Why are leftists too stupid to understand the difference between a conqueror / settler / colonist and an immigrant?

why are leftists too stupid to understand the difference between a conqueror / settler / colonist and an immigrant?

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They have a fundamentally different neuroanatomy/physiology than people of different more traditional/Right ideologies and therefore a completely different conceptualization of the world and categories within it.

>we are different because our ships were bigger

LOL white supremacists everyone

Their entire philosophy is based on egalitarianism

>we are different because we built the country from scratch as opposed to integrating into a pre-existing country
>leftists are too stupid to understand this
LOL leftists everyone

to tall ships!

>replying to bait

Newfags everyone.

You are American, right?
You do realize that black slaves have assisted you economically and developed your country culturally as much as white people did.

too bad your racism gets in the way of that.

[citation needed]


That's a very delicate topic though.
I'll explain.
In which category do you think Israel falls in?
They didn't have a state until 1948-1949.
They are all of this combined. Conquerors, settlers, colonists and immigrants. The difference in many cases is so subtle that there basically isn't one.

>black slaves have assisted you economically and developed your country culturally as much as white people did

right, which is why they invented all of our technology, system of government and everything else and gave us the language of the Anglosaxons

you're not even trying

You're fucking a white male!


>right, which is why they invented all of our technology, system of government and everything else and gave us the language of the Anglosaxons

Are you this fucking thick, redneck?
Blues, Jazz, Rap, birth of rock and the ECONOMICAL SUPPORT that allowed America to THRIVE which was through SLAVERY is to be credited to black people.
If Blacks didn't pick your cottons, build your houses and didn't manufacture alot of your shit, then America would be another shithole on the American continent (like Brazil or Mexico).

You do realize they would still be in Africa otherwise? Ken Hamelin used to be a conservative radio guy in the 90s who happened to be black. EVERY day he would say "Thank God my ancestors were slaves so I could wake up every morning in the USA!"

>salon com/2016/06/06/study_liberals_and_conservatives_have_different_brain_structures_partner
>huffingtonpost com/entry/liberals-and-conservatives-brains-solve-problems-differently_us_56f00b95e4b09bf44a9dd89f

>The difference in many cases is so subtle that there basically isn't one

nonsense lol

if you carve a country out of the wilderness, you are a settler

if you conquer a country and take it from another group, you're a conqueror

if you go from the motherland to a colony within an empire (ex. from UK to Canada during the British Empire), you are a colonist (NOT an immigrant)

if you go to a pre-existing country that is not your own (or a colony of your empire) and legally gain citizenship and assimilate, you're an immigrant

it doesn't make much sense to call Israelis immigrants because they didn't really "immigrate" into Palestinian society, they built their own country entirely and declared independence

>You do realize they would still be in Africa otherwise?

The American dream, everyone.

Let me sum it up for your little brain:
>Brexit happens
>Economy takes a slight fall
"uhh... fuck quality of living, freedom matters much more!"

>Blacks get enslaved and freighted of to America to work as slaves
"wow you guys should be glad you're here and not in your poor shithole"

So YOU'RE TELLING ME, that you would rather work and live as slave, than live your life the most natural way, not be disconnected from your family and be under likeminded people?

Looks like the "American dream" is just a big joke.

>Blues, Jazz, Rap, birth of rock
> ECONOMICAL SUPPORT that allowed America to THRIVE which was through SLAVERY
so then this is interchangeable with any other group and means nothing, being the physical tools to carry out someone else's plans doesn't mean you contributed anything to the designs
>If Blacks didn't pick your cottons, build your houses and didn't manufacture alot of your shit, then America would be another shithole on the American continent (like Brazil or Mexico).
complete BS but nice try

>Blues, Jazz, Rap, birth of rock
All use instruments and a language developed by huwhites
>ECONOMICAL SUPPORT that allowed America to THRIVE which was through SLAVERY is to be credited to black people.
Like cotton picking and stuff? I think you're talking about the Confederate States of America. The USA liberated slaves from the CSA
>If Blacks didn't pick your cottons, build your houses and didn't manufacture
the USA used machines in place of slaves, more productive.
Masonry is a Mediterranean thing, the italians built our skyscrapers
As for manufacturing, idk wtf youre talking about. What black owned factory do you mean?

