Communism is anti degeneracy. prove me wrong

communism is anti degeneracy. prove me wrong.
pro tip: you can't

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That wasn't real communism. Real communism embraces all sexualities and genders.

Communism is the most Jewish form of government. Degeneracy is the result of Jews controlling the media. Therefore communism is the most degenerate form of government.

faggots belong in the gulag

How do you convince people they're oppressed and need a revolution when most people are happy, vanilla white people?

Gulag doesn't exist in communism, that's authoritarian state-sponsored capitalism. :^)

social democrats go to gulag too

why wasn't the soviet union degenerate? degeneracy always exists in capitalist western society?

>soviet union wasnt real communism.
it was. and that's why i like it

What assblasted commie made this?


At least you can pick up bananas in abundance in a degenerate capitalist society, muh non degeneracy means nothing when you're a starving cog for the state

What's up with this movie?


>why wasn't the soviet union degenerate?
>implying your average soviet wasn't some unwashed gremlin that would drink all day and try to kill you for your shoes

That's not real communism. Real communism filled my ass with cum

>being so desperate that you have to pretend to hate gays in a pathetic attempt to get Sup Forums types to follow gommunism


the same german guy who painted all those really graphic WW2 paintings of the girl getting gang raped by slavs

Dostoyevsky laid it out when he wrote about the commy movement in Russia during his time. Communism is pro-degeneracy because they want to totally destroy all institutions and morality in society, so the people have nothing left tying them together, and then communism can swoop in to offer them a purpose. Of course once they are in charge they are anti-degeneracy, no sane and functioning country, society, people, government would be pro-degeneracy. But in true subversive kike fashion, knowing that, they still promote it just to get into power. Utterly cynical.

>On March 7, 1934, Article 121 was added to the criminal code, for the entire Soviet Union, that expressly prohibited only male homosexuality, with up to five years of hard labor in prison. There were no criminal statutes regarding lesbianism. During the Soviet regime, Western observers believed that between 800 and 1,000 men were imprisoned each year under Article 121.[25]

Based upon the presupposition that people are unable to care for themselves.

Not degenerate.

Sure buddy


oh shit, like every other country on earth. Now be sure to go support your furry trans otherkin brothers you faggot.

I can't

>why wasn't the soviet union degenerate?
It most certainly was until Stalin purged the Jews.

You know what kind of people say pro tip? Faggots. fucking dicksucking, smug, soy boy, weak ass faggots. You are a faggot OP, enjoy being pozzed you fucking bitch.

This wasn't made by a communist. If you look closely it shows both as bleak. The point of the painting is to show that neither West or East Germany was the "real germany".


you don't know shit. pic related

no i just really don't like gays.

People ARE unable to care for themselves.

cultural marxism is shit yeah. but it's different from stalinist communism.


Hmmm stalinist era photo...
Of a building constructed under the Tsar.
Honestly that is the Communist equivlent of we Waz economic kangz

Communist is explicity anti-racist and anti-sexist. By definition it's degenerate.

not an argument.

now what if it's in an all white country.

I thought the Jews were commies.

But that building is built In communist time. it's even referred to as Stalinist architecture

maybe the solution is a combination of socialism and nationalism. wonder what ideology that could be....

That's cool. At first glance I figured it was some commie mad over the Berlin wall coming down.

I thought it was anti food.

National Communism. Or Stalinism

You thought wrong.

My personal take on the painting is that the east germans are happy to escape their communist hell hole, but are unknowingly stepping into a capitalist hell hole that isnt as clear cut. Thats why the commie side is black and white and the capitalist side is so colorful

The actual successor to the nazi party (forget their name) actually supported east germany over west and would regularly say how willing they would be to help the russians over the americans

Poorly worded. English isn't my first language.

My point is that the style and that building isn't Communist. It's left over either from before the revolution, under the Tsar, or a carry over from that time.

Stalinist architecture is just the existence of the Tsar era architecture style after the revolution. The communists killed it eventually as excessive and expensive.

yeah his art's pretty good.

why the swastika flag if you're shilling for communism?

daily reminder

Oh look a photo... Of a photo op

It was

>english isn't my first language. pic related

not furring and after stalin.


