Why are Republicans always giving free passes to Christian extremists...

Why are Republicans always giving free passes to Christian extremists, letting them get away with shit all the goddamn time?

Could it be that the GOP is just the political branch of these terror groups?

dumb frog poster

>frog poster

Oh look, it's this bs again
>op hates religion, especially Christians
>somehow OP loves Muslims
>uses an appeal to authority (in this case religious authority) argument

Show your flag fag. Christian cucks dont go suggesting their followers kill people if they dont follow you. Islam does.


>Why are Republicans always giving free passes to Christian extremists, letting them get away with shit all the goddamn time?
How cant keep letting the WBC expand and defend our 1st amendment rights!!!

>WBC, not emulating Christ
>KKK, not emulating Christ
>ISIS, emulates Muhammad

See the difference?


The KKK isn't even inherently Christian. It's was made around the time when Haitian Refugees were doing fucked up ass shit to white people down in the south. Hoodoo voodoo shit. You think people will sit one out when Timmy has fish hooks in his eyes with his rib-cage used as a crow nest with his lips sewn?

Fuck off.

why it's not like there's 200 of the them tuning about and beheading people and throwing gays off roofs

My typing sucks

Westboro doesn't do anything but hold offensive signs, and the KKK hasn't lynched a nigger in decades. Meanwhile ISIS decapitates people and burns them alive in cages.

Seriously, is that the best you've got?

Westboro terrorizes funerals. The KKK wants a race war and led the rebels (who were defeated BIGLY and their statues should be fucking crushed already) in the Civil War.


I want to fuck that frog.

Come on, your bait is not even subtle. 1/10 as I responded.


KKK and Westboro don't kill people, they just do shitty things and are shitty people. There's a big difference between causing death and celebrating it

I would actually consider a "moderate" Muslim worse than most modern KKK members because they support the deaths of non muslims actively

the kkk have been attacked, look up the klan act. westboro doesn't kill people they're a nuisance but the supreme court says their speech is protected by the 1st amendment (snyder v. phelps )

>op still mad
stay mad op, stay mad

Because of something called the constitution. Look it up.

>KKK "christian extremists"
>one of the first groups they went after were Catholics - Irish, Polish, Italian, etc.

Fucking this, Christian extremists murdering innocent people and blowing themselves up left and right while DEMANDING a theocracy, yet BASED Muslims get all the heat. Smdh


Why can't the left meme? They use the meme format but no actual joke or meme. It's just like those posts by "THe Other 99%" on Fagboog to make SJWs and old liberals angry as shit. At least they could have used interrogation raptor

They think any old image macro constitutes a witty argument and memery.

Oh look another fedora shilling for Islam, sage

Fucking sage you idiots

I like to comply with orders given by a hierarchical superior
Sick heil