Where did "unions are bad and should be delegalised" meme came from?

Where did "unions are bad and should be delegalised" meme came from?

the neo-liberals who want free trade, an unregulated market and a cheap workforce so they can get fatter stacks of cash while the rest of us suffer for their greed.
They do control the media and universities so they have been able to really deal a blow to what they would consider to be a thorn in their side by painting the picture of them being corrupt thugs who only care about money.
Although it doesn't help that some unions have gotten too big that this is essentially what they have become.
So I'd say its a blend of the two

I'd say it's 100% the neoliberal media, and that "too big" doesn't make sense. Unions are democratic organizations. They can't get too big, as long as they are still operating within the scope of their original mission e.g. a carpenter's union representing carpenters ect.

I think part of it is social. Middle Class people, with pretensions of being above the working class, dramatically higher wages, job benefits, job security, etc. be damned. I fucking hate modern people. They are so easily conned, mind fucked, into being plutocrat and Jew slaves.

Yeah, because the Unions are the ones who take all the risk in a business venture, and should bully the man who owns all the equipment, pays all the fees the government imposes on him, pays for all the maintenance on it, pays for all the advertisement, and pays for all the rents, shipping, and packaging of the product.

That guy working the line? He's the one who is really important here. Yep. Give that man more money now, and don't tell him he can't be a fuck-up.

People like you are nothing more than overgrown children who cannot understand the concept of property, or economics.

"That should be MINE!" and "There's a whole bunch of money that they're hiding from me, I know it, and they just don't want to lavish me with nice things because they're mean!" are your general mentalities in life.

Go play in some traffic, you fucking faggots.

>unironically being fucked in the ass by all CEOs combined

correlation is not causation, retard, sage

too big here meaning they have a monopoly of sorts, don't know what it's like over in the USA but over here some unions have done some shady shit for no reason part from power and money and they are very centralised compared to what they used to be like.
We have some unions that actively go round shutting down worksites to get money for no reason other than to get money and to exert influence over those who haven't signed up to the union.
To be fair though these issues are nothing compared to the well oiled propaganda machine that the neoliberals have been pushing for the last 100 years.

>Where did "unions are bad and should be delegalised" meme came from?

guess it came from these top 10%

right around the time when the civil rights act was passed it looks like

I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post.

they use the black boogeyman to get people to give up their unions for job security

now its the immigrants, what else is new

t. assembly line worker

(((union))), nationalize the industry if you want fair working conditions, unions are a communist ploy

> muh top 10%

So doctors, engineers, and other professionals earning more is bad now? Have liberals sunk this low now?

Wow, what a strange coincidence that one union % goes to its max, companies began to move overseas.

Most unions now are worthless anyways, you either pay a fee or you dont get the job. Then they barely do dick for you.

When liberalism and international capitalism became the de facto politics standard in the West.
Also notice how that coincides with the Hart Celler act that started the thirdworldization of the US? Pure coincidence goy

>(((other professionals)))
>unironically defending elites

Isn't nationalization literally communism?

thats another immigration argument, muh brown people coming to murrica takin all our high paying doctor jobs

Shortly after Unions got in bed with the companies and just tax faggots who want to work but dont give you any protections or rights. Then theres unions for dumb shit like grocery stores as if they give a fuck if they go on strike or not.

Alternately like the teachers union it keeps me from firing niggers despite a million good reasons to do so

Not necessarily. Both Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy went through heavy nationalization process. Italy under fascism had the highest number of nationalized industries in the world after the Soviet Union

and unironically there'd be more doctor jobs and medical careers if america had universal healthcare but let's please focus on those poor $250k a year salary the doctors make such destitute poverty

>falling for the union jew
Unions are keeping deadbeat losers and outright scum artists on the job,just because they suck their dicks off and eventually elect them as public officials.
They become the ones who vote for bigger and bigger goverment because of their marxist mindset.

Lol, you'd better still be in college. Your romantic Rand image of the lone heroic entrepreneur died in the 19th century. And your notion of some grand market serving all interests never existed outside towering abstractions in books. It's corporate bureaucracy, it's using concentrated wealth to shape government policy in corporate interests. Being civilized and cultured in the Western tradition formerly meant caring about a healthy polis, caring about values superior to "fuck you, I can take it, I shall take it." Go masturbate over your new SUV, you fucking subhuman.

from the billionaire globalist elites who somehow programmed right wing retards to be their useful idiot army

So the white working classes being reduced to Third World sweatshop workers, while the elite pocket the difference, is good now?

