Meanwhile in moortugal

meanwhile in moortugal

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Fuvking roaches
Goymany wasn't enough for them...

how come people in a crowd never realize how much damage they could do if they all rushed a person at once?

shut up german bitch

Well he is fighting back,this is something you wouldnt see in most of the cucked eu nations and the US and canada.

>Palacio Do Kebab

Que delicia! Fucking niggers got BTFO! Niggers in webm attacked the kebab joint and tried to shoot based honorary roach.

thats not true

Nigger, id start shooting everything brown if this happend to me.


Im ashamed of how far we've fallen



If it was not for your arse(Murica) we wouldn't have all became immigration heavens in the 60's.

long story short:
>pack of nig... youngsters leave the disco at 6 or 7am, can't recall
>"we hungry now"
>kebab restaurant is opening but still not serving food
>they invade the restaurant
>"we eat now"
>the owner asked them to leave
>they don't
>he forces them out
>they attack him
>he defends himself with the kebab knife
>one of them shoots a gun
>no one is gravely injured
>for a brief period of time, the kebab roach is branded as a racist neo-nazi because: 1) his head his shaven; 2) he attacked youngsters
>the guy had some problems with the immigration services, but now everything is settled
>the restaurant's clientele grew 60% after this episode


*was shaven


>Palácio do Kebab

What a good roach

Joking aside, him being an immigrant defending himself from a pack of feral niggers saved him from prosecution. If it were a native portuguese this incident would be blasted in the TV, at all times, trying to paint him (and by extension portuguese society) as a disgusting racist. This would spark "nacional debate" on how we should be good goys and be more welcoming of minorities, and that theres no place in society for irrational hate.

Its ridiculous how predictable our society is

So yourself?

>Palácio do Kebab

>why don't nigs use a simple group tactic that requires basic levels of intelligence and bravery


>arab slavemaster disciplines his stock
such a rich and beautiful culture!

shot at point blank and missed, niggers are retarded

This. I don't know why the GERcuck is trying to talk shit because Lisbon is a cesspool of degeneracy.
There is not a single Portuguese person in the OP and Southern Portuguese """people""" have Moor admixture.

Inb4 a moortuguese starts autistically screeching. I would gladly give the south to Spain and get together with Galicia.

Do you have any source ?

How will Europe recover "peacefully" from the invasion of millions of those fucking animals?

How can we return to normalcy where Portugal is Portugal and Sweden is Sweden?

I try to visualize the future and I only see war and endless civil conflicts derived from the madness migration period of these last decades.

I am a Greek

turkish kebab owner is fighting against black gangsters because they refused to pay the bill and attacked him.

Link is in portuguese. Seems the dude was a turk with kurdish origin. Didnt know this detail. He defended himself from a group of 20 nig attackers. One of them had a knife that he used to try to stab based roach and another had a handgun

>roach is significantly whiter than poortuguese

WHy dont refugees come to Brazil.

We would love to do Muslim soup here.


There isnt a single portuguese in the video posted

Guess nobody wants to be the first guy who will get BTFO

No shit. You're living at the end of western civilization.

He may be Roach but it put smile on my face seeing theses niggers beat

It won't.
We're gonna see some nasty shit in the next 30 years.

Do not lament. When you go more than a hundred years without a major war, your nation begins to fall apart from decadence and infirmity. We will be the generation of glorious slaughter as we reclaim our lands.

The last great war claimed 60 million lives, but today we have weapons far more powerful. A hundred million would be a low-ball for the death-count. Several hundred million is entirely possible.

Let the planet drown in blood.

>palacio do kebab

why are there niggers in portugals?

Portugal wtf?! I though you didn't have niggers.

there was a black youth uprising in london couple years ago (maybe in 2010 or 11). they looted and pillaged hundreds of shops. police never came. only turkish neighborhood fought against them and repelled them.

you people overestimate the power of blacks and scared of them. also you don't have collective mentality to unite against attackers maybe afraid of labeled racist.


>couple years ago
>(maybe in 2010 or 11)
makes sense

Niggers are cowardly and selfish. It's why they can't maintain a civilization of any scale above mud hut villages.

roaches never go down without a fight. best enemies
you're good in my book, onur.

are you jealous because your people are too scared or liberal to fight against thousands of black gangsters?

watch the video. we don't give a shit about black gangs.

>unarchived The Guardian
Use hooktube to prevent views. Just edit the domain in the url.

thank you karamanlis.

even greek anarchists and leftists fight harder than average western right winger today.

that's the joke

Can confirm. There was a street of Turkish residents/shop owners armed with kebab knives who weren't taking any shit.

It's nice to see different minorities face off for a change. Keep whitey out of it.

He's the only one allowed to fight back.
>I wouldn't even be surprised if they found the nearest white person and arrested them on his behalf.

We are infested with niggers in Lisbon.