>The communists killed it eventually as excessive and expensive
No that was only Khrushchev. And nobody likes him.

>why the swastika flag if you're shilling for communism?
Why limit yourself to one flag?

even if it is, who cares.

it's a system invented by the jews. therefore it's automatically bad.

something better exists anyway.

because it's not your ideology.

leave your basement and beg mom to fart in your face...again

i do not have a basement, nor a fart fetish.

Communism is anti everything, except communism.

that makes literally no sense.

Reminds me of paintings by Ilya Glazunov
>pic related

Honestly aside from the shitty state of consumer goods and overall lack of material wealth, Soviet society had some stuff going for it (then again, the US in the 50s was pretty awesome too from a lack of socially accepted degeneracy standpoint). Fags were unheard of, homeless and crazy were kept well out of public eye, it was literally illegal to be a bum and not have a job (like truancy laws in the US back in the day).

My grandparents were the toughest people I ever met, and raised big families in rural Siberia. My parents who both grew up there in the 60s-70s are vehemently anti-gay, and always suspicious of Jewish trickery.

Many on the alt-right with their Pinochet memes and such totally miss the forest for the trees. Yes the initial phase of Soviet communism horribly repressed the Church, and was openly trying to destroy the family structure (liberate women, create cafeterias so they no longer had to cook for their families, etc). But to give Stalin his due, he ran the Trotskyites out and reoriented towards a nationalist sort of slant.

>also this one

Communism is absolutely pro-sodomite. The only reason the USSR became conservative is because Stalin seized power and rooted out all the jews.

>Ilya Glazunov
shit he died 2 months ago

pretty much spot on

good luck convincing the cucks on college campuses who make up the majority of your movement of this

>and was openly trying to destroy the family structure (liberate women, create cafeterias so they no longer had to cook for their families, etc). But to give Stalin his due, he ran the Trotskyites out and reoriented towards a nationalist sort of slant.
Pretty spot on. Except for the Destroying Family structure. Stalin himself wanted to reinforce the family structure. The state paid families a child allowance if there were a married couple. Women who birthed many children were given awards. It became a lot harder to get a divorce and restrictions were placed on abortions.

you're not wrong.

>The state paid families a child allowance if there were a married couple. Women who birthed many children were given awards. It became a lot harder to get a divorce and restrictions

literally exactly what hitler did.

Communism in theory is completely pro-degeneracy. Look at all the communist thinkers and the original revolutionaries and the shit they rallied for and against.

Communist, in its actual implementation, is only "anti-degeneracy" in the sense that everyone is so poor and starved that people have no time to think about batshit things like trannies and fag marriage

here's one of the Medals given to women who sired 10 or more children.

jews created marxism to destroy east and cultural marxism to destroy the west.

and apparently mission is successfully completed. eastern countries are complete shitholes while west is swimming in degeneracy.

The roach speaks true.

Yeah I mean prior to the Stalinist shift is when all the anti-family structure crap was going on.

I know a few old timers back in Siberia that are still ardent Stalinists. They are basically the Soviet version of the American "greatest generation." Saw some shit growing up (fathers dying in the war, hunger) , worked themselves to the bone in a frankly pretty unfair and shitty system (communal farms) and made it through it all. They raised families and made the most of what they had. I really wonder what they'd think if someone showed them an antifa/leftist/sjw rally with hammer and sickle flags.

To have degeneracy, you have to have food, shelter, water, health, wealth, a free country, free people, culture, well-off poor people, etc. Communism is the opposite of all these things.

It wasn't that they specifically made marxism 1.0 for east and cultural marxism for the west. It's that Marx originally had his prophecy that the industrialized world would be the first to collapse and bring about communism. But instead, the industrialized western world stood firm against communism, and instead it was places like Russia (which hadn't really industrialized at all yet) that went gommunist. And then all the various 3rd world shitholes like china, vietnam, latin america, etc went communist. This contradicted what Marx theorized. So instead, seeing that economic incentives wouldn't spur the industrialized world toward communism, they instead used cultural marxism as a backup plan.

