My girlfriend just said that a man can "technically" become a woman...

My girlfriend just said that a man can "technically" become a woman. She meant if they have all the requisite transgender surgery.

Am I being stupid, or is she literally simply wrong? Because while society can call a man a woman, can make it illegal to call the man anything but a woman, and can drug the man with hormones, and attack fake breasts, and cut off his penis, and invert his penis into a horrific open wound that he fashions as a "vagina" - how does that technically make him a woman? Surely 'technically' is the opposite word to use? Perhaps figuratively or something?

Basically, I want to point out how wrong she is without upsetting her

Post her pics

>I want to point out how wrong she is without upsetting her

She's right. You technically became a woman right there.

I chuckled. But I would guess you haven't been in many relationships if you think women can have the same kind of logic based conversations as men?

What's it called when trannies have to stick dildos up their wounds so they don't close? It's on the tip of my tongue.

Post her pics

Tell her she's a dumb faggot and to stroke your 8 inch vagina until you bust your vagina seed on her face.

>without upsetting her

Well, now that you're the pussy, fuck her in the ass and then tell her it wasn't gay because she's the man in the relationship.

>missing the point this badly
you don't change women's minds with words, you dimwit. women communicate subconsciously using body language and moods. women can sense your strength and smell your fear like animals. That's why some ugly guys get laid a lot -- women sense their confidence. If your bitch doesn't immediately agree with everything you say, YOU are the bitch. Men lead women. If your woman is even TRYING to lead you, I have some bad news for you about how many cocks besides yours she's currently putting in her body.

Ask a tranny female if they can breed. Or if they need to spend hours a day expanding their vaginas/wound

No retard they can't be a women. They can take hormones that make them more feminine and grow tits.. but they're men at the core.

Women have XX chromosomes. Men have XY chromosomes. Taking female hormones, growing breasts, and have surgery done to get a neo vagina still doesn't make you a women.

Just because you can pass as the opposite sex doesn't still doesn't mean you are the desired sex you portray yourself has. Nothing can change your chromosomes.

This guy gets it

how about you just stop being a beta faggot?

virgin "point out how wrong she is"
Chad ...

This guy also gets it

Tell your "Girlfriend" Who hasn't done any research on it to look up Dr Paul Mchugh, a Harvard graduate who was head of psychiatry and behavioural science at the university of john Hopkins for 25 years and was elected by the president to be apart of a council that advised on stem cell research in 2001.
So you could say this guy knows what the fuck he is talking about.

This guy has a good grasp on who gets it

One of the few things i hold my ground on unbudgingly. Shes coming round to my view but the media is a massive ballache

Just say "nah, a man can't become a woman", and if she tries to convince you, just keep saying "nah", and then say "would you shut up about this stupid bullshit?"

>The Virgin Arguer
- Takes women's opinions seriously
- Uses logic to explain facts to women
- Asks the internet for help with his girlfriend
>The Chad Beliefchanger
- Doesn't argue, just lives his beliefs
- When women disagree, he just tells them they're pretty and distracts them with emotions
- Only goes on the internet to help his bros stop putting women on a pedestal
- Knows that viewing women as equal is the same as putting them on a pedestal

She's wrong, gender is determined on the cellular level.
Dump that jew puppet bitch.

If you learn one thing today, I want it to be this...

Don't you ever, and I mean ever, consider a woman's opinion. On anything. They are over emotional creatures with literal sub par intellect.
They smell good, are fun to fuck and can be excellent companions and make fantastic mothers. Find a red pilled one who can cook and youll be set for lifem But ask any random chick what she thinks about an sjw issue and you'll be wishing you had a revolver handy to blow your brains out.


Your girlfriend is a fucking faggot and so are you for dating a faggot, faggot.


>Am I being stupid, or is she literally simply wrong?

the most likely thing is that she doesnt understand the word technically

does putting a hole in my ears make me a different person or somebody with a hole in my ear? same shit with a chopped off dick. need further surgical and hormonal/genetic alteration tech developed further for any effective sense of physical transformation.

After reading the other comments ove realised, i am always in control. Whilst she is an emotional rollercoaster. I love her but yeh, if her opinions arent mine they are worthless. Damn

If i put a chevy v8 engine in my ford is my ford now a chevy?

