
A DIA intelligence official has revealed to TruNews that China will annex North Korea if U.S and Chinese officials confirm that Kim Jung Un did actually test a hydrogen bomb.

This intelligence is legit.

It's happening, boys.

This solves many problems for America and China: America will avoid nuking North Korea, thus securing China's mineral mining for their anti gravity weapons and also prevent America from engaging in a costly and prolonged conflict that will cost millions of lives.

The DIA official also confirmed that North Korean soldiers are starved beyond hope and will mostly defect. Additionally, Dennis Rodman, who visits North Korea from time to time, has been a CIA asset all along. Unknowing to himself, but a useful asset nonetheless.

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Culinary herb.




Well, it's better than fake news like CNN.

Stop hating. They're actually a very legit news organization.

Big, If Trunews


What a joke some people here are..

another sacrifice ritual for another 9/11
2017-2011.. that's 5844 days inbetween... 5+8+4+4 = 21.

Seems like trunews, time to invest in rice!

i wouldn't go that far, but i *do* think they are more credible than cnn

>if they have something we already know they have but until were done pretending they done


nothing will happen

>China's mineral mining for their anti gravity weapons
sa ge

god it makes me hate my race because they both, inarguably, are improved with asiatic features.

Ok fucking burger retard.
If one has nukes, nobody can attack him without suffering high attrition. Very high attrition.
Nk is safe from invasions.
They fear spies, traitors and ngos, and nothing else.
Go buy a brain, since you were born without one.

>This intelligence is legit.

Also this article looks like it was written by a 11 year old.


Holy shit lmao

Sure, Kevin!

>We cannot have a hostile nuclear power next to South Korea
>Oh I know let's let China take it

not going to happen there will be WW3 if that happens


>35 tabs


I want a nuclear war already.

It could result in 2 endings.

1) I die and don't have to worry about leaving family behind when i want to kill myself

2) Live in a post apocalyptic Europe where the races fight for the limited resourced.

Can't wait.


> 21 / 3 = 7
> 7 constantly appears in the Bible
> Confirmed. It will happen.

Add 3. You then have 24. There are 24 hours in a day. 8,760 hours in 365 days. (8, 7, 6, in order). Add them up and you get 21.
Proof of sacrifice ritual for 9/11.
"Sacrifice Ritual" = 15 letters
1+5 = 6
6 = number of the beast
proof yet again

God you people are fucking stupid.

Peace and prosperity day.

Digits will confirm that trunews is and always was a legitmate news source.

Not even. At least CNN just puts their own spin on news, trunews literally fabricates shit.


kill yourself, OP

You destroy the launch sites - stupid

stfu serb rapebaby

I should've noted that I added the anti gravity weapons part. That's actually somewhat known in conspiracy circles and globalist plans. Globalists have pivoted to China for transhumanist tech and weapons that America has had for many decades.

Anti gravity craft is old news. Globalists are helping China catch up.



Yeee HAWWW they got TRU right in the neme that's how you no...

I have seen hamsters more credible than CNN. I'm not going to depend on a hamster for my news however.

Stop shilling your website goy

Well it has to be true, I mean, it's in their name. WWIII when?

Ya but how long til I can take my $69 Southwest flight there and pick up some QT Norkies for less than a trip to Disneyland?

Invade whom

Dude why did you post this North Korea knows about our attack!!!!

found the commie shill. kys shareblue fuck before the rope comes for you.


>our attack
don't tease

>china invades
>NK is all out
>30 million dead South Koreans

I'm not saying this news is true BUT considering all the circumstances this option is not that far fetched

+ China gets rid of an unstable neighbour and can install a more stable puppet regime
+ it gains full control over NK territory and waters
+ China can demonstrate the ability to project actual military force
+ chinas army would gain valuable combat experience
+ its a military campaign no one can really object
+ China would have US backing (political) for getting rid of a threat to the US
+ a military conflict would further shift attention away form the south China sea

The downsides would be, that the US could swift its focus away from NK to China in the medium term and redeploy resources.

Trunews so it must be tru.

It helps they do not have to project far away, NK is literally on their doorstep.

See the Chinese project further than seoul and they will have a logistics nightmare. The human waves will have to eat eachother to survive.




I promise its legit guys.

Thats useless when the missiles are airborne my friend.


Try harder shill

>thinking anyone will give two fucking shits about race post apocalypse
lol no
People will care about family and close pre-war friends, and themselves, before getting dysentery and dying.

please for the love of god so something already


Been saying for years that Beijing has everything to lose with North Korea. Rabid dog can turn on its master.

The southern border, seas and airspace are easy to control. How strong is the Chinese border? What if the North threatens or attacks Beijing?

Who the fuck is this about?

North korea should join be annexed by the south not china, time to pre-nuke the chinks.

Its too late, NK dare to threaten US. They are not afraid of the chinaman.

Your full of shit. People forget invasions dont just come out of the blue you need a troop buildup which everyone would see.

are you fucking blind?

LIVE - Rick Wiles: Looming North Korean EMP Attack


This is a set up.
China will "invade" nk, nk will launch missiles at America, America will retaliate with nukes, and the nukes will kill chinese soldiers.

Didn't the South Koreans detect the explosion coming out of north-west NK? If China did invade Kim Jong would fire off what ever nukes he has as he'd have nothing to lose.

Read some history. "There aren't enough chinamen in the world to prevent a fully armed regiment of Marines from going wherever they want to go." Chesty Puller.

Both are ugly as they were before you weebo piece of shit

If China were to annex NK, they probably wouldn't invade. They would just bribe the NK military brass to instigate a coup.

This gives China a puppet regime and defacto control of NK resources, without having to spill any chinese blood. A coup also keeps the NK state security apparatus intact to prevent uprisings of anyone actually loyal to the Kim dynasty, and no war means no sudden mass migration of NK refugees into China.

Really, the only reason China hasn't done this yet is because they are hoping that eventually the US will back down and withdraw their forces from the peninsula in exchange for NK de-nuclearisation.

/r/asianmasculinity fuck off

took me longer than I'd care to admit, good on you sir

I am greek you fucking subhuman

what color's your helmet?

I bet Kim would take the Samson option rather than be found to not be a God

>The star will gorge itself on clay

This is why nobody likes you Chris.

Is this news true?

Edit: Nevermind just saw the url :D