That's where trade tariffs and restricted immigration come in. The scabs are now across borders.


We have the correct answer everyone else can go home

Then stop importing millions of unskilled and/or illegal workers. Unions can tilt the scales but it can't nullify supply and demand.


It's not just immigration, it's free trade with the Third World. That also increases the labor supply, without increasing accumulated capital to nearly the same extent, reducing the marginal productivity of American laborers, reducing their real earnings.

Well in my state the public employee retirement system is royally assfucking the taxpayers. Guaranteed returns regardless of the economic climate, 20 years employment to cash in, along with other benefits. Anyone who works for the state is a member. It's blown a huge hole in the state budget and they constantly try to raise our already high taxes to cover it. When the legislature that created the system and the judges that rule on it are beneficiaries of it nothing can be done to fix it. If you ever mention it to a public employee they scream how a contract is a contract. A retired college football coach gets 55k a month from this system.

The unions were a backlash against the monopolies and abhorrent business practices of the Robber Barons in the 19th century. The Robber Barons got in bed with newspaper and other members of the press to put out propaganda in vein of "unions are bad and should be delegalized".


Actually it is used to restrain monopolies in industry, but nice try.

I'm in a union, and while I greatly appreciate the protections and benefits that provides, I think it's a flawed system. It's extremely depressing knowing that no matter how hard I work I will always make the same amount as the fuckers that don't put in any effort and literally sleep half their shift. A solid 80% of the people I work with would be fired if it were a private sector job.

the third world produces cheap disposable crap, america should be focused on manufacturing for rebuilding america. our houses are inefficient mold boxes of fragile fucking cardboard when they should be built with solid clay bricks like poo in loos build their houses with or even the huehues otherwise mexican companies like cemex will take advantage of that time when it comes when americans are fed up with living in unhealthy shoddy shit houses that cost an arm and a leg to heat and cool keep pests out of them and general upkeep like replacing the fucking roof every 15 years since everything is engineered to be built at the lowest cost to the builder so that profits are maximized

>implying you would be payed more for working harder under Totally Free Market

I'm not that familiar with the history of unions, but I get the sense this graph should be interpreted to mean that unionized jobs have been falling due to automation and outsourcing, not that unions have fallen out of favor.

>waaah voluntary exchange of goods and services at agreed upon prices is only good when I do it! You can't just go around bargaining the value of your services!

> neo-liberal boogie man
What is neo liberalism exactly?

Unions are a communist scourge, destroy all unions.

First, unions happened to fight Jewish bullshit. Then the Jews hijacked the unions, and they serve as controlled opposition, and sometimes as hired thugs, to this day.

yes let's all hope for the decline of america so the rest of the world and countries like australia prosper more, which is sound logic when we have the largest stockpile of nukes but why the fuck not see what a country that turns into a idiocracy with that kind of firepower would be like for the world

>80% of money is collected forcefully through fair share dues

when they became the mob and when they would rather have a parasitic relation with a host company than a symbiotic one


Job security (most especially for those with families), and not having to shamelessly fellate your superiors to stay employed/get ahead, are of monetary value themselves. They're benefits, worth declines in economic productivity. A healthy nation (culturally, socially, etc.) can find a more of less proper balance.

Capitalism is a plutocratic globalist pro-degeneracy scourge.

> post yfw the 10% have had their earnings increase because teacher, doctor, pilot & other unions have created barriers to emtry into those professions skyrocketing the 10%s incomes because of unions
> post yfw the working classes incomes were on the up and up when the economy wasn't ruled by government corporations & uniom thugs
> post yfw roads cost billions to build because Unions have colluded to cut millions of people out of jobs by bidding up their workers incomes to ridiculous heights like $150,000p.a to work on infrastructure projects shovelling dirt
...and people wonder why there are fuck all businesses nowadays which is why we're missing the important upward pressure on incomes that comes from businesses competing for labour. Youre right must be that neo-liberal boogeyman no one understands but applies to classical liberals rather than the actual father of neo-liberalism.

