This is proof we deserve equal rights and equal page. Look at those men just standing around while she saves their lives!

Other urls found in this thread:


>no link

Thanks a lot, i really see what you're talking about. Keep up the effortposting.

>no link

Thanks a lot, i really see what you're talking about. Keep up the effortposting.

>woman does job


Buzzfeed: buzzfeed.com/localla/kfc-fire-female-firefighter-saves-lives-33355?utm_term=.uejB5v6vZ#.ijzA7ZxZ4

YouTube: youtube.com/watch?v=gCGnwf_JHEY

KFC has their own firefighting unit?

No it's Los Angeles'

Women deserve equal pay. She's working harder than all the men there.

I don't see any men standing around just someone firing a mounted water cannon.

Would someone please with some strength grab that sledge hammer from her. She's taking much too long.

You clearly see those lazy men at 0:38 louning around.

Oh like a puny male like you can do better?


Yes, they were built for directing spray from a long and stiff hose.

This is obviously a paid female actor. Nice job shill!

Wow leave it to a cis-gendered heteronamtive male to sexualize a polite debate

Yes, shitlord. And they are women, you sexist. They save lives, you stupid man.

Hello I love de women

>mfw when OP said kfc female i immediately thought it would be a black woman

what have i become



A racist.


>not even on full blast, reaching about ten metres.

oh god, this is so pathetic.
bye america

>KFC has their own firefighting unit?
Hahahahahahaha but i can clearly say the bitch did not save any lives as KFC's are generally small buildings that are easy to get out of at least those i am familar with (the customers have 3 doors plus the employees have 1 back door in case of a fire most people would make it out of the 3 doors and those in the far back would just use the back door).

don't link buzzfeed user
you know better than that

>equal page
Try equal proofreading.



Baby Jesus fuck me in the ass! That's not a trap. That's an ambush!

Cute publicity stunt.

What TV show or movie was that from, OP?

I took the physical test long ago believe it or not. Even smashing the truck tire across a table with a sledge hammer. That test was saved for last after all the other arduous tests such as putting all the gear on , climbing ladders, carrying dead weight (this was long before they changed it to dragging the weight). I got 90% combined with the written exam. There were just too many 10 percenters ahead of me, I'd end up having to take the whole thing all over again by the time they called me. If I had gone in in drag and said I was female (this was the start of hiring females) I'd have been hired on the spot. Damn I too bad I didn't think of that before at the time.

Forgot to mention the truck tire smashing with the sledge hammer was to simulate forced entry.

7/10 would bang

Pic related. The model for this iconic (THE iconic) wiminz power poster actually did work at a manufacturing plant... for two weeks.

Yes, two weeks

Including the few days she spent modeling for this poster