Why Should I Support Capitalism?

As someone who's going to be poor in the future why should I support capitalism? Even if socialism made everyone worse off I still would be better off realitive to others and therefor be higher in the social dominance hierarchy. However when I'm poor as a janitor even if regulations end up getting me enough to have a home, car, and food I will still be considered low in the dominance hierarchy.

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That's because our definition of poverty is extremely narrow. I'm not considered poor under statistics because am fed. Most of these people "lifted out of poverty" don't even make $20,000 USD/year.

Maybe you should just have a shred of morality and critical thinking and understand that capitalism rewards those who are most deserving. And if you are such a sower piece of shit untermensch that you support socialism out of spite then you should kill yourself.

>implying im going to be a cuck
I hope you have cancer.

What is your IQ, I bet you scored in the 80s or low 90s and now you're a sower puss.

sour puss, faggot

87 on offical IQ tests

>replying twice

Holy shit, that''s actually a little low. Do you have some sort of learning disability? Are you a nigger or what?

I was born early so everything about me got fucked up a little. Have social autism, short, weak, and can't really think fast. I can think and stuff but it takes me a long time which you can't do on IQ tests.

A poor person in a capitalist society is still 10x better off than 99% of the people in a communist society. In Venezuela they have bread lines while in America our problem is poor people being too fat.

Well thankfully I was born a week late, so I don't have any of that shit going on with me. Are you skinny and feminine? Also, sometimes if you score higher in the other areas of the test, just not in the time limit they just detract a few points for slow processing.

>are you skinny and feminine
Not really skinny but im ultra-feminine

>Also, sometimes if you score higher in the other areas of the test, just not in the time limit they just detract a few points for slow processing.
Without time i get about 95 but that's bullshit because everyone knows being able to think fast is an important factor. I can't do basic math or science im not disputing the IQ test.

I know I would be poorer under communism, but I still like it since everyone else would be even more poor compared to now

The more capitalistic the nation, the smaller the gap between rich and poor.

How? Under a socialist system there is little gap. And under communism almost no gap.

jesus whats with all the commie shilling, this is the third thread in a row bitching about muh ebil capitalism

get a fucking job commie scum

I have a job, how about you get a job. You scum

"activism" or (((NGO))) work doesn't count as a real job communist parasite

Because what if you win the lottery, THEN WHAT.

In what communist state has the power elite not lived in ridiculous luxury compared to the average citizen?

>A poor person in a capitalist society is still 10x better off than 99% of the people in a communist society.
No, we were much better off in a communist society actually.

You're thinking of a poor person in a capitalist society on your (colonial empire) side of things, not on everyone else's (colony) side of things. Of course Americans will be better off, but for that, countries like mine have to be ruined.

So I haven't taken an IQ test I can really recall. I think I might have done CATs (Cognitive ability test) because sometimes the whole year will do it, and my teachers game me the impression that I did pretty well in them, what are the time limits on them?

And you on welfare doesn't count as a job

It wasn't as extreme as the capitalist wealth gap

It's a strawman anyway, i don't want to be better off i just wished things were worse for the richer.

>we were much better off in a communist society actually
We weren't in a communist society moron, Yugoslavia lived off of gibs from USA and USSR in exchange for not joining either of the two
Also, the only reason things were "better" than in the rest of the Eastern Bloc was because elements of free market were allowed here (personal property, small to mid range private business, competitive banking etc.) almost to the point of it being market socialism. The only things that were nationalized was big industry and big business and even then only to make sure all the parasites and useless people would have jobs forever and thus not rock the boat.

Yugoslavia was like the least communist of the communist countries (seeing as how it fell apart before China went full state capitalism)

No limits, time just gets subtracted from your score.

I see, selling all infrastructure to the Germans to repay imaginary debts and then still paying them for the privilege of using it, despite our own fathers building them with their own hands, and never repaying the debts because due to creative accounting we're only repaying the interest which gets bigger every year, is clearly superior to the ebil gommyz.

Remember when we had an actual heavy industry? Agriculture? Production and export of commercial goods?

croatian cronyism =/= capitalism

blame HDZ not the free market

>croatian cronyism =/= capitalism
Of course, *real* capitalism has never been tried...

Yeah, the timing would get me, I CAN think fast enough, but I like to take my time and my strong suit is Verbal reasoning and Numerical skills, maybe working memory but I haven't taken that test before, the points detracted for time might bring my score down to high 110s low 120s from the low 130s (I recently took the CAT again but without being timed).

its been tried and it works
or right its not capitalism its "imperialism" when it works right?
fuck off

>capitalist wealth gap

What you speak of isn't capitalism, its corporatism and the protectionist ideology stemming from socialists and the wealthy elite looking for monopolies.
And these people thrive in socialist nations not so much in capitalistic ones.

