Is water a human right Sup Forums?

Is water a human right Sup Forums?

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You don't have a right to the labor of others. Water infrastructure isn't free, people have to be paid to maintain it.
(If you're getting yours out of a well, or something, then it's your labor maintaining it.)

I wouldn't privatize it, though. Utilities don't compete in the market like soda vs pepsi.
eg. In my country we can "choose" our electricity provider but all of them charge us magnitudes more than what the power costs them.

Nothing is a right.

The only right is the right to make money without something trying to take it from you.

Money is a measure of your contribution to society.

No contribution = no money

Why does some loser have the right to steal from someone's stream that they worked hard to pay for?

What about inherited money?

Why people like Nestlé chairmen, after what they did, are not shot like animals by leftists, those people that love to pretend to care about third world's kids, is beyond me.

In the sense that wherever I am, a government official should be there with a pitcher of ice water? No.

In the sense that no rich fuck can buy all water reserves and charge me 100€/l for it? Yes.

A few things are. Here we have a guarantee to be able to vote. To expect the gummint to protect us and our property. Of course the gummint does it's best to fuck it up constantly.

Stop making this fucking thread

No one is telling them to be upset about it. They don't really have any principles or a sense of justice.

Human rights are a misused term. Not everything is a human right. But if your government doesn't provide you water your government fucking sucks.
But if he meant that in the sense bodies of water could be bought by private individuals or organizations, no, that's not allowed, and shouldn't be allowed, and goes against 2500 years of legal tradition Europe is built upon.

I damn know that it's not up to this faggot to decide on it.

Food is not a human right.
Are people starving?

Only kikes and niggers (agents of kikedom) think everything should be (((free))).

Uhh... Yes it is?

Holy shit nu/pol/ is full of goybertarian's.

*galactic brain*

rights aren't real, only the power to create and enforce them is real. so if Ethiopia, for example, is unable to procure its own water supply, its inhabitants are not entitled to anyone else's water


No, concept of human rights should be reserved for the most important things, like life, freedom and so on.
Saying that water is a human right would mean a government that can't provide water to some remote region is a human rights abuser. Some dude living in a bumfuck mountain village could sue his government for it. That's just silly.

Voting is a detriment to your livelihood.

You know what people vote for?
They vote to take YOUR money away.

I agree government fucks up all the time, that's why we have guns.

People also vote to take your gun away

No. They buy shit processed food that give them cancers instead.

There is no such thing as a human right.

Lol just drink from a public water fountain

The creature is a Jew.
Need I say more?

>this thread again
Please stop giving this attentionwhore replies
Ignore and sage this bait thread

>“Only the man who does not need it, is fit to inherit wealth–the man who would make his own fortune no matter where he started. If an heir is equal to his money, it serves him; if not, it destroys him. But you look on and you cry that money corrupted him. Did it? Or did he corrupt his money? Do not envy a worthless heir; his wealth is not yours and you would have done no better with it. Do not think that it should have been distributed among you; loading the world with fifty parasites instead of one, would not bring back the dead virtue which was the fortune. Money is a living power that dies without its root. Money will not serve the mind that cannot match it. Is this the reason why you call it evil?
t. Ayndy Randy

Water is literally free. The only people who are thirsty are dumb niggers in Africa who are to lazy to settle near water. Also a place where they could grow their own crops.


Is air a human right?

Excess water, beyond the required levels to live, is not a right.

Is sex a human right? Is air a human right? We allow children to breath air. You don't want to open the rights can of worms. It ruins everything.

Human rights are a social construct

>Is water a human right Sup Forums?
But it can't be privatized either, really.
You sell a guy a lake and it dries up.
What do?
Sue the evaporation process?

The only "human rights" are things you can do yourself without using the labor of others. Basically just breathing, sleeping, and fucking.

Rights are a myth. You're entitled to the air you're involuntarily breathing and that's about it.

Yes. You should absolutely have the right to water. If you want to collect lake, pond, or river water on public land, you should be free to do so.
You DON'T have the right to clean and filtered water pumped into your home for free though.


Water infrastructure isn't free that's true, but water itself is a natural resource. Having water available is part of the social contract in living in a functioning state

This too, these people want to "privatize" water but make it illegal to collect rainwater

Reducto ad absurdum, but I'll bat for it anyway.

Scarcity is the foundation of any economy, the value of an item is determined by its scarcity and how easy it is to procure. Within our environment, breathable air is not scarce enough to commoditize, nor is it feasible to limit peoples ability to consume it.

However, if you were on, say, a space station, where air was not only scarce, but labor and energy were required to produce it, an air usage fee would not be out of the question.

Earth is 75% water, where is the scarcity?

Here are the only human rights as far as Im concerned: Life, Liberty PURSUIT of Happiness.
No kill, no steb, everything else is up to you to go out and obtain for yourself. I hate the fucking idea that shit like healthcare is a "human right"; you should have the right to access it, but you don't get anything for free. Lazy fucking niggers are the only ones who think that way.

