Give me 1 (one) reason why this fatty would want a nuclear war when he is a god king to his country men and he has all...

Give me 1 (one) reason why this fatty would want a nuclear war when he is a god king to his country men and he has all the pucci and great eating he wants.

Doesnt make sense to throw that all away. Unless hes like brad pitt from troy and wants everybody to remember his name.

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maybe because hes angry bored and unhappy, hitler had all the good eats and boipucci too and he chose war

Give Japan a nuke and he's shut the fuck up.
We all know those crazy bastards would actually do it.....

never realized how much he looks like matsuko deluxe

He wants a deterrent just like America has, that's all.

Hes an autistic fat spoiled cunt. You can go write ahead and flush any notion of him using logic down the toilet. All he knows is
>hehe stupid american! I shoot missile and you do nothing!

He doesnt want war. Thats the entire point of having nukes. If Saddam had nukes, he'd be alive. He doesnt want NK to be democratically improved by the globalist banks.

He isnt going to attack anyone. Anyone pushing the narrative otherwise is pushing fake news, including Trump.

He doesn't, USA does

Maybe because more will follow the same path if nobody acts?

3rd generation always fucks it up. The other problem is he's probably in genuine fear of being killed Roman Emperor style by one of his generals if he doesn't keep the absurd spectacle up. He has less control than most assume.

I actually feel sorry for him somewhat. He was never meant to be leader. Was brought up for a life of hookers and endless cash, instead has to rule a fucked up country under genuine fear of betrayal.

His the best Troll in the whole world

Yeah, nucleair proliferation is what we need. Fucking retard, this isn't about banks, this is about closing the door to any other nations getting their hands on nukes. And rightfully so, if more nations get nukes then it's only a matter of time before something goes horribly wrong. It's already a matter of time before something goes horribly wrong. But allowing the most authoritarian fascist nation on the planet to obtain nukes is just asking for trouble.

>more nations will seek the means to promote nationalist values and prevent globalist intrusion and invasion
Oh no the horror, what about our shekels goy?

America will never attack a nuclear armed country out of fear they might get nuked back. Never have, never will.
America would have already attack North Korea by now, but what isn't commonly discussed (except by Steve Bannon, which got his ass fired for pointing it out) the NK has the largest sheer amount of conventional artillery on Earth and Seoul is within firing range of their stationed positioned.

There's no counterstrategy to North Korea flattening South Korea's capital with conventional munitions.

On top of tens of millions dying and displaced within a single week, even given a short war, you have millions and millions of completely fucked North Korean brainwashed refugees who are completely unassimilable to Western society. An enormous humanitarian crisis worse then Syria.

Kim knows all this, so he's going to keep on working on an ICBM. And when that's done, he can kick back a bit knowing noone's going to bother what he's going on.

Let me tell you exactly what is going to happen

>NK fires a missile from its westcoast toward East (Japan, US...)
>SK or US Navy fires THAAD to intercept it
>NK's missile explodes over ITS territory
>NK blames them for attacking on their soil
>The regime's radio and TV broadcast fake documentary about the region where the debris fell
>NK asks for reparations
>all economic sanctions (even previous to 2017) are lifted
>Bank of China keeps investing to refuel the NK economy
>still no more food aid from SK
>fuck that anyway
>start converting cicadas and worms into protein energy bars
>buy animal meal to developped country banned there because muh sanitarian regulations
>build gigantic insect farms and feed them that
>feed the poor
>hell, even export it
>have Chinese companies build ghost cities in NK to help China economy
>except NK are now living in them
>open more border industrial complex with SK
>gradually move them farther north
>become and industrial and agricultural superpower in 10 years

Whats worse, a nation wanting to be left the fuck alone and gaining the means to prevent needless war or a superpower going around shitstomping anyone it wants?

America causes more deaths with its interventionist policies than lives it saves.

Ur a retard. Ur thad system didnt blow up the bomb when it flew over japan.

I remember the fist attempt on the World Trade Center in '93. People either didn't notice or said, "LOL, goat fuckers to stupid to do it right." Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away.

North Korean people want the end of Kim Dynasty.
It's well known in the east Asia.

>Hes an autistic fat spoiled cunt. You can go write ahead and flush any notion of him using logic down the toilet. All he knows is
>>hehe stupid american! I shoot missile and you do nothing!

And quite right America does nothing. Testing missiles is not an act of war.

>norks are actually waging a war against man eating sharks and sea lice

until a lunatic finally launches one and the earth's surface is bathed in cleansing nuclear fire

>America causes more deaths with its interventionist policies than lives it saves.

I doubt anyone except Americans thinks saving lives is the intended result of US policies

win win either way

>Russia has nukes; nobody cares
>USA has nukes; nobody cares
>France has nukes; nobody cares
>Israel has nukes; nobody cares

He doesn't want Nuclear war. He wants nukes so that he can have a land war with South Korea and America wouldn't be able to respond in defense of South Korea.

Even PAKISTAN has nukes.

Pakistan's nukes are the sole reason the US has not invaded them. We fucked up Afghanistan for less legit reasons than Pakistan literally housing Osama.
This is why Kimmy boy needs nuke, its gear up or get Saddamed

US was gives those nukes to Pakistan and they supported you in Afghanistan invasion.

He dosen't want to attack the US. He wants an effective nuclear deterrent. I would not be suprised if the only words he ever spole to Donald or any other president of the US would be "we know we will loose a war, we know this and we will not attack you. But if you attack, there will be a nuclear detonation on US soul, and it will be forever what people remember you by."

he doesn't want nuclear war, he just want to have nuclear weapons so he doesn't get invaded

>butthurt Brit still mad they got shitstomped by farmers with torches and pitchforks

Yeah guys let's let the country that is constantly threatening death to America, SK, Japan get nukes so we can let them have first strike capability. That's such a great idea, now I see why your people in bongland have no balls and are letting Muslim's invade and rape your country into oblivion. I'm sure if you were at risk of NK nukes instead of us, you'd welcome the nuclear holocaust just as you welcome rapefugees.

> farmers with torches and pitchforks
Nice meme