Why does Sup Forums hate reddit?

Why do you call us plebbits?

I thought we were on the same side.

Can't we all just get along?

Other urls found in this thread:


Because you're all faggots.

So I'm gay, big deal. It's not like I'm some nonbinary SJW.

At this point I hate you faggots worse than Muslims.

we just don't like the way you talk

But why?

you need to go back

Dude it's shills.


WHOA isgp-studies.com/2011-10-26-first-ever-documents-on-le-cercle-pinay

Sup Forums hates everything.

Divide-and-conquer shills, to keep them from cooperating and actually getting stuff done.

no, its not muh shills muh share blue muh ctr.
if you faggots would have just lurked, like me and nearly EVER other person on this board instead of just spewing bullshit, bumping bait threads to the limit, we wouldnt hate you so much

Goes back to the rules of the internet days.
One of them is pretty much any other board is our enemy etc etc.
Also you guys are faggots

Don't worry he is not serious. Islam is the greatest evil of our time.

Everyone knows it they are just afraid.

Wait a sec, you're telling me shills tell redditors to go back so we won't get any more redpilled?

its controlled like a leash to a neck. Its simmered down a bit but if you remember how horrible it was election time w/ Trump, oh lawd. I now only use a couple subreddits and shit on Spez the Cannibal when I can. Once you reach a certain level, you cannot advance unless you give in to (((their))) demands. You are promised wealth, power and promised lust at the cost of doing evil shit. Sup Forums really opened up my eyes to the information war that has been going on for a long time.
1 4 8 8

Your memes and hivemind subculture annoy me. But I appreciate your normie redpilling. Don't change a bit, but be sure to lurk before posting here


because reddit provides more accurate information than /pol


We hate you all, I hate fags, I hate most nigtards, and I hate every 3 wave feminist. Reddit only supports those when it comes to politics. When she's start riots and hurt people they expect people to just let it slide, well that shit didn't slide in Virginia and they cried like little bitches and we had sjws get mad because trump wouldn't condemn the alt-right. Fuck you all, you're all shit for brains no life's. Do us all a favor and kill yourself or don't reproduce so your breed dies off.

Please shoot yourselves

Reddit is the antithesis of free-speech and has an overt narrative to extinguish any actual intellectual thought that might challenge their narrative. It's censorship at it's finest and not at all on the "same side" as Sup Forums or the rest of Sup Forums. Keep your head in the sand if you want, you're a faggot by default anyway for making this thread.

y o u h a v e t o g o b a c k

you unironically support Israel

god you fucks are so annoying.

I was big on TD once upon a time but they really are cucks. The based kike and based nigger shit was to cringe then the based fagot shit right before the election was to much. And for a bunch of pussies who claim to be redpilled you fail to recognize race realism and you cock suckers care way to much about what people think and your Fucking up votes. You get one or two good comments in a thread and the rest of it is fagots fishing karma off of the few comments that were mildly entertaining. Seriously though fuck back off to plebbit

I hate that fucking centipede nickname. They will ban you in a second for having an opinion that doesn't fit their pro kike/faggot agenda

Promised lust in order to do evil shit? How do I get on this level?

You're a fucking kike. don't lie. Mossad runs TD

There's already enough people shitting up this board, we don't reddit faggots adding to that

>muh Israel is based
>muh Iraq was over oil and WMD's

could you hurry up and redpill yourselves so we don't have to name the Jew for you

it's a corperate, leftist, censoring pot of cuck.

No the Jews are

Who's mossad

It's a horrible website filled with trashy plebs, that's why you're a plebbit.

Israeli CIA

They do. Doesn't mean it isn't where stupid "SHAREBLEW SHILLS ARE BREEGAIDING US" fags like you belong

>upboats for you my fellow redditor!
>haha I'm being sarcastic guys I need to add "/s" so you realise and don't downvote me haha
>fellow pedes
>info wars dot com xdd
Plus the fact it's a literal echo chamber (aka entirely pointless to visit) because any controversial post just gets downvoted and hidden

yeah sure fag

Yeah it's about Rothschild central banks, but don't pretend oil pipelines aren't a part of it too. Why do you think Russia is in Syria?


Because of Rule #10

reddit is pretty bad, truly an echo chamber of idiots and homebase of shills.

/Thread nigga, /thread

lurk more

The first post is often the best post

you virtue signal constantly, don't question jewish sharia (political correctness), think you know everything, call people smarter than you crazy, are mostly leftists, post garbage / jibberish and generally don't have any discernment.

das why.

Sup Forums is to t_d what t_d is to r/politics

this thread makes that obvious.

4+4 Sup Forums here. You're all cucks. All of you. Not just OP, not just plebbit, all of you. Why the fuck is this thread on page one? Fucking Christ no wonder I never come here anymore.

KYS leftpol

it's about Israel's security interests, not oil. Neocons are literally traitors


Pat Buchanan, Whose War, 2003


reddit is a top 10 trafficked site in the world, you may as well be posting on facebook

you are plebs

I don't think he is a nigger. Don't /thread.

No. Back you go.q

Oil was not why we invaded Iraq. The (((neoconservatives))) were.

because they are stupid faggots and so are you. it doesn't matter where you go to discuss or learn about something. labeling someone like that is just what weak and stupid people do because they can't come up with argument. you're either larping (shame) or feeding the sickness which makes you a fucking stupid faggot.

so mad.

Good point, but that doesn't make any of the other reasons invalid. A war can have more than one motive.

You just described 90% of Sup Forums...hell, all of Sup Forums. Sup Forums even has it's own facebook account.

Oh noes. Did I trigger you?

/r/the_donald has no downvotes tho it's not that bad

I don't think you understand how tirelessly Jews will support their own ethnic interests over those of the American people.

Have you read the Culture of Critique?

Yes it does, you just have to be subscribed to downvote which makes it even worse

I didn't say you were wrong. Yeah it's about securing greater Israel too. Why does that have to be the only motive?