But unions are bad. They bleed workers and lead to outsourcing.

>subhuman corporatist drones appear
>unions are a communist ploy
No, you colossally stupid faggot, unions are literally part of the free market. You know how when you go to a job interview and negotiate pay and benefits? A union is a club you join that does that for you. That's it. It's literally a 1st-Amendment right.

And worse than a normal union is public sector unions like teachers and police unions. They're absolute cancer and should be illegal.
Also, go look up how unions fund politics.

theres fuck all businesses because corporations stifle the competition from small businesses so you have joe the plumber types running small businesses who pay their workers minimum wage to make up for the overhead costs of providing them with health care or other benefits

They lead to outsourcing because there are no longer trade tariffs, enabling business to take advantage of millions upon millions of destitute (scab) workers. Unions finally coming to prominence in post-WWII America was the golden age for the working and middle classes.

>t. Ishmael Bergstein


>Also, go look up how unions fund politics.
You mean unions give money to the party who doesn't constantly guzzle corporate semen?

If only there was a pro-gun, pro-middle class party.

>>subhuman corporatist drones appear
rats (((I've))) been found out.

Actually I did. I was working for a contractor before the job unionized and I was making more than the average worker because I put in more effort. Yes, I make more now and have better benefits, but there is a less effective workforce now because the lazy fuckers can't get fired. The tax payers are shelling out more money for shittier results.

Now, I'm not saying I think private sector is the answer. Even though I worked like a slave I was constantly worried about losing my job due to some shitbag manager. The job provided NO benefits. No sick time, no health coverage, and no 401k/retirement options. I worked through my breaks almost every day just to get the work done.

So what's the best solution? I don't think there is one unfortunately. It's either get taken advantage of by the private sector or take advantage of the tax payers. Yes, I feel somewhat guilty for my pay and benefits, but if I wasn't doing it some lazy nigger would be. At least I try to give the tax payers what they're paying for.

Same here. Our public sector idiots get vastly inflated incomes, 15% retirement contributions on those inflated incomes vs 9.5% for the rest of us and they never stop and think what happens when they get more than the tax payers that fund their incomes & lavish benefits.

If you get $60,000 for one job, pay $20,000 in taxes, an extra $6,000 into a retirement fund. How many 60k tax payers does it take just to pay for one public sector employee doing a similar job for $80-$90,000 + $13,000 in pensiom contributions? Vs Some dole bludger on $300/week....

You're anti-free market and anti-middle class, so neo liberal corporatist worthy of being hanged publically is about the only option left.

When they uniformly started backing radical leftists.

no just the ones who guzzle union semen at the detriment of the public

Lol, look at how corporations and the massively wealthy (Soros) fuck with politics. There's no need for workers to band together and represent themselves to the state?

the solution is to tell unions that they fucking cant block a urinalysis for lazy ass workers

The difference being the head of a business is more likely to have reached that position through meritocracy via succeeding in the free market while a union leader could just be some jew shill agitator

>being this much of a corporatist cocksucker good goy

>When they uniformly started backing radical leftists.
When 'radical leftists' are the only ones who even make a pretense of defending the middle class against corrupt corporatism, that's the far bigger problem.

and they just give it to their kids, like our wonderful president

Did you see the graph above? The public has been going backwards.

Ever notice how Unions always create legislation aimed at stopping corporates from exploiting, end up destroying small businesses leaving only corporates to benefit?

I know collusion & networks of the powerful are rife but id love to know just how much corporates government and unions all come to agreements on legislation so the 3 of them can benefit at the expense of small business and tax payers.

Government, corporations & Unions the unholy trinity of economic destruction and anti-freedom.

Should see what they've done to our building industry here in Aus.

Heh, I had a drug test and physical when I started working for the state but they don't even do that for new hires any more. Probably because it would drop the hiring pool by 90%.

australias building industry is booming, the middle class can actually afford new homes

we have strong unions.

Nuff said?

I'm not against unions in the private sector necessarily, but there is nothing more cancer than government sector unions.
Do any pro union people defend government sector unions?

