How to Permamently Fix the Black Problem

Free sterilization clinics. I know it sounds crazy, but why doesn't someone start an organization for free sterilization clinics based off of Planned Parenthood? Because hate abortions or not, they sure do help in keeping the black population just at replacement rate.
However, a few unwanted children still get past this. With a free sterilization clinic though, there would be no unwanted children in the black communities anymore, and black men or women could get sterilized. It could be advertised in a way such as "Don't wanna worry bout no kids?" or "Don't wanna end up a single mama?"
Sure, the negatives would be that some more white people might use the free sterilization, but it'd basically just be liberals, and even then it'd probably be mostly used by blacks like abortion. It could be a win-win for black communities and us, no more unwanted children and single mothers for them, demographics for us, and even other groups could win for this. Less abortion for anti-abortion Christians, less people for hippies worried about overpopulation, etc.
The only problem might be that someone saying they're "sterile" has some negative connotation, but there's already an easy solution to this used by people that sterilize their pets. Call it getting fixed. Then it'll easily spread around the black community. "Ay bro, I ain't gotta worry about kids no more, they fixin people for free now!" "Ay sistah, they fixin gals for free now! No more single baby mamas fo us!
There's absolutely no negatives for any sides with free sterilization clinics except maybe democrats and their need for black voter blocs. If anyone reading this wants to look into starting up an non-organization for free sterilization clinics, I know I'll support it. I'd suggest anyone looking to start any organization like that to not have a trace of a political background, that way the organization can be attacked as little as possible so that blacks can self sterilize and reduce their demographics in peace.

>the black problem

Yes, are you implying niggers aren't a problem?

They deliberately have children for extra gibs.

stop paying welfare, if your state/city/land doesn´t provide enough workplaces move. Will work in every land/country/continent

They actually offer that in my country but no one does it. Maoris are a little smarter than niggers but you have an uphill battle

>They deliberately have children for extra gibs.


>waaaaaah jews are trying to covertly genocide jews
>Lets go covertly genocide black people

Only the some women, and those are the ones that don't dread being a single mother. The great thing about this is that the men can also self-sterilize, and they never wanna deal with children or the possibility of lingering child support.

Well if it's the only genocide allowed om this castrated earth then why can't whites play the covert genocide game too?

You're going to have to give them more of an incentive than that. For instance, welfare for NOT having kids. Although it would be a drain on the economy for a while, eventually their population would drastically decrease and thus, be better on the economy over the long haul.

The nigger babies that do make it through planned parenthood should immediately castrated upon delivery. For the black women, bleached. Black Men work farms.

What about a free pair of Jordans for getting yourself sterilized? Niggers always think short term, so they walk by and see a sign that says "Get fixed NOW and get a FREE pair of Jordans" and they're all lining up.

> killing every other faction before your own dies

It's called a win condition nigger

Just end the free gibs

>welfare paid out in credits, not cash
>credits have no cash value, non transferable
>credits only redeemable for approved items (basically wholesome food and bare essentials)
>realtime monitoring to detect fraud and abuse
>if it's a family being assisted, they get regular audits (home visits) by auditors, both to ensure that there's no fishy abuse scheme going, and to make sure the needs of parents and their kids are being met adequately but responsibly (basically auditors would be IRS goons and social workers in one, with a side of CPS)
>mothers who pump out kids solely to increase the credits they receive may have their kids put up for adoption by the state and penalized, as it's pretty clear the kids are being used solely for welfare abuse and are not going to be adequately taken care of

>those recieving welfare due to unemployment must work for their payment
>must either be doing eligible volunteer or community service work
>must show verifiable proof of work done to receive weekly allotment of credits
>must also show at least once per month proof of part or fulltime employment seeking
>No work, no credits

No more welfare abuse because the things they can buy are limited to only what they absolutely require, no more pumping out kids to milk the system for more, no more lazy fucks claiming welfare so they don't have to work

All of these are the prime tactics gibsmedats use to exploit the system for free money, cut that out, and they either have to get with the program, or die.

Nuking america is a good start

Worth a try at least. Rich anons make it happen

Then incentivise sterilisation at a greater rate then the gibs for children. It's their choice.

iwouldn't be suprised if France was 13% nigger like America is faggot. Too bad we'll never know because your country some reason bans demographics censuses :^)

>if France was 13% nigger like America is faggot

You wish, Hussein Obama

America is 20-30% nigger btw because of the one-drup rule

They dont even use condoms because they lack the brainpower to understand consequences. They would rather die of AIDS then stop and think for 10 seconds, and you think they're going to sterilize themselves because they might have kids???? Good luck with that.

learn from half life's treatments of humans. you give them food that has no protein so they cant breed and engineer a slave work and army force to deal with laziness

Tons of your babies are being born with the genes for sickle cell anemia, have fun being 20% white in 60 years frog fag

They get abortions all the time because it's advertised to them. Might as well go a step further and get them to sterilize themselves instead of getting an abortion every 3 months.

That's AFTER they fucked up. They wont do anything to prevent fucking up.

so kind of like cash for clunkers but with vasectomies...
cash for spunkers?

Then how about we asking them if they want their tubes tied for free with the abortion, and they get one free welfare stamp if they say yes.

sterilization for free gibs

This solution presented itself a long time ago. Blacks have just not moved to sterilization yet, instead they still are focusing on abortions.

I had a very similar idea to you but my sterilisation program would be sponsored by Sony. Niggers will do anything for a free PlayStation and a handful of games.

Oh shit that's a great idea. The government can not tax Sony if they, in return, give free a Playstation and a copy of NBA 2K to every nigger that sterilizes himself.

It's been done. There's a charity that pays crackheads 300 bucks to get their tubes tied.

You're talking about Project Prevention. That's different though. Its only free for crackheads, most niggers won't come out admitting to that. Free sterilization for everyone will make a lot more niggers wanna get sterilized though, like free abortion for everyone has.

Why did he wear a tux to his vasectomy?

"Becaz if Ahs gonna be impotent I want to LOOK impotent."

I'll pay +10% taxes for this.

But this just creates a new bureaucracy (bigger gummint) which will be filled with no work Democrat sinecures that don't actually perform any of the functions you outline. FAIL.

Lol. They're more likely to admit to that than to want to wipe out the black race. If you can't come up with a better excuse than preventing crack babies, you need to go back to stealth eugenics school


In US, you have much larger problem - Latinos. Your black population is not growing, but beaners will replace you eventually. Not to mention, that "sterilization clinics for blacks" is a shitstorm waiting to happen.

Such clinics should be opened in African states where retards have 8 kids that depend on gibs from Western countries to keep them alive. And those kids will have too much kids in their life time.

I know spics are a much bigger problem, but I honestly don't know what we're gonna fucking do about them. I wish they would just all mass immigrate to Canada.
>"sterilization clinics for blacks" is a shitstorm waiting to happen.
The point is that they'd be for everyone like abortion clinics are, but they'll probably be used mostly by blacks like abortion clinics since blacks hate parenthood more than any race. Also I agree, those clinics should also be open in African countries.