Whatever you say Habibi

The Germans built our churches, the Italians built our skyscrapers and the Africans built.....fuck I don't know, peanut butter or something

Africans built our statistics in the FBI crime data base.

>>Blues, Jazz, Rap, birth of rock
oh ok, so music isn't important to an uncultured, incestious redneck, colour me surprised.

>> ECONOMICAL SUPPORT that allowed America to THRIVE which was through SLAVERY
>so then this is interchangeable with any other group and means nothing, being the physical tools to carry out someone else's plans doesn't mean you contributed anything to the designs
My words are going through your ear and coming out from the other.

>All use instruments and a language developed by huwhites
Are you retarded? They were stripped off their culture, why the fuck aren't you paying respect to people who could still be successful with a foreign culture that is as toxic as the Americans'?

>Like cotton picking and stuff? I think you're talking about the Confederate States of America. The USA liberated slaves from the CSA
LOL, nice myth, but the CSA were just as industrious as the northern states. Tell me, idiot, what were black slaves doing when they weren't picking cotton or manufacturing stuff? Looking at their feet all day?
Also, bannishing slavery was merely a political move, please tell me how black people were still segregated and then come to a conclusion that actually makes sense.

>What black owned factory do you mean?
You fucking suck at arguing, if you can't rub 2 brain cells together to realize that manufacturing can be synonymous to producing, then you really need to get your brain checked by a black neurosurgeon.

Whatever you say cousin fucker

who gave us our system of government?
who were the Founding Fathers?
what language do we speak?
where does our architecture come from?
who invented the vast majority of technology we use today?
where did our fairy tales & children's stories come from?
where did our Holidays come from (Yule, Ostara, Samhain, etc)?
where do our beauty standards come from (that SJWs keep complaining about as being too ethnocentric)?
where did our history come from?
where did our genetics come from?
where did our motifs & archetypes come from (ex. a brave knight slaying a dragon, rescuing a princess, etc)?

we are European to our very cores, you can't refute this because it's impossible


>oh ok, so music isn't important to an uncultured, incestious redneck, colour me surprised
>Blues, Jazz, Rap, birth of rock
>All use instruments and a language developed by huwhites
>ignoring the vast worlds of other music created by whites that have nothing to do with blues, jazz or rock
>using a handful of music subgenres that not everyone even lists to, to try and counter every aspect of society which is European, from the language to the architecture to the system of government etc.

the shills aren't sending their best

even if this was true what would it have to do with letting mexicans or muslims or additional niggers in

>Are you retarded? They were stripped off their culture, why the fuck aren't you paying respect to people who could still be successful with a foreign culture that is as toxic
Are you implying rap, rock, blues and jazz sound better in african with african instruments?
>LOL, nice myth, but the CSA were just as industrious as the northern states. Tell me, idiot, what were black slaves doing when they weren't picking cotton or manufacturing stuff? Looking at their feet all day?Also, bannishing slavery was merely a political move, please tell me how black people were still segregated and then come to a conclusion that actually makes sense.
It doesn't matter how industrious dixie was, they lost and slavery was abolished.

>You fucking suck at arguing, if you can't rub 2 brain cells together to realize that manufacturing can be synonymous to producing, then you really need to get your brain checked by a black neurosurgeon.
That still doesnt answer the question, name a household name of an african product that the majority of the US population uses daily.
>INB4 peanut butter

hey shills, consider this:
>you are only able to form thoughts right now using language
>language literally shapes thoughts, hence the power of words
>the culture of a people is intimately woven into their spoken language
>you are speaking the language of the Anglosaxons
>the days of the week are named after Norse Gods (Thursday is Thor's Day, Friday is Freyja's Day, etc.)
>your mental operating system is that of a European, Germanic, pagan barbarian tribe - and there is nothing you can do about it