Kiwi/pol/ General - 'There is no $11.7b Budget Hole' Edition

>Occasionally at 7pm until Election Night

>Election Date
Saturday, 23 September 2017
>Register to Vote

>Latest Poll - Newshub Reid Research - 3 September
National - 43.3
Labour - 39.4
Greens - 6.1
NZ First - 6.6
TOP - 1.9
Maori - 1.0
ACT - 0.6
United Future - 0.1

>Poll of Polls

Friday, Minor Party Leaders Debate - Details coming

>Top Story - Labour calls for an apology but National continues fiscal attack

>The election fines cops aren't handing out

>Nelson protester Rose Renton explains why she rubbed rat poison on Nick Smith

>Singaporean tourist who caused crash told to stay in New Zealand to make amends to victim

>Leaders debates: Very few votes change, but do they still matter?

>Jacinda Ardern promises retaliation to Australia, Bill English says that's 'pretty silly'

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Tell me about New Zeeland
How exactly do you differ from the Great Aus?



Everything here doesn't want to kill you.

Ah, and how violent are the Maoris? Do they still practice cannibalism and drink petrol like their western neighbors?
Are they... People?

They get a lot of gibsdats from the government through the treaty and end up misspending or losing it. As a whole they are still a representation from the film 'Once Were Warriors'

Horse face getting BTFO today

>G-guys I'll s-stand up to the Aussies


I've decided. Am voting National. Was going to do NZF again but I don't trust Winnie anymore. I think he will side with Jacinda. And there's no way I can live with little miss socialism as PM. She would make Trudeau look like hitler

Vote for Grand Marshall Jacinda or be sent to a gulag.


As an Australian living in NZ lemme answer
Everything Australia was in the 90s NZ is now, and visa versa.

NZ trade surplus, low unemployment, strong economy and stable parliament, only 3 changes in government in the last 20 years.

Australia massive debt, becoming overwhelmed by sjw culture, overrun with Lebanese and Vietnamese drug syndicates, 2 tier economy, Italian style politics with a new PM every other year.

Some OK, some are literal scum. On the whole they are a drain on the health system and corrections. But they do a lot of the menial jobs- bus drivers, cleaners etc. They're being usurped by cheaper to pay Indians and Samoans.

Ain't no way I'm voting for comrade taxcinda

Does anyone know what this might be?

where is it

Cool. A fuel gauge on someone's property?

A secret society of Harbor Bridge worshippers

Bumping with the most beautiful building in New Zealand

kinda shit inside though, it really needs a reno. Maybe on the next Block NZ?


Bumping with a message to China



Ive turned down overtime on the evening of the 23rd. I wanna watch the election coverage at home, don't wanna be at work and find out from some random fuckwit what the outcome was.

Uh, that's pretty pointless. You can already tell a coalition will be needed for government, meaning we'll get the results but nothing more.

True. But my autism loves watching the results coming in live for each electorate

Australia and America would be in hysterics if Jacinda tried to act tough towards them
They would see us as cute nz getting angwy :33

New Zealand is doomed. The election doesn't matter, it's too late anyway.

Don't be defeatist
Our ancestors were based seamen and settlers colonizing distant lands for fresh new pastures and a life free from the terrors in Europe
They would be disgusted at the cucks that have filled our country the past 100 years
Old stock kiwis are still patriotic and want NZ to go back to its traditionalist roots
Only the looney libcuck 1st to like 6th? gen beta whites in NZ want us to be a carbon copy of the shithole that is Europe

Bill English and Jacinda Ardern are clueless puppets. We're facing a major economic collapse and the clowns in parliament are not prepared. I want to believe you about the old stock patriotism and traditionalist roots but I dunno, maybe i've been in the city too long. People are degenerate, the old kiwi way of life is gone. No more quarter acre sections. Jack is no longer as good as his master, Chang. Apartment living, high rents, low wages and the perpetual scowl of foreigners in our midst. The magnificent Gothic architecture replaced by cold monstrosities of concrete, steel and glass. Sometimes it feels like we are really the descendants of criminals and rejects, pushed out to the ends of the earth and no better than a bloody Aussie. We just tell ourselves that seamen and settlers were decent and righteous in their pursuits but truth is they were drunks and roughnecks who ran out of land and sea, got stranded on these rocks and have nowhere left to go.

Feel the same. Trying to find hope in whatevers left in my town in my country that reminds me of how it used to be.
Some of my issues with change are personal but much of it is a headlong drive into whatever everyone thinks is progress but really its whatever makes them money and doesnt upset their comfort levels.

Reminder to vote for based Seymour.

Seymour is not based at all.

>truth is they were drunks and roughnecks who ran out of land and sea, got stranded on these rocks and have nowhere left to go.
Most of them were settlers/farmers, not criminals, just honest hard working folk. In many places around rural NZ and smaller towns you can still keep your doors unlocked and your keys in the car and be fine. It used to be even safer till Americanism reached our shores.

Yeah I think small/rural town living is the way forward for me. All I want is to live in Britain of the South Pacific.

Fuck off.

t. 3rd gen pommie
Go to a region of NZ where most people are of old stock colonials
People say racist and sexist jokes all the time in public unironically. People are redpilled as fuck where I live
Those seamen and farmers and early settlers were conservatives. Their libcuck descendants have annihilated the nation to turn NZ into the same pozzed hellhole that they sailed away from

Bong detected
The reason why NZ has become a shithole is because we are following in cucked yuropean footsteps

When i say Americanism i mean the Jewish entertainment industry and consumerism.

Also I'm not a bong, I'm Scottish (partly British). My grandfather served in ww2 here and his father in ww1, my great great grandfather settled here in 1860 and helped many people settle here.

Let's be honest, the rot set in when we stopped the Six o'clock swill.

Sorry, I misunderstood you
Most kiwis when they complain about "Americanism" are complaining about traditional values and conservatism

Yeah if a kiwi's ancestors didn't arrive in the 1800s or earlier, they can't call themselves a real New Zealander.
Doesn't matter if someone is Scottish, English, Welsh, etc. As long as you're oldstock, you're most likely not a cuck.

Is anyone else looking forward to reading all the butthurt on /r/newzealand after labour and the greens crash and burn again? 2014 was delicious.

>Sorry, I misunderstood you
No worries, i should have clarified myself further.

>As long as you're oldstock, you're most likely not a cuck.
Sadly not the case for my family, they're all a bunch of leftist faggots. Only my mum isn't but she's an atheist who loves Jews, that may be due to separate lineages though.

I hope so but it is closer than it needs to be.

In a way it would be better if National lost narrowly to a Labour + Green + NZF abortion. The resulting mess might not even last 3 years, would allow National to rejuvenate, and ensure another long term next time around.

NZ is still irrelevant.

You found any Australians to be senators yet cunt?

Nah, I can't stand reddit.

Mate, I hope you're not inciting serious contempt of Kiwis. That's against the law.

Still can't marry your boyfriend over there huh?

It's not about liking reddit, it's about liking their delcious tears.

Damn, didn't know New Zealand was so racist...

That's why we need to party vote ACT.


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