Thousands of students walk out to protest Trump deporting their classmates

A message for the Drumpf administration: ""Immigrants are here to stay! No justice, no peace!"


#resist #notmypresident

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They just want an excuse to skip class

why are they all black mommy?

so when is anti-fa going to jump in on this?

My class walked out to protest not being allowed to play in the first snow flurry in a hundred years. Propagandised education is incredibly boring and of course students will find ways to avoid it, such as blaming the government. Kids who really want to learn will find a way to do it, not rush out into the streets to buy macdonalds

In fact, that kind of behaviour is common in irresponsible adults too.


Students finding any reason not to go to class, nothing new

Put them on busses too. They all look like niggers anyway



people did this back when I was in high school

>Students suspended.

Pls do this

i think the best part is that this only flys at private colleges. try to bull any of this sjw nonsense at a community college and all you'll get is a "thats nice. you receive an f for today. and remember, we don't accept l8 work"

Trump isn't deporting them congress is by not changing the laws.

Yes, take a walk, walk all the way to Mexico you filthy fucks

all this does is prove why we need to shut down these jewish run institutions with their commie indoctrination camps.

If we dont start cutting their funding this will only continue.

"Now who are we gonna buy weed from?!"

They dont care about the spic children.

Not like it matters....they will still get into college...

Sweet. Its their education. Placing beaners before degrees.....No wonder their degrees are worthless.

> All we want is an education Mr. Trump
> Watch how bad we want it as we march out of class

Take that pavement!!

just another expression pf a lost generation. who's to blame? the parents

You know what's really fucked up? An entire school empties of illegals to protest illegal entry not getting a reward, and this is normal to most Americans.


nope, it's a general 1st world problem.

seems like only a matter of time before all the men in my generation are killed for being white and the women meet the same fate or are sold into sex slavery

walking the streets angry and poor
they are just practicing for there future under chief running waren

nonsense, we still have most of the American government.

soon to be even more in 2018

So they get themselves 100k in debt to enroll into a college and then they don't attend classes?

Those kids just wanted to cut class.

shitskins are breeding like fucking rats, if we dont do something drastic quick will we be out numbered and out voted in our own countries

they'll organize and wait till friday

Fire the teachers. The Marxists are exposing themselves. Smack them down

Too late desu. Too late. 7 million Muslims, over 30 million illegals, Poos are flooding like crazy, and the Chinese are not far behind. The only way they leave is by force. My family and I went to a tourist attraction in the sticks in VA I've read the holiday weekend. We were the white famiky. It was a sea of illegals, Muslims, Poos, and chinks each with at least three kids a piece.

Apologies for the typo

get used to your own medicine already

kakel, pls

Oh I don't care. We are leaving this Spring. With any luck I get to watch some civil unrest. Get out while you can. There is one place that is happy to take white people.

We still need to see if the rate of removal is faster than the rate of them having kids, we don't have those stats yet.

in previous years they are removed at close to 1,000 a day.



its never too late, we could band together and lynch every single nigger and leftist who dare shows their face by the end of the week if white people really wanted to

that isnt even necessary

the media is just completely biased against us, making average white people think everything is fine, while the first world slowly fucking falls apart and everyone fucking knows it deep within themselves, its all sick, all the leftist fat acceptance tranny pride, all being fucking jammed down childrens throats by public education systems, its all just a fucking disease, we're degenerating to be total savages, to a pre-civilized state, because these fucking leftist hippie faggots think traditionalism is archaic and old, but then look to literal proto humans who lived as communist nomads and died mostly before the age of 5 and tripped on mushrooms, as if they were saints and pioneers of ethics and good quality of life

>the rate of removal is faster than the rate of them having kids

thats meaningless because the people being removed are generally not those same kids being born, they're just extra mexicans, they'll still be breeding at a far higher rate than whites and will inevitably overtake our population unless we somehow cut off welfare from just their race or somthing drastic as fuck

It's ridiculously obvious. The teacher says if any of you are participating in the walk out protest please leave now, the whole class leaves.

Shameless attempt at creating a statement by 'OHMIGAHD THE CHILLUNS!'

God will just punch the ground

>in America illegals go legally to school




>be 18 in HS
>voted for trump
>holy shit that douchy mexican kid with the good hair is getting deported or has family that will
>hes crying
>i am god

Justice is illegals being sent back.