>people unironically defending unions
Unions are nothing good. They were formed as a reaction to growing monopolies. Monopolies who abuse state power to gain their massive market shares in the first place. The problem isn't the corporations, or the unions, it's the governments control over the economy that leads to monopolies that leads to unions. As scummy as corporations are, they simply don't want to die like almost all brands and businesses have historically done. Why bother actually competing in the free market when you can just lobby the government indirectly fuck up your competition.

If you think meritocracy is truly central in the medium and large businesses that run most of the economy, you're crazy. It's who you know, and who likes you personally, that determines most hiring and promotions. You only have to avoid epic fuck-ups (at least ones that others will find out about).

and we don't have monopolies now? google? facebook? comcast? newscorp?

Yes booming but not in a good way. Supply is extremely slow to hit the market in part due to unions, which is one factor risking a market crash now as housing/apartment supply thats been in the pipeline for 5-6 years is finally hitting the market in a flood. The booming prices is an issue as price per sqm has skyrocketed leading massive subdivision of all new land. Blocks have been cut down in QLD to 350-400sqm and still go for $400,000.

Our retirement funds have been pillaged to fund overpriced uniom infrastructure too which is so distorted they deserve to be lined up and shot.

And that's a bad thing? Wouldn't that mean only whites would be getting hired especially decades ago when we controlled even more of the economy?
It was the interruption of this supposed theory that would have lead to the diversification of the economy demographics.

>You're anti-free market and anti-middle class, so neo liberal corporatist worthy of being hanged publically is about the only option left.

I'm for throwing the plebs a bone after I get my yearly bonus from IB.

>Unions are nothing good. They were formed as a reaction to growing monopolies. Monopolies who abuse state power to gain their massive market shares in the first place. The problem isn't the corporations, or the unions, it's the governments control over the economy that leads to monopolies that leads to unions. As scummy as corporations are, they simply don't want to die like almost all brands and businesses have historically done. Why bother actually competing in the free market when you can just lobby the government indirectly fuck up your competition.

This isn't true. Very few monopolies exist because of govt regulation and in fact the few that do, like utility co., are generally seen a good thing.

Most monopolies exist because the the market develops that. The majority of people in the west only get a very basic education in economics in high school so all they learn is

> supply = demand
> competition lowers prices.

But this is only true is certain criteria are met. One of those criteria is barriers to entry. High barriers to entry (like developing an algorithm to search websites) keep websites like Google as monopolies. So it's the market doing what the market does.

P.S. also one of the big reasons I've learned to hate Sup Forums in the last few years. Most the people on here lack a fundamental (intermediate) understanding of economics.

Yes, our unions control a lot.

There is such a thing as getting fucked over by the public sector as well. Unions also give the rank- and-file strong input into the decision making process. Does that really sound off? Does giving coal workers input into safety precautions in mines sound out of line to you? How about police officers on equipment needs?

>unironically defending crony corporatism

The idea that the workers of an industry or even just a single factory begin to realize their wages stagnate in the face of massive increased profits for their boss or bosses have an argument to then organize to get a larger piece of the pie.

But the gov sector employees are paid off taxes. So what's the logic? Who is exploiting gov sector workers by trying to skim their wages as much as possible?

you are all low level knowledge drift-ins and need to know there is nothing wrong with private unions OR scabs. there are many situations where one is needed.
public unions are inherently immoral
this guy is close. civil ((rights)) also meant women "joining the workforce"
the commodity of labor cant jolly well command a good price when you pass laws to double it


> Ancap
> defending crony corporatism
> Government, corporations & Unions the unholy trinity of economic destruction
What do you mean?

right on


I was working at a coffee plant. One day sone mexican "community organizer" shows up, talks all the guys into signing up for the union. So the mexicans jump on it. Force the company to unionize, pull off a strike and block the roads.

Company caves in. Police were very quick to jump in and protwct the striking workers.

So the conpany now has union labor. Union nakes the comoany give the workers a raise. $2 an hour more. Went from $8 to $10, nice. What was nit so nice, they charged about $4 an hour in union dues from net. Essentially they took 1/3rd of your paycheck for union dues and union memberships and union expenses and union litigators.

Sure you made $100 more on paper, but they ate that $100, and more.

