Are haitians as bad as other nigs

I'm haitian and I was wondering about your views on us.

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don't think i've met a haitian, just other carribeans. describe haitian culture


how do you explain this awesome dance hit from the mid 80's?

Mix of african and french.

Yes and your country is a fuckin embarrassment

Haitians are the worst after Somalis.

didn't haitians literally genocide whites at one point?

Yes, in the first successful nig uprising on such a large scale.

>Is an aussie

do haitians believe in the reptilians? have you seen one?


Hatians are worse than other niggers. If anyone on Sup Forums hates american niggers, go meet some hatians

Are you moving to Canada?


did it shapeshift in front of you? also can you give us an example of a haitian wizard spell to ward off reptilians and if it gives you any bonuses or armor class enhancements?

I hope you realize we helped fight for your independence in the american revolution.

Probably worst
seriously look at your country

i like haiti because they prove demography>geography. people always say that africans are poor because their countries are shitholes where nothing grows. well haiti was once the lush and productive but look at it now lol. but to answer your question no i dont like you and you have to go back.

It shape shifted into a dominican repub whore. One of the spells to ward them off in such encounters, as told by my village wizard, is Unakeke Passai, (pronounced Ooga Booga)

Born in the US, parents moved LEGALLY at a young age and grew up here.

>from the frenchie
Sorry a nigger country defeated yours several times

This. The Haitians I've seen are blacker than a bucket of tar at the bottom of a mineshaft. I saw a couple that would freeze in place every so often like robots with a run out battery. After a few moments their uplink to Cyberkang Systems would re-establish and they'd kick back into gear again. Fucking weirdest shit ever.

I dig Haitians, the vast majority of the black friends I've had have been Haitian. It always trips me out how crazy intense their parents accents are compared to their own. Also I love eating at Haitian peoples homes, food is 10/10.

Why would you even want to stay? Toussaint L'overthrow-whitey LITERALLY created an ethnostate for you. That's something that white people have to fight for. With your superior American education you could live like a king there.


Billy cliton sucked up all the worth. It's like a dried husk now.

would you say this is a typical haitian wizard? also do you think their magic could defeat a mayan or british wizard or would it be a draw?

Griyo and ox tail are good as fuck my man

*Block his path*

>ooga booga blame whitey

Definitely a British wizard, they have anti white people magic, however, it has lessened in strength as the white man's technology begins to exceed the magic, as seen by the U.S. Mayans would probably defeat the haitian, as cannibalism works well with magic.

Are Dominicans really racist towards your people?

Why does Haiti sucks so much? Are they cursed? Or is it just because of niggers?


Sounds delicious. Do you wash it down with a few slurps from the nearest muddy puddle?

I'm not blaming him. I'm not asking for compensation or anything. I'm just saying haiti's near worthless now.

Haitians are hard for me to categorize. I'll meet one guy who works three jobs, owned two houses within five years of arriving in the US then I'll meet his cousin who doesn't understand how to operate a doorknob. I know American blacks tend to hate them because most Haitians seem to work for a living and succeed at it. Except for those early man types with the doorknob issues.

this is the instructions for a haitian wizard spell of protection:

A strong protection spell with voodoo elements, to be used to block unwanted magick from coming into your home. Do this spell on the night of the new moon (the dark moon). You'll need to have:

A cups of pure water (rain is best)
Black ink
4 or 5 black whole peppercorns
A pinch of graveyard dirt
A splash of vodka
A red candle
Light the candle before you begin. Mix everything together in a bowl made from glass, metal or ceramic. Stir everything around with the index finger of your left hand. Call to the voodoo God Legba to protect your house.

Go out to your front door, and pour the mixture all over the steps or walkway coming up to the door. Splash it around good. You can continually refresh the spell by pouring out a new shot of vodka over the same area each night of the new moon.

Because it lessened in military strength, now countries just take what they want. The U.S also watches over it's government, and steps in when it deems something wrong, like when they reinstated Jean Bertrand Aristide in order to uphold democracy.

No, Brooklyn offers lots of overpriced beverage options. The Haitian neighborhood was only a dozen or so blocks away from the guinea neighborhood I grew up in.

Interesting history but now your country is totally lame.

Similar experience combined with the majority of them being overwhelmingly positive people.

Change vodka to sugarcane juice and you're good to go. Don't want to make fatal errors in the process.

>Haitian not in Haiti
Go back

I was born in the U.S and my grandparents came here legally. Parents are currently college professors. At least haitians work hard to get to certain points instead of illegally coming over and sitting on their ass.

The ones that came here after the shitshow it happened are ok besides the fact they are constantly trying to sell you shit like Nike shoes and fidget spinners they mostly keep to their gettos
But my state already has a lot of black people so I hope they're all gone after their country gets better
, Although we all know that will never happen

Shit, when I was a kid growing up in New York, they would call each other Haitian as an insult.

Uncultured mongrels invading rightful Dominican clay on a daily basis to do business and steal their hard-earned shekels because you retards didn't know how to govern yourself after telling France to fuck off.

Pretty accurate. Other countries such as the U.S wanted resouces from it as well which ended up with Haiti losing most of it's value. However, I don't blame everything on the U.S because I'm not an African-American, and I do agree self governing was aids.

I wouldn't even blame the US at all. Haiti had some valuable resources, and could have sold lumber and crops at a very lucrative profit, while simultaneously rationing sales to upkeep production, but instead leapt at the opportunity to be colonized in all but name after breaking free from colonization.

I know they're uneducated subhumans, but they were still under imperialist govern for decades prior. They should have learned to demand more.

i can buy a powerful revenge curse for the reasonably low price of $147

>am i Haitian then?
You should say the pledge of allegiance more
>no one wants me

I don't know any Haitians but I think they are horrible. Their island could be a tropical paradise and tourist hot spot. Instead....

Nope French were holocausted by pure niggers. Watch Dr Pierce on the Haitian Revolution.

I'm talking about their culture. Since they were colonized originally by the french, they still retain some cultural aspects of the frogs.