Alt-Right is... LATINO MOVEMENT!

4% of whites 'mostly agree' with white nationalists.... but 13% of Latinos mostly agree

Sourse: NewsHour_Marist Poll_National Nature of the Sample and Tables_August 17, 2017.pdf

page 12

How could this shit ever happen?

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>the white Hispanic meme isn't a meme

Yes I respect the right to have pride in what you are, and whites are oppressed today.

niggas better panic, when they face the white hispanic

There's a pretty massive divide in Latin counties between the lighter skin and white latinos vs the Amerindian types

What a dumb fucking post.

They have seen the light

Please explain.

That 13% is probably people like Dick Masterson. Technically Hispanic, but with very, very low amounts of indigenous blood.

3% of whites, 4% of blacks, and 7% of hispanics 'mostly agree' with the white supremacy movement.

When niggaz and Latinos worry about whites more than white ones themselves.


Spanish blood people are smarter and more successful than the brown beans and this causes friction in society


It's universal. Every single place on the planet whites do better than those who are darker and therefore the social strife. It's universal and the only reason you need for nationalism that's at the very least based on race.

>what is silent majority

That's the cause of basically every "revolution" in Latin America ever. Poor Amerindian farmers get mad and fuck shit up under the guise of a socialist revolution.

Well, except for Pinochet, which was the reverse.

probably a couple of mexicans that don't speak english but tried anyway

We created this movement and you better start recognizing.

You'll still be taking rapefugees willingly if it wasn't for us.

Makes sense, the beaners that come here know that whites built a better country than they ever could, and they don't want to see it destroyed.

White hispanics are probably politically very similar to Italians, who are also very receptive to social conservatism and identity politics.

They also have the added red-pilling of being near diversity in the past/present, and probably hold at least marginally right-wing catholic beliefs.

We need to destroy the anglo menace

>Hispanics are bring South American fascism with them


American Mexican here most of us are racist we all hate blacks. Unlike most whites we interact more with blacks so we know that a lot of them aren't human. We all secretly know that white countries are the only countries worth living in. I for one would rather live in a while country then a Mexican or black country.

Useless poll that doesn't account for the fact that people don't admit to taboo beliefs. Especially not to strangers.

Race realism is far more prevalent than anyone is willing to admit. Deep down, even the majority of virtue signalling idiots at least instinctively understand.

We're not at all, Sup Forums can talk all the shit it wants, but we'll be your only allies when the racewar comes.


Have you seen how much they hate niggers? this isn't even surprising

White Cubans are the criollo Master Race.
>literally took slavery to the doors of the 20th century keeping the nogs in check
>last Spanish colony
>if seemingly white likely to be fully white and not Castizo/mestizo
>despise Central Americans
>highest socioeconomic status of any Hispanic group in the US.

How can we be so based?

Easy, whites are subjected to multiculti propaganda starting around age three. "Latinos" are less of a target.

Mate, we outbred the niggers in South Central LA so hard that the city renamed it South LA to get rid of the old 90s gangster stereotype.
Fuck niggers, the mestizos know they aren't white but the gueros/castizos sure want to be.

>We are white ese
>Now stop complaining that 80% of whites are brown people with sub-90 IQs and let me marry your daughter gringo
At least niggers know their place, their population as a percentage of the total US population has remained mostly static over the last 200 years, unlike spics, who only made up like 5% of the US population in the 1940s compared to their current population where they outnumber niggers.

Using spics to fight niggers is retarded because niggers largely self-regulate their population, spics are an invasive species.

>Beaners somehow gain control of their "Atzlan"
>It instantly turns to shit like the rest of their country

What's next after that?

This. I work with a lot of Mexicans and they're extremely anti-black. Unfortunately their kids tend to gravitate towards black culture and become degenerates. I blame today's slave morality.

>Invade more white countries
>White women welcome the Trojan horse because POOR BROWN BABIES
>Increase the imaginary borders of Aztlan, which never existed. But there were Indians in Kentucky who were sort of like Mexicans so it's "fine."
>Rinse and repeat.

