In Europe, Hate Speech Laws are Often Used to Suppress and Punish Left-Wing Viewpoints

Do these retards actually believe this?

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As a radical euroleftist you can call for the death of all people right of stalin, break into their homes and assault them with weapons in public

What cant you say as a radical leftist in europe?

Well then!

I guess hate speech laws are retarded. Glad this lefty came to his senses.

Push this narrative. Maybe the left will destroy hate speech laws.

Maybe this is a good thing. If we can convince leftys that its true they won't push for hate speech laws.

Leftists get arrested when they criticise Jews
Rightists get arrested when they criticise Jews
Two sides of the kosher sandwich
Really makes you think

I have never ever heard of anyone convicted for Antifa left-wing type rhetoric in Europe.

I have heard thousands of times of people being jailed for petty right-wing things such as Chinks doing Nazi salutes in Germany.


Maybe that'll encourage Eurpoe to adopt real free speech. I dobut it.

That's just a straight up lie

I think it's because of left-wing "anti-semtism/zionism"

Criticize Israel.

>Do these retards actually believe this?

It's easy to believe on it when it's true.

In my country, a lot of leftists have been punished for writing on Twitter or Facebook hateful messages. These idiots, leftists, don't understand that when you support laws against freedom of speech, these laws can be used against you. They're simply retarded.

Oh wow

Its almost like we told you so.

If you think about it, some leftists probably speak out against Islam.

>the Juden cries out in pain as he lashes you


This lefty-tranny was convicted for making jokes against the victims of ETA and insulting cuckservative politicians.


They never speak out against Islam, but most of them are anti-Jews, support terrorists groups like ETA and write hateful messages against other's people parties.

They fooled themselves thinking that hate speech laws were never be against them.

>The (((Left))) cries out in pain as (((it))) strikes you

>In Europe, Hate Speech Laws are Often Used to Suppress and Punish Left-Wing Viewpoints
Well if that's the case then I suppose we should just remove them


I wanna tell all the white people the niggers in this country are organizing, they're stockpiling weapons. Theyre gonna kill off all the white men. They're gonna rape our women, and make slaves outta our children. While you sit on your butt, drink beer, and watch TV. The niggers are gonna take over. The jews are using the nigger as a tool, just like a carpenter uses a hammer. The jews are destroying this country by using the nigger as a tool.

They will not, leftists are childish, they think that those laws will never apply to them until it finally happens. Then outrage and tears.

Leftists are retards. None of the things they shill for is anything new. All of it was here before, but a better generation of men recognized it for what it was and stood in its way.

All of the things that you hear nowadays from the so called 'hard left' was a norm in my country during a time period called 'Normalization' nowadays called by the name 'Totality'
When I warned them last year after Cologne that while German government makes a show of blasting right wingers with water cannons in the middle of January, the same government cleansed far left activists in silence. They didn't believe me and a year later you hear all of them ablooblooing that they are being crushed in large numbers.

It is like dealing with retards.

>In Europe, Hate Speech Laws are Often Used to Suppress and Punish Left-Wing Viewpoints
I disagree that they are often used like that, but the potential is there for that just as with the right.
So yeah, lets let them believe they came to that conclusion themselves and get them pushing for free speech.

That is a fucking lie

Supporting laws against hate speech is always a stupid idea, because those laws depend on the criteria of the government that rules at that moment and those governments can change.

>Euro nations that enforce hate speech laws are coincidentally the same countries where"conservative" parties make the American Democrats look like Pinochets High Flying Helicopter Enthusiast club


I didn't save it, because sometimes I rage just too hard, but if you go through the legislation of the EU regarding the hatespeech, there actually IS a paragraph that states that any disruptive activism against the EU can be considered 'hatespeech'.
People just don't read this shit.

Archive that shit!


The mistake they seem to make over and over again is thinking that everyone thinks like them and shares their values, and that the few exceptions are either a case of a lack of education or evil intent.

>legislation of the EU regarding the hatespeech
where can I read that?

It is already too late. Even tiny fractures in the armor can bring the whole thing down.

Do you know who are the biggest activists against secularism and for religious blasphemy legislation?

The Sikhs.

Whether they know it or not, their lawsuit for the freedom to wear turbans in government jobs are leaving precedents that allow for bigger religious control over secular society.
Exactly this is what happened now in Canada - that blasphemy law tailored specifically for muslims and ONLY muslims was possible thanks to precedence set by Sikhs.

right-wing - fixed it for ya


Leftists who say "Hey, maybe ISIS isn't that great and we should rethink....." get the bullet too.

This, in the UK its a crime to advocate for a boycott of Israel. Under hate-speech laws, of course.

Sorry user, I lost my hatefolder not long ago, you would have to go through EU law books regarding discrimination and human right legislative.
BTW there is segment that states that any antifeminist behavior or speech is considered hatespeech too.
EU is just incompetent in its enforcements, but bolschevik style rules are already in the place.

We have a simple solution... FREE SPEECH.
