they have no kids, cause all the weabo anime crap

You still have not addressed my questions. Do they trouble you to the extent that you cannot face them?

it's because if they're wrong they wasted some incomprehensible amount of time, emotion and energy in their investment

they can't afford to be wrong, atheists easily can


Quality contribution

Christianity built western civilization. If say that's pretty great influence. Atheism brought communism and modern worship of MUH CUMMIES as the only value system.

eeh some estimate 6000 years more or less, but you are changing the subject, there's no other religion as strong as Christianity, that have made so much as it did, all thanks to God's help

There are chill Christcucks, but you're right in that there are also lots of insecure ones.
Doesn't really matter whether they're chill or insecure though, when it comes to whether they're right or not.
And the answer is almost certainly no, they're wrong.
Their religion is just an attempt to ward off confronting the mysteries and unpleasant aspects of reality.

>telling lies for your favourite fake god

Christianity built the dark ages. The enlightenment built western civilisation and all the thanks goes to the scientific method.

>Christianity built western civilization
that's total arrogance lol

nearly lead to europe's total destruction a handful of times though, particularly weakening constantinople. in fact ghengis khan has saved europe accidentally before, christianity has never done that

I did though. I pointed out they're projection and the reality is that atheists are far more upset and angry at Christians than vice versa. Go check r/atheism compared to r/christianity. r/atheism is a hive of angry indignant teens who are constantly sniping at religions, r/Christianity is civil discourse on Christianity with little to no reference to atheists. Same for the Christian generals here.

I mean it's obvious you're just baiting but it's pretty bad bait.

It's the concept of God I don't adhere to, I remain open minded to the nature of reality, I also believe that the opposite of love is fear.

oh shut up, they were all Christians in the enligtenment

>muh dark ages

also the worst of the bunch when it comes to christianity is american evanglicals who pollute Sup Forums for some reason. i think it might be mostly autistic people roleplaying

The scientific method was a development of Christians though.