>maybe 120 kids


kids will walk out of class at any opportunity not news
Illegals out and take your friends with you, make Mexico ok better again

OP, those niggers are just a flash mob about to rob a convenience store.


This. Liberals will let tolerate any level of corruption, so long as they have their drugs. Duterte did nothing wrong.

It doesn't matter to the school if the little shits walk out after they first show up, the school only gets paid if they show up, if they leave after that, they still get paid.

Fucking whiners should all be arrested. Lefties are literally making me so sick of them that I never want to have any sort of non-republican president ever again. And I was always a liberal in the past. But they have become incredibly repellent to me, a bunch of bratty, obnoxious babies, a huge gang of Veruca Salts, always screaming "NO! No!! Nazis!!! GIVE ME WHAT I WANT RIGHT NOW OR ILL SCREAAAAMMM!!!" I find myself--always a pacifist before now--wanting to beat them. And worse. Lefties, YOU did this, all by yourselves.
Just imagine if conservatives had staged huge nationwide temper tantrums every time Clinton or Obama so much as farted. Jesus fucking Christ.

Since Im not white i'll enjoy the fireworks from the comfort of my own home, then move to Asia.

Get wrecked cumskins.

I think they should quit school in protest... the world needs ditch diggers too.

It's clear they weren't going to learn anything in school anyways. It's moments like this that make me rethink my initial feelings on the tiananmen square incident

Do you have a family burial site in asia?

>tfw student teaching Denver this semester

Fucking kill me. I hate it here.


>Noone in the thread commenting on Shareblue being in the URLs
Not too observant, I guess?

>all the loudmouth niggers leave class
>can now actually study

wtf i love trump now????

>thousands of students
>image shows a less than a hundred people

Nope. Im an american conservative, mate. My family's been here for generations.

I just find you guys funny is all.
>Lynch Niggers and lefties
>If the white man wanted to

Yeahhhh.... but your women have spoken so good luck with that. I dont believe whites will evr be a minority - lets be real here the second illegal immigration is curved , and you circumvent mass refugee acceptance, all things Trump would do, immigration from the western world will kick in. and youd see a stop to demographic replacement. for the US, anyway.

In your blind autism you failed to realize something... you already won with the great meme war, and Brexit. people are starting to calm down, and wise up and now only the loud and insanely stupid are left.

You've been winning back slowly, this entire time, but now you idiots are really pushing your luck. Your attempts to be edgy pseudoscientists have begun to show you for the children you are. and with that all that progress, and return to form for the USA is going to get scrubbed. You really will go extinct, hoist by your own petard into the sun, where your wings shall melt and I will laugh at you, along with my chink kids for all eternity.

Part of that is also peer pressure.

I'm sure they children know they will be labeled as evil racists if they want to study instead of protesting for illegals.

Bite your tongue, finish the degree, move to the West Slope. Be me born in Denver 1953. Had to leave for education and career and never got back. Think about it. Denver had 50,000 folks back then. It was frigging heaven.

>each link has a shareblue reference

t..thanks shareblue

>In your blind autism you failed to realize something... you already won with the great meme war, and Brexit. people are starting to calm down, and wise up and now only the loud and insanely stupid are left.

Now is precisely the time to get louder but in a smart way or all this can be for nought in 3 years.

I was at 6th/kalamath today in Denver and saw the spics walk by, can confirm there was probably more like a few hundred.. it lasted 1 red light,1 green cycle then another red. Luckily I was about 10 cars back or I would probably be famous now.

The headline reads that they walked out in protest.

In actuality, maybe 10-20 of them care, the rest just want to skip class.

>Wishful thinking: the post
If only shitposting on anonymous imageboards had some kind of impact in the real world.

>Trump deporting their classmates
This is what we voted for, no fucks to give, send them all to mexico. No one who isn't getting free shit cares

>pretending this is big or in any way important
they've been doing this shit for decades now
da joos have nothing to do with teenagers skipping class


>NK might be able to nuke the US out of existence
>do pointless shit like this
cmon burgs, really?

are they illegals. I'm sure those weren't apologizing for their anti american sentiments though. It's all pulling on the heartstrings all emotional not logical and reasonable per current US laws. Perhaps they should ask themselves why they were failed to be followed, is it perhaps ANTI AMERICAN to follow american laws. When these people declare to you what american values are, perhaps you should not find your anchor in that of such peoples. They say US values whilst they shit all over it. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Though they have been used to this for quite some time. With the left pushing the overton window so far that even basic immigration law etc. is overruled by propaganda. As such they might be concerned that their overthrow of the US by lineage of the OLDEST FORMULA IN THE BOOK (we're more than you so then you fall because we now tell you what to do) is failing.

