6 million my ass

anyone got an autistic breakdown on why the holocaust's 6 million dead jews number is bullshit? I saved this little gem awhile ago but I know somebody has a version that really gets into the math of bodies per day and such.

research on your own, start with gas chamber myth

Oh shit I wasn't even trying for a get. Damn.

googling now, got anything else?

Anything you want Satan

Prisonners were systematicaly sent east to be worked to death.



that does not forgive the fact that they lied about the western camps being death camps and then walking back on that claim in an all too convenient way

The fact that it's literally illegal in most of Western Europe to question the Holocaust is really all the proof I need that a lot of it is bullshit. I don't care if that's a logical fallacy or not, nobody makes questions illegal unless they're hiding something. The fact that most normies can't see this is mind boggling. It's like when you're a kid and you're snooping through your dad's closet, and you're about to open his box of Playboys when he swats your hand away and tells you not to open the box. So you ask him what's in it, and he tells you nothing, and if you keep asking he'll ground you. Well gee dad, if I didn't know any better I'd say you're full of shit and there's something interesting as fuck in that box.

Except instead of a box it's Auschwitz and instead of Playboys it's a bunch of (non-existent) mass graves.






Oh yeah, that's the autistic digging I'm looking for. Watching The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth right now.




>why the holocaust's 6 million dead jews number is bullshit?

First off, the initial indicator of shenanigans is their newspapers had been force feeding everyone the 6 million number long before Hitler was even born.