>>water should be privatized
>Privatizing a chemical compound
Nigger what? Say what you mean

>Social contract
Kek, you actually believe that?

The statement doesn't make an ounce of sense, so I'm guessing some commie didn't understand what he was talking about and took shit out of context.

You have the right to pass your livelihood along to your children when you die.

uhh, isn't it already privatized? at least in large part?

>Earth is 75% water, where is the scarcity?

It's implied to only cover potable water.

The strange thing is that water rights are a very old privatized commodity. I own water rights, fishing rights and well rights on my property in socialist Sweden.

So what Megacorp One Chairman is talking about here is rather that there shouldn't exist a base service that provides water which is part of basic government function, that all water resources should be private and thus leave it open to monopolization, which is what Megacorp One (Nestlé) thrives on.

They don't want tap water as competition. Absurdly enough he states this even though bottled water is growing to rival soda sales. Again, if you don't get that he's talking about the ability to completely own and control all drinking water you're retarded.

There are about 10 companies that own nearly all food you buy at your supermarket. Good fucking luck trying to use consumer choice here. Most people have no idea which Megacorp owns which sub-division brand either.

>To expect the gummint to protect us and our property.
>Here we have a guarantee to be able to vote.
Yes that is true, but is not what they do. In many places government has made septic systems illegal, and force you into the municipal systems. If you try to sink your own well you can be fines, jailed, or have your property taken through foreclosure.
In the area I am living now the water company is a private entity that is partnered with the government, and it sucks. The people in Congress will no doubt give Nestle the rights to waters on public lands, because that is who they represent, much like your local government does the same with local businesses.
The NWO is what we are looking at where every last necessity is meted out to you as the elite see fit. Just look at the UNs Agenda 21, and see how many of your local governments are adhering to it in their new zoning laws. Also being called a conspiracy theroy by the power brokers. Gee what a surprise there.

You have a right to water. Go down to a creek and drink some. You do not have a right to clean, treated water delivered on demand to your house. That is a limited resource that must be produced at a cost.

>big if true
WTF I love Nestle now

no bra. he was straight up talking about privatizing all water. well water and rain

Australia enforces strict laws on the collection of rainwater. They force you to use the tax system.

That's paying for water, full stop.

Yes, disgusting lake and river water is a human right.

Clean purified and treated water is not.

Whether or not it's a right, if clean water becomes too expensive and free water isn't made available in certain places, then there would be a lot of unnecessary problems developing.

People would start drilling wells with every single residential home, just like how people are installing solar energy panels on their homes in areas where electricity is becoming too expensive. Whether or not people can set up effective water filtration systems in their houses, the problem arises when people realize that the water table is not as universally distributed as sunlight.

Certain properties previously highly valued would devalue overnight, and other properties previously undesirable would become overpriced as people realize where they can have access to the water table. Then, you have the question of whether a local water table can sustain all the residential drilling, and who has more rights to the water (which is a hard enough legal topic as it is).

You're an idiot.

Yes I have a human right to scoop it out of a river and sanitize it myself or pay someone else who did it for me.

Yeah some state in the US south west are the same about rainwater. Colorado being one of them claiming having rain barrels is stealing water from the collective.

Bullshit. When companies began polluting and ruining lakes and rivers it changed the dynamic. Their pollution means water is now a human right. Sorry it just is.

Also I love how it's nestle saying this. Nestle water tastes like ass. The only bottle water that tastes like it should is Aquafina and Dasani. Although I haven't tried the expensive brands like fiji

There is no such thing as "human rights"
Get rich or get fucked

What do you believe in then? NAP? Divine right of kings? The Führerprinzip? From each according to his ability, to each according to his need? Everything is spooks?

Or wait until collapse and just steal someone else's resources.

Someone worked for that money to pass it onto his progeny. now fuck off

>just steal someone else's resources.
Thats also called getting rich.
You're thinking in circles.
Besides nobody is gonna let you steal anything just like that.

It is illegal in many areas to drill a well.
>Then, you have the question of whether a local water table can sustain all the residential drilling, and who has more rights to the water (which is a hard enough legal topic as it is).
Depends on if your land has full mineral rights. If you do then are the one who holds the right to it. This little fact is how the Natural Gas companies are drilling under peoples land horizontally to access the gas, because they bought the rights to the minerals.
I am fortunate here in Arizona in that I have fully have all water, and mineral rights to my land. But then with the oppressive governing we are moving towards, that may mean nothing soon enough.

It isn't so much a "right" as it is a "requirement". Not that we should pander to the requirements of others, its just that society wouldn't exist without nearly-free water. Without society, wealthy people have no underclass to support their status. Think being on a ranch out in the middle of nowhere means you can live an independent, wealthy life? That works until an angry mob swarms your property for resources, killing you and your family. You need society, so you need to ensure all members thereof are fed and hydrated.