The workers were angry! So they forced everyone to stay in though slashing tires, burning cars and drive by shootings. Ironically thats exactly how they made the few holdouts change their mind about unionizing.

Here is the real kick in the pants. The company had started a profit sharing program before the union man showed up. Thr fine print, the union control all of the profit shares. We would have had checks for about $2,500 every quarter. The company soon went under, the union pilfered them to death. The union bpamed the company and a the few white workers like myself for the drop in productivity and began the tire slashing and radio stealing like good unionized mexicans do.

The workers had less money and more expenses. The union looked after itself. The police protected the union, afterall, the comrade police officers also belong to a union!

The unions use the money to promote Marxism and pay for protests. They know who I am by posting this story and may decide to come finish me off for good.

That is how unions work my dear ladies and gents and mutant freakospectrums.

I'm not saying the system as it exists is perfect. But the notion that governments will never fuck over workers doesn't make sense to me. To continue with the example of the police, how about requiring policemen to walk through ghettos at night armed with only tasers (to eliminate negro riots over shootings), which they've found ineffective on the job? There's no end to the absurdities that political pressure, or bureaucratic corruption or incompetence, could bring about. Why should they not have power to check these things?

>Where did "unions are bad and should be delegalised" meme came from?


Police are a small part of the bureaucracy and they possibly represent a great irony because they would mostly be fucked over by liberal municipalities that are more willing to weaken them and put them in more danger just for muh feelings for ghetto people.
A police union would theoretically be inherently " right wing " due to protecting officers is almost always in contradiction with the feelings of bleeding heart liberals.

But I am speaking mostly of the rest of gov sector unions, office workers.

union boss are totally corrupt and union workers are typically lazy as niggers. you can't fire them and they job the system.

Lol, sure, it's the unions, and the Democrats, and not the niggers. Tell me, why isn't Pittsburgh a Third World shithole?

>Does giving coal workers input into safety precautions in mines sound out of line to you?

Except the UMWA did not give a shit about Buffalo Creek West Virginia until they could exploit the tragedy for their own gains. Now the unions have looted the wealth of the workers, and practically shut down the domestic coal industry while using communist labor camp coal imports.

My grandfather was a miner, worked for the umwa. Je was their go to guy for strikes and violently made sure their guy won the local elections. He had practically begged the umwa to help with the situation with the damns but they took his union due payments and "political favors" but never took his phone calls.

my gf works for corrections (state). union. she's basically drained, always having to tow the line.

Should office workers be able to lose their jobs because their superior doesn't personally like them, or because they want to hire their niece? Should a school teacher be automatically tossed out because a room temp IQ mother is unhappy about their son being disciplined? It seems to me that it's little different from the unions in the private sector, fair pay and fair treatment. What are they going to do, take their case to the voters? As with unions in the private sector (which require and deserve government protections to function properly), so with public sector unions, it's about finding the right balance. That shouldn't be too hard if there's a decent level of public spiritedness instilled in the (white) populace via a proper culture, educational system, etc.

Not even college. Most people I know who went through a libertarian streak did so in high school after reading Atlas Shrugged or Anthem. Once they got to college, they became unapologetic liberals or socialists. One stuck in the libertarian phase in college, he currently has Thomas Jefferson tattooed on his shoulder and is still a virgin. Maybe 3 still stuck to their hardcore left fanaticism after college. The rest became moderates, conservative, or tolerable libs who cringe at their former selves.

Moral of this story? Libertarians are retards and SJWs usually grow up.

A union is a glorified cartel. It screws over the end consumer, small businesses and the self-employed.

Of course being unionized yourself while the rest of society has to play by the rules of the market is fucking sweet - that's why doctors, lawyers and pilots do it.

Due to the nature of their work they have a kind of leverage that unqualified laborers will never have. All the union movement has done is secure a high end lifestyle for that class.


The end consumer is also a worker, who usually values job security and greater pay/benefits more than the increase in consumer prices he's likely to see. Small businesses are often just as unafraid of fucking over workers as big businesses (they love Hispanics over here, they can pay them shit, and treat them like shit without push-back). It's all a matter of proper public policy. As logic, and statistics like the op's show, plutocratic capitalism (in the long-run, there is no other kind) isn't exactly the solution for the working classes.