Dumbasses. They already paid for the classes and they get no refunds. Nobody cares

Interesting, I don't find anything amusing anymore.
I'm simply stating a fact. I don't think it's entirely without merit when a black person says, "white people are racist sociopaths". Special emphasis on sociopath, It takes a special kind of crazy to want to destroy it's self.
You all know it's true and I think most of us white people have been alienated enough that we're starting to feel the great divide in our two peoples emotional capacity aswell.
I personal don't think we're "pushing our luck" because that would suggest that we are even capable of stopping at this point.
You're insane if you think you can make it out of this country if your a minority in the middle of a second civil war. Whites are just as crazy as you always believed we were and we have more guns and more people.

White Americans replaced Native Americans.

To watch them now get replaced is nothing more than poetic justice.

Enjoy being a minority.

Oh my God...walking out?? Really?? What the fuck are we going to do now? How will we ever survive this tragedy? Oh wait, its college students walking out of white privilege, and feminism classes. Sorry folks, they have to go back.

As fun as the act of skipping was it was a lot more work to make shit up when you missed class.
By the time I got to high school I figured that out and only missed class when I was sick.

The real question here is this:

Will the students who participate in this walkout receive trophies?

stupid leaf, your statement is completely false and based on your own, idiotic opinion.
get back to chugging syrup with the rest of your inconsequential country.

If the US was a nation based on everyone else but whites, you would probably see more than 87-90% majority ethnicity by 1965 where immigration was changed, i mean if THAT WAS REALLY WHAT THE US BELIEVED IN and what made it good, they probably didn't need to import south americans to prove that for the first time. You're cunts that don't want to grow where you are planted and you know it, the US was a frontier and white people made it and indians who have the same stupidity as eskimos and the same aversion to fire water, didn't do shit in the US but scalp eachother and produce ZERO of infrastructure and then made war with the US settlers of the frontier and the indians were more around 10 mill tops. Don't feel ashamed about that, if you declare a war you get it. The most of them built the US from the ground of, ain't fucking NOTHING of what you see in the US was cause anything else but the sheer will and determination of whites. And within whites is hierarchy aswell of shitting on eachother don't even get me started on that, to be so pathetic that you think you somehow can walk in and say this belong to you. No.. You built it, its yours. It's not sovereign invasion of nations. Don't compare it like a child.

Most whites are okay with asians tho.

Are you responsible for American demise Ivan?
Did you play 4D chess?

>Walk out
>Implying they don't get extra-curricular from their social justice profs for this
>Implying their profs didn't encourage them to do it

US was built by white people for white people and all this shit you take for granted, white people built that, blacks didn't build shit, even the arabs knew they were bad slaves, they picked cotton that's it, irish in the internal picking order of whites were much slaves of the building order for example, nigger building shit.. give me afucking break. i don't say this in a bad way but look at africa today, all of the modern world at disposal. and what. a 5 year old white can look up on youtube in a few hours and build better than blacks today in africa. No lie. It's two different things.. we have duty and we know that, but don't get it twisted to think we're all in the same boat when the boat is provided by someone. Be nice, that's what we ask. In that regard. Would be good..

It's heartwarming in a way to see teens being political again

Let's ruin our own education by refusing to go to class all to protest against people having to follow the law. Makes sense. This is why our country is so fucking stupid.

And first and foremost, get the fuck out of the way when we're trying to be nice to you. We flourish in our way you flourish in yours. We don't need your how to do things in africa.

If we can get rid of 40 million Mexicans our country will "smarten up" to the top of the damn world.

The walk out counts as exercise.

kek, sounds like that time people from my class went home early to watch the pope's funeral

>walk out of class
>ICE waiting in the streets to pick up DACA's
best timeline

Kids don't really make it to high school in Africa.

Anyone know what schools are protesting?

alright im honestly kind of annoyed with people that don't understand the difference between immigrants and illegal immigrants. They make shit arguments like
>deporting people won't bring your jobs back

Oh look we have an unemployed person, you know what won't help them get a job?
Importing another unemployed person to compete with them in the job market. ffs