US with high numbers socialist progressives huge wealth gaps.

Hong Kong or Switzerland low number of socialist progressives, low wealth gap.


Hoo boy

You do t have to support it, just like animals dont support natural selection and predation. Capitalism seperates the wheat from the chaff, unfortunately, you are chaff. At least the people who are better than you dont see you as a threat, or they would not want you around.

That's correct, when it "works" it's basically just "crony capitalism" on an international level, since it works only for one end of the deal.

And that is only a large scale representation of the perfect capitalist transaction (which is basically getting everything for nothing, and convincing the other person they profited from it).

>>What you speak of isn't capitalism

Free market has literally been around since before Money...

>Its never been tried


Hm never thought of it that way. You will be better off in terms of living standards in capitalism, but yes probably worse off in terms of mate selection

until a way to end scarcity is discovered, capitalism will always be superior to socialism because capitalism allocates scarce resources in the most effective way for the entire society

socialism relies on people (who are notoriously retarded) to run something as huge and complex as an economy manually; millions of years of evolution have made people inherently selfish and thus the people who control the allocation of resources manually (as in socialism) will ensure that they get the best of everything

if the only way your ideology can work is to massacre countless millions of people, then its a shit ideology

You're talking of globalism, where international companies set up factories in third world countries and they make about 60cents an hour and the poor people aren't seeing any benefit, is this what you're on about?

>I am low status so I want everyone else dragged down to my level
Yep, that's a leftist attitude alright. I abhor your nigger-tier crabs-in-a-bucket nature with all my heart.

>socialism relies on Communists (who are notoriously retarded)


>Even if socialism made everyone worse off I still would be better off realitive to others and therefor be higher in the social dominance hierarchy

How exactly?

>voluntary relationship between people
>not moral

>allocates scarce resources in the most effective way for the entire society
Except people are literally starving while massive amounts of processed food are being thrown away (much more than it would take to feed the entire world multiple times, look up the statistics), that's not even counting the unprocessed food.
>if the only way your ideology can work is to massacre countless millions of people, then its a shit ideology
So capitalism is a shit ideology, gotcha.
Yes, globalism is the endgame of capitalism, and now that it's undergoing its historical fusion with "communism" you guys still defend it.

It's especially funny when some idiot like who lives in a country that's on the ass end of capitalism thinks it's somehow going to better with MORE capitalism despite the entire system being designed so that his country always stays on the ass end on the "global market".

We still haven't privatized air I think, maybe that will finally make us competitive enough.

I'm a janitor in a rich neighborhood and get no respect. I make 20K a year while my neighbors make 120K a year. I live on a shack beside the road connecting to a gated community. If I lived in communist russia where everyone including me made 18K a year I'd be seen as their equal.

Go learn a skill then. Use your time to volunteer if you have to. No, you'll just waste your time on the internet never even trying while shouting "what am I supposed to do!" Your forefathers spit upon you.

>learn a skill
Like what?

My forefathers were criminals, thieves, bandits, and pirates. They wouldn't give a shit.

You're overdoing the trolling a little bit, I think even Americans will catch on at this point.

You do realize you're getting banned for trolling right? You're just lengthing your ban with each post.

Yeah, except in every measurable metric these 'evil capitalist exploiters' raise the standard of living.
That 60cents an hour is usually more than DOUBLE what most of them would of been earning, usually most people are subsistence living before these factories come along, then as time goes on and more factories move in to exploit "the evil cheap labour" wages start to rise, standard of living gets higher still, more local businesses start to appear..

The amount of positive coming from these 'evil exploiter' far out weights any negatives. And compare that to the complete failures of communism.

How are those food stocks in North Korea and Venezuela?

There it is. "What am I supposed to do". Are you an adult? Pick some trade at random if you can't decide. They're good pay. Whatever it is, the hardest part won't be the work itself, but making a goal and sticking to it. At this point, digging yourself out of the hole you're in will be the most dreadful feeling you've ever made yourself feel, and by the end of it you will have a future.
Hey, you've got something cool in your blood at least.

don't bother explaining these things to them user
if they wanted to self-improve and make something of themselves, they wouldn't be communists to begin with

>>The amount of positive coming from these 'evil exploiter' far out weights any negatives.
Why don't you do it in your own country to your own people then?