A similar argument can be made for medicine. It isn't that we must ensure everyone has perfect health, its that is becomes hazardous to venture into public areas when the majority who can't afford health care are growing sick with yet unknown diseases.

Clean water is not a right, but please, drink all the untreated water you want, granted it is on public lands and you are a citizen of that country.

I agree with the idea but Ayn is extremely cringey

Does people knows this quote is extracted from a speech?
The point of the speech was: "some community can't afford to pay the infrastructure to provide potable water. In this case, private company can be useful to furnish the initial investment and then be able to distrubute potable water to a good part of the population".

What the point of saying "water is a human right" if you know that a lot of community can't afford it? Isn't just a hypocrite moral posture?

Everybody gets sleepy some time. The FCC might take months to respond to the use of a radio jammer, so kiss goodbye to tactical squad communication. Security will be limited to visible hand signals, ergo easy to spot and snipe. After a collapse, of course, there is no FCC, no police, and countless angry, starving and parched townsfolk wandering the countryside.

Yes, that was my point.

The more I encounter communists IRL, I've come to realize that they are the modern day equivalents of the weakest people in the "tribe". Instead of begging for scraps, the weak would come up with bullshit reasons like "the Gods punishing the greedy" for why the strongest men in the tribe should give them the best pieces of meat from the hunt. In an ideal world, these people should have gone extinct.

Communism is weak people begging for care from the strong by other means.

if that's really true and he said that then NESTLE should be branded ANTI-HUMAN organization and dismantled

It's not a human right to have it delivered to your house, no. But water sources shouldn't be owned by anyone. You should be free to go to any lake you want and drink from it.

What if you make money by promiting immigration to North-America and Europe, is that "right"?

Modern left is more concerned about genociding Europeans today.

trips of truth

Water at it's source is a human right. If you want to walk to a river and take that and drink it then it's all yours my friend

Water after being filtered and piped to your house is not a human right


>Nothing is a right.

that is where you're wrong! Everything on Earth is a God's given right to HUMAN! I have the right to do as I please (as long as I don't hurt others), I have the right to move around the planet and hunt for my food as I please (as long as I don't hurt anyone else), I have the right to a piece of land that I can live on self-sufficiently and I have the right to live free of IMF traps!!

Your birth certificate is issued by IMF! Why is that? Don't believe me, look it up for yourself, stupid.

food IS a human right, retard! Everyone can go to a PUBLIC land and hunt for their own food, YOU MORON!

Water is a human right. So is healthcare. Rich little piggies like him are to be slaughtered.

Except nobody wants to hunt. They want preloaded debit card so they can go to the nearest shartmart and buy carb loaded snack and easily liquidated products that can be traded for alcohol and cigarettes.

99% of people who argue "muh rights" are people who would die in a week if they were forced to source food for themselves.

if you've paid for it, yeah, sure
else, fuck off, hippie scum

Imagine being this retarded

I'm gonna hunt on a national reserve, cya nerds!

water would be cheaper and better if privatized. no more shortages.

>finite resource necessary for life
>brainlet thinks it should be free

KYS brainlets

>like life

Guess what's needed to stay alive.

You can have a water recipient above your terrain you own, but otherwise, yeah, it's not yours, you socialist thief.

You can make fresh tap

>if you are by bodies of water, nobody should stop you from drinking
>not a right for sand-niggers to have whitey bring them water just because they want to live in an area without water

No and by "privatized" he means Fed syndicate bought out and eternally monopolized by fuck pig jews

If water is ever made free, i swear I will run all the faucets on max all day long.

>potable water
Exactly, it's not the water that it privatized but the filtration, bottling and distribution. Water is a human secondary right because without it you die and life is a human right.

>Waters it not a human right. It should be privatized.

Hooooly fucking Kikery, Fuhrerman!

you will have to give up control of rain and ground water if you want to privatize the filtration, bottling and distribution of water under the assumption that water is both a right and a commodity.

You're stupid. You don't have a right to live forever. You don't have a right to be taken care of.
If you fail to get water for yourself, you'll die. It's nobody's responsibility that you be kept alive but your own. Fucking baby.

If you built the station, sure, you could charge for air under the premise that they agreed to it in the contract to move there, but what if someone managed to build a device that slowly stripped all the oxygen from earths atmosphere, and after a certain time only people who purchased their product could continue to survive.
due to the fact that no one holds right to ambient oxygen, it is OBJECTIVELY not stealing, but is it wrong anyway?

>live forever
you have the right to be alive, not to be taken care of.

is nesle pronounced ne-sell or ness-ell?

Right. As in, nobody can take your life. That doesn't have anything to do with you failing to acquire water for yourself.
It is, of course, your right to be so lazy that you die of thirst.

Nigga if you're gonna be stealing 30% of my paycheck every fucking month I better get affordable water as part of the package

Fuck no! Tax the Air too!! Its gonna be spaceballs if we ration the oxygen!!