Now that Trump has ended DACA, is there any doubt that he's a racist pig?

Now that Trump has ended DACA, is there any doubt that he's a racist pig?

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We've know he was a racist since the 1970s.

Your life must be terrible. Your world is ending. sorry you're such a pussy.

Ever thought about going back to mexico?

Wow, this post has really opened my eyes thank you Op

So Trump is letting illegal Europeans stay but not illegal spics or is this just another "I know nothing cause I'm a retard" thread

Only dumb stupid old white crackers voted for Trump

Prove me wrong, prove to me that non-whites like this guy.

Send em home by force!!!

Yeah, no need to point it out.

Now, can we please get the pee pee tapes?

found the cia nigger

once congress passes it he's going to sign DACA into law

I didn't realize overstaying your welcome was a race.

He's never gonna come down

Is there any doubt that I couldn't give a fuck?

No, and that's a good thing. The United States is now for whites immigrants only, as it was designed.

this. OP is not informed well

prove to us it matters what non-whites think....................


Go home!!! Go make Mexico great for the 1st time.

Que pasa puto?

>prove to us it matters what non-whites think....................

You are holding america back

white people are going to die out, all races will

We are going to become a mutli-racial nation.

hopefully he launches a program of forced euthanasia for niggers like you

Gringos for Trump!!!!!

Viva la Trumpo!!!

No one here cares if he's racist. He's a good President and knows niggers and spics have low IQs and depend on welfare. They don't belong in America.

>Anyone who enforces immigration law is racist.
Kill yourself.

you lost get over it

>enforces immigration law is racist.

Like weed laws right?

When did Mexican become a race? Is Australia a race? Switzerland?

>you lost get over it

You didn't say that under Obama you faggot.

no, but Sessions most certainly is. Never put manlets in power.

>Wahhhh! I don't like that law! Wahhhh!

Small hands

not a racist

hes just removing the cancer from our country

>Illegal immigrant is a race now

>ending an unconstitutional EO made by obongo in the first place
>is somehow racist
You're a special kind of fucking stupid, aren't you? kek Time for you to get the fuck out Paco

>Prove me wrong
He's the President, isn't he?
Sage this shill thread.

You may as well argue that him not liking Chinese food is classist for how little one statement has to do with the other.

>mother was a scottish refugee
>wife is a slavic whore with no work visa

widdle trumpy dont like the competition

Mexican is not a race, it is a geographic location.

Nobody cares what non-whites think. Welcome to reality, sweety.

How is it racist? Mexicans are white.

immigrants aren't a race you twat

>Trump won't remove DACA HAHAHAHHAHAHAH!
>Wow, Trump is actually racist as fuck! Impeach when?!

When will you faggots realize that you will just keep losing?

>Prove me wrong, prove to me that non-whites like this guy.
Lol who gives a shit what chimps think

>The word Racist
Is double plus newspeak nonesense that plays onto your existing MSM programming. It's vague meaning is expanded at will by zealots yet never defined.
OPs post is a good example, WTF does he even mean by the word..?

Dip shit...
DACA is not a racial issue
It is a legal issue
I know a white Canadien who was deported for having a felony possession charge.

Sending citizens of a foreign country home is not racists

Closing a loophole doesn't make you racist. Lol

>tfw America is only a 56% white country and voted in a racist white nationalist

What's your excuse, Europe?

>putting your citizens before foreigners

>Now that Trump is enforcing the law, is there any doubt that he's a racist pig?

So you're saying only one race breaks the law, racist?

>Nobody cares what non-whites think.

You will care when we vote you out cracker.

Putting the interests of AMERICANS before those of illegal leeches isn't racist.

>It is a legal issue

>it's a muh legal immigrant episode.

>Putting the interests of AMERICANS before those of illegal leeches isn't racist.

America was founded by dumb stupid old white men. Why aren't you cracking down on illegal European immigrants in US?

>DACA was an executive order
wewlad just wait for 3 more years till a black womyn become the president of the state to bring it back again

Oh, the tears are MARVELOUS. The clarity, the bouquet! The SALTINESS. And they age so well. Almost like a warm, salty honey.

He's a racist pussy! He can pick on Mexicans and Muslims but when North Korea pushes, Trump pusses out!

>being this dumb and angry at the same time

no he isnt you dumb ass he is looking out for americans and america first unlike you cuckold!

What he is doing is still logical.

stay mad faggot

I agree with the removal of DACA and anything created by the actual antichrist oblama.

I agree with his removal of DACA and anything created by the actual antichrist oblama.

Nothing wrong with being racist.
Not being racist is being deliberately stupid

Is it legal for a public university to send an email to all its students telling them to help push a liberal agenda?

This was his original message. I don't know how I feel about the DACA, but this is incredibly inappropriate for a university president to be doing.

Some races are better than others

Tell me one thing he's said that's racist.

> implying there's anything wrong with being "racist"

kys faggot

>Now that Trump has ended DACA, is there any doubt that he's a racist pig?

No other nation has such a program. Why aren't they racists?

If my father robs a bank and is arrested I am allowed to keep the money he stole from the crime?


i voted for him because he's racist, beaners pack your bags desu


Pobre putito, esta ardido porque lo van a deportar

>If my father robs a bank and is arrested I am allowed to keep the money he stole from the crime?

If you are a very good boy with a high grade point average.

Is that supposed to be bad if he's racist?

An I on r3ddit or Sup Forums? Are the virgin r3dditors here or something

nice try, but college lobbyist have congress by the balls

He won't because he can't. The one thing, under pressure, that they fall back on is, is his comment about the people Mexico is sending across our border. It is a quote which they frequently sample from but almost never publish in its entirety, in order to negatively skew perception. Full quote:

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems. And they’re bringing those problems with us (them.) They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And, some, I assume are good people.”

There is nothing objectively racist in that comment. First thing first, Mexican is a not a race, it is a nationality. Setting that aside, it is factual to state that people crossing our southern border - many of them - bring drugs, bring rape, bring other crimes. How do I know this? Well, if I was a leftist I'd probably read the Huffinfton Post, which in 2014 published an article which states virtually everything Donald Trump stated about the Mexican border in 2015:

The internet never forgets, even if most people have the attention span of a gnat.

>implyig racism is bad

So he didn't say anything racist
Go figure


>1 post by this ID
Racist is a Jewish word, sage bait.


The only "real" controversy they ever managed against Trump - the only gotcha that was actually based on facts - was Pussygate. That was their last best chance to derail the Trump Train. Sadly, for them, after 12 hours of manufactured msm shit storm we came to realize that Pussygate made him cooler, somehow more relatable. Only a leftist shill would even try to pretend they've never said anything dumb ever in their entire lives.



You have to take out their families



I'm a dreamer too OP, I dream of taking all your money and all your property. If you don't let me take it, you are a racist pig. Hand it over.

Nigger, you don't have the first clue how shit works do you? It's ok to admit you're a fucking moron.


All those niggers descendants from slaves though


Sadly I doubt he is.

Enforcing immigration laws is now racist. Obama been deporting millions, that racist!

Trump has never done anything racist. This is purely a Law & Order matter.

The fact that you would read race into it shows that you are the racist