Dude having a trade will get you no respect.

now look how he'll move the goalposts in the next post

you can't argue with these people they're too brainwashed one can only pity them and make sure they never get even close to anything resembling political power

There's a little bit of shit left on the boot, self-improve your tongue and lick it off, it tastes just like Coca Cola.

Socialism, and its predecessor Communism are inherently flawed because thier ideologies hold 2 false premises:
1)That mankind can create a stareless society. This is impossible, since out of anarchy, or a collective, a functioning body responsible for the distribution of the means of production must be established. This body functionally becomes a state, while the division between the members who are operating within the body and the ones who are left out begin to seperate, they establish a heirarchy.
2) A state, or even an anarchy, cannot become classless, human beings are far variable in genetics, thought processes, and abilities which naturally establish a pecking order. Equality of oppurtunity is also impossible to achieve, on account of those same reasons. Humans also express a certain degree of selfishness, which jeopardizes a society without conflict between individuals, furthuring the inability to esablish a society without classes or heirarchies.

Because, unlike in communism where you have no choice but to work for factory x for a set pay, in capitalist societies, individuals can in fact refuse to work for too little pay and find better jobs instead

>t. i don't want to invest any energy into my life whatsoever, i want the state to give me things for free

>capitalism rewards those who are most deserving
Like George Soros.

Is capitalism inherently flawed because it believes in the ridiculous concept of the invisible hand?

Or is this actually by design, and the invisible hand is a concept only sold to those "not in the know" so that the system can self-perpetuate for the benefit of the people controlling the invisible hand?

The defining trait of capitalism isn't free markets, it's - and this may surprise you - the predominance of capital.
Capitalism emerged in England.

So... you just export the shit jobs that no one wants to do, brilliant! Why do people in other countries "deserve" to do them though? Surely you're not defending imperialism again?

What is the purpose of the state?

Excuses for staying in your comfort zone. And it could be anything. We've got more information at our fingertips than any other people in history. But you knew that already.

>Yes, globalism is the endgame of capitalism, and now that it's undergoing its historical fusion with "communism" you guys still defend it.

There is globalism as defined by capitalist, which is simply world wide free market.
Then there is 'globalism' as defined by the political elite, in a political Union.

Yes one is basically communism, the other is anything but.
And the political elite like to make sure that the definition are well and truly blurred.
They blame all the problems they cause on the very think that can fix it, so people call out for more communism.

The delusion that an emergent system is somehow secretly designed is what leads to both Marxism and creationism.

We did... It was called the industrial revolution.

>Why do people in other countries "deserve" to do them though
nobody "deserves" anything, they get those jobs because they are willing to work for a lesser pay than their western counterparts, owing to the fact that before the ebul capitalist pigs factory being built, they were substenance farmers ekeing out a meager existence

from your perspective, it looks like ebul porky exploiting those poor poor chinks, from their perspective its a huge improvement

>Being better off relative to others makes your situation better
No. Enough Food, Adequate Housing, and Consumer Goods>Respect. Destroying the Economy out of spite is not a legitimate position.

There will be an elite class in socialism anyways and besides comparing yourself to others always invites envy. Worry about what is best for yourself.

>I know I would be poorer under communism, but I still like it since everyone else would be even more poor compared to now
First of all, people like you are why I have no respect for communism. Secondly, you are nothing but a worthless thief.

ultimately, communism isn't born out of misguided sympathy or even out of egalitarianism

its born out of envy


Definition of capitalism
: an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market.

>Nope the defining trait is self determination.

It doesnt believe in an invisible hand in a literal sense but a metaphorical one, very similar to the "hand" that guides natural and sexual selection in other animals. It also believes in the right of one to a certain degree of personal property, whether thst be the individuals own body, or their means of production thst they can choose to buy from another individual or create. Though the flaw of this system assumes that others will not use force to remove or take control of their property. To combat this, a voluntary agreement between parties is created, with varying terms, but most of them follow a NAP style set of rules to create a functional state. The terms on which this social contract is founded is usually beneficial for most of the parties involved and prevents parties of lesser or equal power from killing or violating the terms established by the state.

Would you rather be poor and starve, or be poor and have food and an iphone?

>from your perspective, it looks like ebul porky exploiting those poor poor chinks, from their perspective its a huge improvement
Yes, this is clearly a huge improvement.


>The terms on which this social contract is founded is usually beneficial for most of the parties involved
When only one party has a monopoly on media and the education system, how can you claim to even know that?

And they didn't really like it, did they. So why inflict this upon others?

1. still better than communism
2. nobody is forcing the workers to stay working at that factory, they are free to quit at any time
3. that factory is breaking the law of the country its in, so its not even a failure of capitalism so much as its a failure of the rule of law

He'd rather be poor and starve so long as everyone else around him was also starving.