There is a bitter irony in the fact that eastern europe is pretty much free from all the abhorrent degeneracy we experience because they were too busy struggling under gommunism. In a way, I'd actually prefer living in a communist hellhole. I'd be dirt fucking poor and starving, but hey, at least my people wouldn't be getting ethnically replaced by shitskins and promoting trannies and fag marriage


I'm going to enjoy lining up all of the nihilistic post modern purple haired college kiddies.

How can you tell what it will look like when you fuck up each time? Plus, it's a political group. Only the bare minimum of communistic belief is necessary to hold. Everything is fair game, which includes degeneracy

communism killed about 200million people in 1900s

sadly didnt get the jews
or gays

who are more numerous than ever

youre right, its hard to act degenerate when youre too starved to even stand up

Those are rookie numbers, we need to ramp it up to a few billion.


>I know a few old timers back in Siberia that are still ardent Stalinists.
Not surprising, to say the least. Stalin Rule of the soviet union was the best second followed by Brezhnev.

>They are basically the Soviet version of the American "greatest generation."

>Saw some shit growing up (fathers dying in the war, hunger) , worked themselves to the bone in a frankly pretty unfair and shitty system (communal farms) and made it through it all. They raised families and made the most of what they had.
Although life wasn't that great. I remember Workers of any kind who exceeded their quotas were rewarded something extravagant. So they got that going for them, until Khrushchev stop that. Man was not liked for that reason

>I really wonder what they'd think if someone showed them an antifa/leftist/sjw rally with hammer and sickle flags.
Probably be disgusted in how they act. Though it would be entertaining to see how Soviet police handle Antifa, SJW rioting in the streets.

nazism is a socialist ideology you cretin


Anzu is CUTE

its pretty hard to be a degenerate when you are poor and have no money not to mention probably being hungry.



concrete housing is the way to get any economy comfy

indestrictible job done structures

housing after food is all u need

rest is noise

thorium atomic can provide the energy needed to make concrete and metal and plastic etc without oil

and is safe and clean

0 death from atomic far less dangerous than oil derricks and no spills

wind and solar never work and are all wasted tax money or tax break scams

why didnt the commies just duplicate such nice concrete housing 1,000s of times and make whole population live richly?

why did soviet empire fail hard?
kill so many?

It promotes collectivism and the worst form of statism arguably the most degenerate things that can ever exist.

>why didnt the commies just duplicate such nice concrete housing 1,000s of times and make the whole population live richly?
They tried. Or at least Stalin tried. It all stopped due to Khrushchev.

>why did soviet empire fail hard?
Same reason why the British, French and all other European Empires fell. rising Nationalism sentiments in the other Soviet States.

>kill so many?
Can make an omelet without breaking eggs

you're right


cultural marxism doesn't even exists
it is a neocon yankee buzzword

>communism is anti degeneracy. prove me wrong.
american commies
eastern europeans are ridiculously conservative

they did hence the gigantic communist blocks PEOPL HAD TO LIVE IN.

communism BTFO hard

most underrated post of year

so its monarchist architecture

not commy

commies again BTFO

monarchy > democracy/commnuism/democrat/nazi/fascism

only thing beat monarchy is unregulated capitalism

>'Cultural Marxism' in modern political parlance refers to a conspiracy theory which sees the Frankfurt School as part of an ongoing movement to take over and destroy Western society.

except capitalism is endless boom and growth

I mean we are this far eith fed and all the fuckery of 1900s

imagine if we kept limits of constitution

hoyl shit we have our own personal plaentoids now

be dirt poor but not under communism and instead kill communists and kill gays and trannies and shitskins instead

its funny that people Think a White person living in turkey is somehow making that person turkish.

oh sure it does

it just blows up the faggotry you believe in

capitalism is the only moral system

>The communists killed it eventually as excessive and expensive

the communists didnt get a voice my guy. Stalinist architecture was a cry for clasical motifs and monuments.
Architecture during Lenin's era was thriving towards what you might call a Soviet Modernism.

communism/facism/socialism/democrats/nazis BTFO again

those who tasted communism are are core pro capitalism and free unregualted markets

obvious to me capitalism is only moral system

but those who lived under fuckery of burocrat kings know it first hand