>Basically, I want to point out how wrong she is without upsetting her
You weak faggot. Learn how to deal with women. Fuck you fucking cuck. Grow balls ffs

Ask her would she consider the tranny to be the exact same type of woman that she is or would it be a different, only technically, a woman?

tell her
>bitch you ain't right look it up

works every time

lads, thanks for all your responses. Just had a chat with her. She said that hormones control who a person is, and I said that no matter how many hormones a person takes, they will never go from XY to XX. And because sex is determined at a biological level and not a social one, and because the unchanging chromosomes/cells actually remain the same, so does the person

She didnt have an argument in response

You've learned nothing and you shame us all. Enjoy sucking the african cum out of your girlfriend's vagina.

>Martin Ponting
for a second there, I thought this news story was about Christian Weston Chandler

Just because it looks like the real thing doesn't mean it is. Pic related

>She meant if they have all the requisite transgender surgery.
does she even understand what the "surgery" is?

>Just because it looks like the real thing
but it doesn't even look like the real thing.

kek cheers mate, but I'm handsome with a thick 8 inch cock. I'm as secure as it gets, and she knows that I could click my fingers and have a line of women hotter than her in front of me. But because I'm a man and not a boy, I tired of slaying sluts, and despite my gf's left leanings, she is a quality person and wife material

I've seen some who kinda dol. Not In IRL, though.

just let it go dude, let her think whatever she wants. you don't have to agree on everything.

Chromosome test. Until we can flip a Y to an X, we'll still have deranged freaks calling themselves females.

She's got her words minced:
>By the loose definition yes a man can become a woman
>"Technically" unless we develope chromosome changing technology he will always remain a man

She's got it the wrong way around but what can you expect from a woman.

She is wrong, it doesn't change Y chrosomes to X. She believes in the nonsense swirling round academia and (((MSM)))

Males can never become females and females can never become males. 'Transgenderism' is completely fake. Only chromosomes and genitals define the sex/gender. Whether a man is sexually drawn to penises or likes the color pink or likes to grow his hair out long and act feminine is irrelevant.

Repeat this post to her.

A man can never have a baby no matter how many surgeries he has.
Same as a woman can never impregnate a woman by attaching a penis and hormone shots.

The hobo on the street just said that we can all "technically" enter the kingdom of heaven as long as we subscribe to his completely arbitrary value system in his head. Whether that has worth outside of his head is up for debate.

We should probably stick with some concrete values though, and tell everyone pimping post modernism (aka cultural marxism) or carrying water for the movement to fuck right off because if a fetus isn't a human being anymore and men aren't women then your brain with a bullet in it is worth just as much as one without per the powers that be. Tell your gf that in a world of utter nihilism and entropy that it leads to only darkness because that is ultimately what you get with the absence of energy and structure. Men are men, women are women. The end.

you reek of lies and desperation. remember me when your child is born black

Your girlfriend is a retarded bitch and apparently you are too since you don't know what the fuck chromosomes are.

This is true.
I was pumping this whore who is a complete whore but i just used her for sex and good company and she cooked for me and shit had her around to use for like 6 months and she was agiasnt gay marriage said donald trump is an idiot ra ra ra and i completely turned her around and said she was always attracted to me being passionate about things.
But she got the shits with me yesterday and has stopped talking to me because i tried to get her fat friend over mine on saturday to suck me off lol.

If I cut off your arm, does the genetical information that is in your cells suddenly change to no longer include that arm? Would every child you sire afterwards be born without that arm?
If I cut a hole in the leftover stump wide enough to accomodate a penis, is it a vagina? Does your Y chromosome suddenly turn into an X chromosome?
What kind of completely oblivious braindead idiot thinks that we can change genes with a fucking KNIFE?
The "best" we can do is mutilate a man to the point where an especially uncaring and horny man could use the result as an elaborate masturbation aid. The word you are looking for is "for practical purposes" and only in regards to sexual gratification.

To "technically" turn a male into a female would require a complete rewrite of the genome present in every individual cell and then force a complete regrowth of the entire body. This would be the equivalent of growing an entire new human body inside of another body that slowly eats the old one from the inside and eventually replaces it. The process would be gradual, so the replaced creature would not realize it is being digested while the new one would copy the old memories and be convinced that it is actually the old creature. Remember: Nature does not fuck around.

OP show her a picture of 'trans vagana'
its horrendous and they have to clean it every day because hairs inside tend to get into balls, its hurting and dripping pus all day
its simply retarded