Every non-white ethnicity and even a considerable portion of white kids gravitate towards black culture. It's honestly disgusting.

>Using spics to fight niggers is retarded because niggers largely self-regulate their population, spics are an invasive species.
Spics need their own Planned Parenthood and propaganda to stop being Catholic. Most of the retards that don't even go to church will use the excuse of their religion to not use contraception or get abortions, there is no regulation of spic babies. Figure out a way to stop that and get rid of birthright citizenship for anchor babies and shit might actually get in control one day.

But the Democrats love it. They could never win an honest election with Americans, so just flood the election booths with aliens.

Its already too late, the only solution to the spic question is mass deportation or genocide. The purity of America's genepool has already been tainted far too much by spics.

There's a difference between the child of Cubans who fled communism and the child of Mexicans who are here for government money

(((black culture)))

Not being Catholic won't make that much of a difference; niggers aren't Catholic and they give birth to tons of babies. The main thing keeping their population in check is the extremely high rate at which they kill each other.

Self hating spic here. It's mostly because of idiot illegals making those who assimilated look bad.

>Loud beaner music
>Terrible English


>Self hating spic here.
Truly the best kind.

>niggers aren't Catholic and they give birth to tons of babies.
They also have much higher abortion rates.

Most people don't even know what "Alt-right" is. That's why the answers are so retarded and 50% don't even know what to answer.

I've seen people from Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, to Richard Spencer and neo-Nazis being called that.

It seems to be a catch-all term for "people I don't like on the right".

It helps, but there are still tons of welfare queens who pop out handfuls of niglets.

Don't hate yourself. I'm against nobody inherently, I just want immigrants to speak English and identify 100% as A M E R I C A N. If you do that you're fine with me. You don't accomplish anything by hating yourself.

even greater ally than ourselves
wew lad

tfw I'm also latino (half)

I think we're in an unique position since we can actually see that whites are also being oppressed by an exaggerated counter-movement to the last two hundred years of history.

The one thing good about white people, their empathy, will be the cause of our fucking demise, I swear to god if we don't turn this shit around

Eastern Europeans who lack a gene causing empathy might live, but that's exactly why people say they're not white, and is probably why they're all bleak shitholes like Poland and Russia

Please start killing white leftist cuckolds

They deserve it

Can confirm. I am a spic white nationalist.

Dangerous mentality to have. Civic Nationalism is what happens when Ethnic Nationalism starts giving way to multiculturalism. Humans are tribalistic and given enough time, will always fall back into racial tribal groupings. In a generation or two, the kids of these "American" non-whites will start looking back to their heritage and identify with that and each other instead.

>People believe Hispanics are liberals
Only until the French benefits end.

Conservative economics, Traditional values, and Catholic influence are stables of the Hispanosphere.

Hell most people don't even want to talk about the elephant in the room of "mejorar la raza." George Lopez let it slip once and got murdered socially for it, but it is a very powerful thing in the community.

That's the thing white nationalist and alt right are not necessarily the same thing, the media says so but they aren't. Alt right primarily wants the country to a fair place under the law : for all people including the white majority. Some latinos agree with this because they are Cuban (who came over as legitimate refugees from a US enemy), Puerto Rican (who are US citizens), or Mexican Americans ( whose families came her legally half a century ago or more). So find allies among them makes sense because they have fought hard to be American. Plus the illegal immigrants have attacked them for not being Latino enough or the blacks attack them for moving into their neighborhoods.

Every Cuban I've met in the US speaks Spanish and shits all over second generation muds who haven't kept in touch with their roots. They've also all known about Jewish tricks and have unironically pointed out their schemes and laid out their own plans on how to out Jew the Jews.

Maybe I just got Sup Forumsack Cuban friends who knows.

wow, fucking based

also cuban

>the kids of these "American" non-whites will start looking back to their heritage and identify with that and each other instead.
And this is exactly what happens in college.
>Immigrate to America
>Learn English
>Save as much money as possible
>Raise your kids to be patriotic citizens
>Send them to state college

But what about the "self-hating spic" I replied to? These people should be happy, and we should fix the root of the problem, which is the leftists in academia.


