post niggers getting rekt


Not even that racist but i bump these threads to scare normies








you need to be dumb as a fucking nigger to pull that shit... was that nigger on drugs? story?




Watch out for that third rail, lold

Making America great again, one at a time.

>not even racist
>not a normie
pick one.

im thinking as i am watching, if you want to kill yourself why wait for the train....just electrocute yourself
next minute.




looks like the other guy pouring the stuff gets caught on fire too


What the? That was so retarded I couldnt not laugh. Dont even feel bad. I fuckin love equality.


I remember this from many years ago on Sup Forums...many laffs were had that evening...



Holy fuck.

Fucking lmao

Ladies and gentlemen and fags:

>this thread has been posted by the Friends of Hillary and Obama - the true Raciss

Looks like maywheater


>not taking 3 seconds to get a K.O. from a fractured rib cage

stop snitchin