Fuck off faggot

>i'm a single mother journalist
>that's how I like to imagine it

This is just so sad

Yes, as long as humanity exists, there will be bloody revenge.
They're biding for time, but blood will flow, and it will be everything we ever needed.

>Palácio do Kebab

Brave fucking warrior.

Based Norbro.

I guess the movies are right. It appears to be the way it really happens.

t. abdul mohamed mohamed mohamed islam mohamed al-baghdadi

At least they remove kebab.

And the Southern Margin of the river Tejo. The entire damn Lisbon district and surroundings.

Portugal is not white

the price we now pay for our glorious empires of yore

Fucking horrendous, this is what the black hordes bring, nothing but destruction.

Europe is fucked.

I'm atheist and my name comes from latin language roots. now go and suck some indian cock :D

>jew york
>single mom
really gets the old neurons going

Shouldn't you be killed? I thought being an atheist in t*rkey would be a death sentence? Can't watch that video btw, nets too slow

Not true. Liberal riot kids get away with violence and don't get persecuted for their actions. Right wing and white non liberals in general are heavily persecuted. If shit ever really went down as a full blown race war without government intervention it would be a slaughter. I'd guess 90%+ of gun owners are non liberal, same for the military, all non liberals. The internet warriors and masked antifa kids are unarmed, untrained, uncoordinated. If they really tried to square off against the country folks and rednecks it would be an absolute blood bath.

haha this video made me laugh hard, thanks user

i love how he keeps them at bay, niggers are cowards and strike in groups, and they are too stupid to run into him at once
Race war will be easy

Maybe the problem is just niggers and we could all live peacefully if they didn't exist. They are the only race thats never contributed anything to humankind.

But the Quran forbids the use of edged weapons against other Muzzies over food squabbles unless the date is an odd day and not on Tuesdays in the morning.


kebab man has some sick moves with the machete at the end of the webm

Tá rindo do que, bettynho? Uma das redes mais famosas de fast food em SP é árabe e ainda tem o simbolo do islam no logo.

Fun fact:
The nigger that fell down had one side of his face kebabed by the knife, although you can't see it in the webm

From experience, i would say that about 10% of the population of Lisbon are niggers.

get out curkmany

I wish I was there with that poor soul

Did the niggers eat him?

Dear White people, Your government no longer represents you.

They applaud your demographic annihilation.

They confiscate TRILLIONS of dollars from you via taxation - and
do they use that money to help you? No. They give it to Blacks and
Browns so they can outbreed you. (The government also give billions of
dollars to the Jewish state of Israel and other foreign governments and
international organizations.)

They not only allow but they actively encourage and engage in discrimination against you.

They allow the beautiful cities YOUR ancestors built to be stolen
from you and turned into Third World-style war zones - courtesy of your
hard earned tax dollars.

They bring the full weight of the federal government against any of you who dare to defend yourselves.

They import millions of Third Worlders in order to displace you and steal your jobs.

They demonize you and call you racist while supporting racist organizations such as La Raza and the NAACP.

They ignore hundreds of thousands of yearly Black-on-White crimes
while making national sensations out of comparably few White-on-Black
"crimes" (many of which are complete fabrications).

They discourage you from reproducing by filling your children's heads with feminist nonsense.

They threaten to disarm you because Blacks and Browns can not behave responsibly with weapons.
And, after all of the above, they insist that YOU are the problem.

(((They))) want you DEAD.

Hate speech is speech jews hate to hear.

Most of our niggers arent muslim. So i guess its halal

So...the lighter skinned guy is probably a Lebanese guy or a Syrian guy and thats his kebab shop. Tbe rest of those niggers are from Sonalia or Eitrea - basing this on the fact that they are skinny and tall. Most west africans are heavier set.


Thats a very low estimate, edmilson

> 0.1% muslim
> 5% muslim


They are mostly Angolans and West Africans.

You can have 0% muslims but a ton of christians niggers.

why not just call the police?

Convenient store owners are often chastised by the cops because they use violence to deter people like this. It never leads to charges but it happens a lot in Canada. Then again; they're all owned by Koreans and Indians; they simply do not give a fuck.

They are most likely from angola. But they could be from any of our former colonies. We dont really have east african nigs

Remove the kebab

"94 % of the population is Portuguese. Brazilians, Black, mixed race and other Europeans each represents about 1.2 % of the total population."

Germoors BTFO

>10 ninjas vs one guy with katana
>ninjas attack one at a time
true dat user,

Is this Africa?

He was threatened at gunpoint and one of the feral nigs also tried to stab him. All this happened inside the shop, before of the recording posted. I dont think he would have the time to call the cops

Also note that the nigger population is reducing.

Prime example of why guns are the only efficient self defense option

>minorities will totally live in peace and harmony if we just get rid of the white man
>r-right guys?