Point is one is white and one is black. neither are mulatto. My example is Cuban American. White cubans fled to America when Castro and Che raided. Nigger Cubans stayed to get free gibs from communist.

>american consider both of those to be part of the hispanic "race"
>b-buth muh dufunitiuhn
>irrelevant, they are used as a race for every practical prupose

Not surprised a lot of you are self hating shitskins. Matches up pretty well with my chat experiences.

Light skin Latinos are basically white and more patriotic similar to Italians and Irish

lighter skinned latinos from the north hate the south for being basically the nignogs of mexico, even some whites fall to the shitty culture down there

Majority of Americans do not have any association between ethnicity and race. Most probably don't even know where/what Cuba is, let alone what he people look like. They would certainly call the black guy black and the Latina Mexican

>40% are unsure
t. doesn't know what slave morality means

Killing is wrong mate.

Very few groups are more racist than white spics, especially us Cubans.

Spaniards are white but are spics.
Spics come in 2 varieties, Mestizos and White spics.
White spics live in Argentina, Uruguay and Spain.
There are some in mexico and in other countries.
Mestizos are half native half european. Sometimes nigger mixture too.

>White spics live in Argentina

Minorities are much more racist than wypipo

It's not all the fault of college, it's nature. The "we r all da same :)" nonsense is just that, and everybody fucking knows it on some level. Blood is thicker than water.

Most right leaning hispanics tend to have a higher european admixture than anything else, around 70% or more. You can't really blame them for having identity issues considering their native blood is barely prevalent. Of course there are plenty who clearly aren't white but even they are called out for being autists by hispanics.

That hasn't been my experience though. I grew up in a well-integrated part of the country, saw some cliquishness in school but it had almost ended by the end of high school. I thought it was over, but then I went to college, and... holy shit.

Most Latinos hate niggers more than everyone else. Same for chinks. If there are any latinos/east asians would most probably confirm it.

When people get older, they generally start to understand that people are actually different and all the feel-good stuff we were taught as kids doesn't really apply to the real world. It manifests itself in different ways; some, such as myself, acknowledge this difference but do not hold any ill will towards the others, while others become frightened by their reality and fear/resent the others. The best thing for a society is to be ethnically pure, because the alternative simply does not work long-term. In order for a society to be strong and stable, it needs to be populated by people with a common culture, sense of morality, and similar genetics. Our own country will collapse and balkanize eventually- the writing has been on the wall for some time now- and among other things, it will be along racial lines. People want to be part of a group of other people that they belong to on the basest levels.

well there are lots of minorities in the US that are in favour of a white Europe, when it comes to the US it all depends if the question was "should the US be white?" or "should the US divide into racial ethno-states?", if it was the former I don't see this chart telling the truth

We are disagreeing on a very fundamental issue so it's hard to move forward. Again, I see the left intentionally fostering this problem as a divide-and-conquer strategy. And racist alien cultures that actually do have ill will toward others, colonizing our country.

Moving to a very white part of the country would undoubtedly improve one's quality of life regardless. I'm actually looking at doing this myself. Have had too many problems with young colored men I didn't even know. It's bullshit.

I appreciate your honesty and think we have the same concerns, which is what holds Sup Forums together.

Dirty nlggerlover

Checked. user is a dirty nigger lover

Confirming. We hate them so much we mock them in our local festivities.

Pic related.

And still only 4% of the whites? Having trouble believing this is legit.

Why do you feel like moving to a whiter part of the country is your only option? You seem like an intelligent enough person, why not stay where you are, find like-minded people, and improve your community? Why abandon your people when they're suffering?

kek, this is a question that already has an answer.

I'm moving because why should I put up with this bullshit. I've always treated strangers respectfully, regardless of color, but too many young, colored men here see things as "us vs. them" and try staring me down, etc. Fuck them.