>1. still better than communism
In what way?
>2. nobody is forcing the workers to stay working at that factory, they are free to quit at any time
Unlike communism, in this system they starve to death and the system doesn't give a shit about them as "common workers".
>3. that factory is breaking the law of the country its in
But through breaking the law, it earns more than enough money to pay the fines and still profit, sounds like perfect capitalism to me.

You didn't answer this btw:
>What is the purpose of the state?

good meme, maybe liberals can understand better if you use a cartoon.

>private or corporate ownership of capital goods
almost as though, again, the defining trait is capital, as opposed to the market-element which can be found back to bartering negroes.

Congratulations -- that puts you in the top half of earner globally.

Take the blinders off and get over your envy.

>I'm descended from a family of filthy, worthless criminals
Hopefully one of your victims ends that tree.

I still am poor compared to those around me and I get no respect

the purpose of the state is to ensure everyone holds to the social contract and to punish those who break the social contract with overwhelming force

basically, to keep the peace and stop everyone from degenerating into war of everyone against everyone else

the purpose of the state is most definitely NOT to take my hard earned money and give it to your lazy incompetent ass because it is in fact NOT fair to penalize successful people who made the right choices in life while rewarding the degenerates who made the wrong choices in life

thus, refering to the video you posted, the purpose of the state should be to check if the factory is breaking law, and if it is, to make them pay damages to the workers, fines to the state and force them to change their operating procedures (or leave)

If you were a low achiever in a system of equal wealth distribution you would still get no respect.

Like I said, it makes the false assumption that ethics are practiced by all in the system, a monopoly is the equivalent of an apex predator in nature, or a state in international politics. To combat this, people would either not consume the products made by this company, move location, or end up joining it. This is similar to what happens in nature, they prey either adapts so the predator chooses not to pursue it, moves environments, or gets eaten. As for states similar actions would be not allowing trade or immigration from another country, leave and establish another state somewhere else, or fall to a superior mikitary force. Capitalisms flaws are similar to communisms, both assume they arent systems run by animals. Though, the prey in capitalism are often far happier and live longer than communism.

Oh you're a Molymeme cultist, lol.

>127 IQ
>Chad Face
> 6'0" and not meme 6'0" but reality.
>Have 10/10s tell me when they get off work even though I'm fat and autistic.
>Ignore them.
It's ok manlets that roasty bitch would just break your heart anyways.

If he was of that ilk he would say the state is 100% illegitimate. As for you, I'm detecting a distinct, dare I say, lack of an argument.

You'd get more respect if you did things to earn it rather than being a self-entitled brat who thinks he can have anything he wants, and then wants to drag everybody else down to his level, when told "no".

>And they didn't really like it, did they. So why inflict this upon others?

So because short term, people didn't like the originally harsh conditions (and yes they were bad) we should of given up and cried into the fire at home in our "shacks", in serf to some landlord or bank.
Instead of increasing the wealth of the average person and the introduction of the middle classes?

You would seriously prefer people split between the have's and haven't any.

Anyway.. I'm out, places to be.. I can't sit around sulking like communist.

Don't just mean your hearts I mean any mans. There is nothing you can do for a woman that will keep her in line in Western Civilizatoin.

so by what logic do you believe you are entitled to having a higher standard of life than everyone around you if you are not only an economic failure but also a biological failure

i mean, other than the fact that the success of others hurts your feelings
I'm a believer that the state should be limited to police and rescue services, military and defense, judicial system and education system
everything else can be solved by the market better

So what happens when a foreign company buys all the water sources in your perfect state, this is something that you'd allow?

>i am completely worthless
>i want to force everyone to be as completely worthless as me

Commies in a nutshell.

>Instead of increasing the wealth of the average person and the introduction of the middle classes?
The only way this was done is by *outsorcing* the lower class to other countries. They're still there, they're just not your people anymore.

If this really had such a great effect on your country, why do you still need to exploit other countries to fuel your own economy, why not just keep it all inside your borders, it's obviously a system that benefits everyone so... what's the problem?

>I know I would be poorer under communism, but I still like it since everyone else would be even more poor compared to now
Put a bullet to your head you worthless retard

yes I would allow it if they followed the law
if said company started charging outrageous sums of money for water however, that would constitute a physical threat to the people in the country, thus activating the "military defense" part of the state - or to be more specific, the company would get raided by soldiers, seized and reprivatized to a better company

also, monopolies aren't capitalist and the company wouldn't even get to a position of "owning every water source" because there would exist laws preventing such a thing from occuring (the judicial system part of the state)