Should we just commit mass genocide of people making minimum-wage or less...

Should we just commit mass genocide of people making minimum-wage or less? It would clean up the gene-pool and improve the economy.

What do you do for a living, OP?

>When you really really want the world to be 90% Jewish

Best goy.

Your mam.

Only if they're over 21.

Why are you assuming everyone doing minimum wage work will continue doing minimum wage work?

ebin !

>clean up the gene pool

but poors don't crime, blacks do.

What DO you do for a living, though? Do tell. At least give us a vague idea. Give us a vague idea of your earnings too.

The only people who can even get minimum wage jobs are sub-humans anyway, anyone making minimum wage right now will continue to be a leech for the rest of their life. Anyone with an education and a decent skill set will consistently be turned down for shitty jobs.

dont murder me
I'm genuinely just unlucky
weird unlikely shit keeps happening preventing me from financial success

>remove working people
>unemployed people will stay
>economy will improve
I know you left the EU but you got to do things on your own now buddy

So you get rid of all these people and now you have companies that go out of business because there is nobody to do retard work for them. The only way to get the necessary workforce would be to increase wages so people don't immediately get killed upon employment.

Essentially, this just sounds like an elaborate scheme to get all companies to pay above minimum wage.

>weird unlikely shit keeps happening preventing me from financial success

No you're just stupid. Eat a bullet.

Stop loving kebab and niggers. You litterally have no moral or ethical ground to stand on cuck.

>Killing people that take an easy minimum wage because they've already made their fortune and just want something to do

No. Their jobs will just be automated. Right now, their work is subsidized by food stamps and welfare.


You realize I'll just poop it out.

my country doesnt have a minimum wage

the wages are negotiated in labor term contracts which give lawmaking power to people who have never been democratically elected(the labor unions) and its against finland constitution but the commies dont give a fuck

>Yuropoors in charge of the economy

let me guess, you asked for cheese on the side. Now you are mad they gave it to you

[none detected]


American people: help yourselves whether you are rich or poor.

A wise man said that 70-80 years ago, makes up a chunk of my world view.

we should commit mass genocide of muslims and jews

These people actually spend their money rather than holding onto it. Sure, some of their money goes to drug dealers but the wealthy don't do drugs? kek

>leaving the upper middle class trash that infected the world with marxism
Fuck off bong

Oh look who thinks their shit doesn't stink!

Protip: it does!

Nah, we should genocide the super rich instead.


>t. just promoted to deli department assistant manager

>Buy a fish sandwich with no cheese

>Stick a slice of Kraft on the side

Sweet kek, how desperate are you people for memes?

>he genuinely believes undoing the work of the globalists by killing off third-worlders doleys is a bad thing
Really tickles my pickle.

imagine one day the servants in a mansion kill the head of household, and ensure they maintain the place. what happens eventually, is somebody comes along expecting something from this dead man, and none of the servants can offer it to him.

Do you know the name of this thing?

I would rather hang out with a nigger than the likes of you. You will get your comeuppance you ignorant piece of trash.

Jesus. For the umpteenth time. Minimum wage is for entry level high school students. Take a job and show up sober everyday and in 6 months you will be promoted.

That is the exact cheese they put on those fish sandwiches. Trust me im 300lbs.
Someone probably asked for it on the side and got that

Too bad most fastfood jobs are above minimum wage, have fun with all the trash piling up in your streets though.

>mommy and daddy do everything for me
>what are corporate ladders
>what is an over-saturated workforce
>what are temporary part-time jobs
majority of jobs in the UK are at minimum wage because of the influx of immigrants who choose to work for less
the majority of the world's wealth is held by the elites
you're literally asking for a world of jews

get fucked

>t. piss-poor subhuman spic niggerlover
Go hang yourself, cunt. All poor people are human garbage; take a look at India, everyone is poor and everyone is a disgusting street-shitter.

My point is that the money they make goes right back into the economy one way or another.

>hurr we should just murder the working class

I want you captialist cucks to die

Communism. Too easy.

Imagine that the 99% start to realize how they have been screwed by the 48% of the 1% and quit buying their shit?

What is that?

Just abolish the minimum wage. You'll see a whole worth-it-to-worthless spectrum develop in the pounds to pennies range.

That's worth $15/hr right there!

>eradicate minimum wage class
>new minimum wage class appears by default
>same argument
kys retard

>mommy my shelf packing job means I'm a contributor to society and my opinions should be respected
Immediately cease posting on my board and go kill yourself.

get the fuck out of here
the useful idiots all have a role
without them shit will just pile up in the streets

sage this jewish slide thread

Can't you read, dumbfuck? I already told you to go and commit suicide. Human garbage like yourself has no place in a civilized society, stop being a leech.

t. jobless subape

This needs to be removed from the books.

There should be no "minimum wage". Let the markets dictate the value of an employee. People would cry for about 2 weeks until they realized that not much would change.

I probably make more money in a week than your dole payment nets you in three years. Consider suicide.


Fug :D :DDD :DD

This. In my opinion it would be much better if poor people earned exactly what they are worth, nothing.

>consider me working at the stock market and not at some fish & chips temple
Doubt it user.

Its people like you who need to be remvoed from the gene pool

>lying on the internet

I make six figures you little worthless piece of filth. I just hate your type of snobbery with a homicidal hatred. I hope you get gang-raped and put into a kebab.


Yeah it would probably clean up the gene pool, but what about the jobs ?

All of these jobs are currently not replaceable by machines, so the ecnomy couldn't improve because of the lack of manpower for the shitty jobs which are necessary for the proper functioning of the economy.

Let me guess, the six figures you make are all zero? Fucking leech champagne socialist faggot, go shoot yourself in the back of the head.


you do realize many people in minimum wage jobs are only working them temporarily while they pursue higher education?


No LARP... I have just had a Facebook argument (I rarely go on fb) with someone who agrees with the McDonald's strike over pay!!

Mcdonald workers in the UK get the National Minimum wage (£7.60 per hour I think)... Mcdonald workers want £10 per hour which is more than a Support Worker or Healthcare Assistant looking after your OAP grandparent.

I said that (as someone who used to work at McDonald's during college) McDonald's workers do sometimes work hard but they do not deserve to be paid more than healthcare workers as McDonald's is not a career, rather a stop gap employment or dead end job if you don't progress or move on.

Holy fucking shit I had lefties left right and centre verbally fuck me up saying how hard it is for burger flippers and how they deserve even more than £10 per hour.

Fucking kill me now.

It's pretty funny those degenerates are striking, they have no power what so ever. McDonalds should just fire them all, their job positions would be filled again with different people within a week.

>Those fucking yankees speaking about communism

Guys you don't even know communism, this is the absolute cancer, of our time, the idea behind it is good, but it doesn't work and never will!

Mfw america is having socialist,riots a few decades after the cold war...That's some PRIMARIS autism...

Look. Working at the hell hole can be hard work don't get me wrong. But I worked there just to earn a bit during college. I've since gone on to run my own business. It is not a career and they definitely don't deserve £10 p/h and be paid more than the woman who looks after my nan.

Fuck that.