So, why aren't you /childfree/ yet Sup Forums?

So, why aren't you /childfree/ yet Sup Forums?

Because I want to raise a family.




You need to stay on plebbit

Has there ever been any case of someone not wanting kids while also not having a severe psychological disorder, or not coming from a broken household, or not having some sort of disturbance in their lives?

We shouldn't just pretend that having no drive to pass on your genes isn't a mental illness.
And yet I see on the internet article after article saying that we shouldn't judge and shame women (always only specifying women for some reason. I think they are trying to turn it into some kind of "feminist" issue) who are psychologically broken to the point of not wanting a family. And by "judge" and "shame", they mean "try to help" these people.

Wanting children is a universal inbuilt drive common to everyone. Even priests and nuns will admit that they really WANT a family, and want children, and that they were suppressing this deep desire to dedicate themselves to something higher. The most vapid party sluts also want children someday.

Anyone who doesn't have this drive has a sickness. And they would try to justify it by saying "it isn't logical to have children. It isn't rational to invest in a family". Well, it isn't logical or rational to keep on living either. It doesn't matter, we still do it. And we treat not wanting to live anymore as a mental sickness.

If you are one of these people, then I am sorry you have a mental illness. But don't let the media try and convince you its normal. Get help.

Hmm interesting theory user...

He made the right decision.

Because I have good genetics and was raised properly

>not having a /comfy/ family

I have a woman in my life that would make a wonderful mother and I must breed her

Sounds like a beta pussy bitch
>I just dont want any pussy, it is not like im not getting any...

procreation is purely an egocentric act


>Has there ever been any case of someone not wanting kids while also not having a severe psychological disorder, or not coming from a broken household, or not having some sort of disturbance in their lives?
My parents are still together and my little sister doesn't want kids because she thinks she'll be like our mother when she grows up.

>mental illness
>children are not for me
This is the right thing to do, desu, you dont want to bring another retarded leftie idiot with mental disorders in this world (half black too, probably)

This is a sickening mentality to have, but I can't say I'm disappointed that THESE people have decided not to reproduce.

fun fact:

Gen Z is rightwing because the lefties aborted most of their babies

I'm a MGTOW, does that count?

nothing of genetic value was lost
bye bitch

>inb4 burnt by boiling browned butter from frypan
If you ain't going to wear a shirt, at least wear an apron

Just because everyone can have kids doesn't mean they should. Do you think all the Shaneequas should bare children even though they'd be shit at it and raising future criminals?


When I was child free my life had no meaning. All ambition is meaningless unless you are working for others.


What an asshole. Never gonna have an only child, just in case.

>and wouldnt that be nice?
Reminder that liberalism is literally a death cult.

>batshit insane people dont want kids


>Has there ever been any case of someone not wanting kids while also not having a severe psychological disorder, or not coming from a broken household, or not having some sort of disturbance in their lives?
Crippled redpilled folks. Don't want to pass your bad genetics down the pipeline now, do you?



>Not wanting to sit placidly while watching your daughter play goat simulator.
>Not listening intently as she gives you tips on how to play video games.
>Not playing Halo split screen with your five year old.
>Not building an epic world with your family on Minecraft.
>Not cooking spaghetti with the kiddos.
>Not making dank lunches for your kids and putting nice little surprises in their backpack.
>Not teaching your little girls about space and feeling pride when they start researching the subject on their own... And even teaching you things you didn't know before.
>Not going to the pool with the whole family.
>Not going on hikes with the girls and experiencing the world with them.
>Not visiting grandma and grandpa in the Rockies.
>Not working your ass off to buy a house with a backyard for them to play in.
>Not having any reason to live beyond materialistic pleasure and banal trivialities.


As a father of two I say let them. Less competition for my two (and later hopefully more) beautiful white children. If they choose willingly to betray their genetic legacy, who am I to stop them. In the meantime I'll be over here working to make the best possible head start for the little minimes who will carry MY genes to the stars. Bitches.

>if you're not married and can't afford a kid, don't.
if you don't want kids, do you.

False. Having children is an entirely selfless act. Your views are warped.

childfree people are some of the most disgusting """""human beings"""""""" i have ever seen. they are worse than niggers and muslims.

Liberalism is dead in sixty years.

all these people who claim they want to be childfree are actually jonesin' to get a child.

>look at how superior i am for having different priorities and enjoying different things
t. retards.

That goes for you as well Sup Forums. Just let people live their own damn lives.

I'm not having kids because I oive in Europe and I can see we've lost.

Honestly, I really want a daughter but I also couldn't cope if she brought home a shitskin or nigger or woman and introduced them as her partner and with how the EU is these days this seems like an increasingly likely scenario. I also don't want her growing up in the new Great EU Caliphate.

anyone here who is against white genocide yet doesnt have atleast 3 white kids is a traitor

I'm not even white, but I agree. If you advocate the promulgation of your kind, then have babies. Stop getting grossed out about kids or thinking that 1 is more than enough and then complaining when your population is dwindling.

That's was backward logic. The best way to light a fire under a man's was is a kid. I went from being a cool dude living the dream with my best friend in a rented bachelor suite. I wasn't broke, but I wasn't rich either. When my girlfriend told me she was pregnant I want from making $30k to $100k in under two years. Six years later we just sold out condo and walked away with $229k in clean profit after investing 5% in the property and just bought a house with that as a down payment.

I went from being an eligible bachelor with little motivation to owning a house in one of the most expensive markets in the world. I wouldn't have done any of it if I didn't have some one else to look out for.

In six years I quadrupled my income and made prudent investments that paid high dividends because I had to. Waiting until everything is perfect to have a kid is stupid... You have to make the life you want to live and you need drive and ambition to do that, which doesn't come naturally for most people.

Get the wife and the kid as they come to you. Everything will fall into place after that.

>I'm not even white
what are you then and why are you here

You've lost specifically because of this kind of pathetic attitude.

I don't understand how people can feel pride when saying "I don't have kids because life has no meaning".
That's fucking sad my dude, you should unironically kys because life has no meaning anyway.

these people just sound mentally ill. but plenty of mentally ill people have children.

Thats funny because a friend of mine got a wife and kid and his life went to shit.


dude just have male kids then I'm sure the technology will be available pretty soon and it probably already is for in vitro

The parents could adopt another child or have one artificially, at least from the father.

Also, write the ungrateful one out of the will.

I'm a brownie. we laugh at the suburban whitey with 2 kids or less.

>I personally control refugees and immigration in all of Europe

Well someone should have fucking told me then.

I have raised 3 kids to adulthood. When they are young it is awesome. It's a lot of work but they are well worth it. When they become teenagers it fucking sucks. They turn into hormonal ungrateful little shits that total your car. My kids turned out great and we didn't have to pay a dime for college because they all got scholarships but by the time the last one moved out I was fucking done with them. That last five years was hell on earth. Once the youngest got her own place me and the wife sold our house, bought a trailer and moved to the middle of the desert so they couldn't move back in with us.

Because he was weak. Only weak people fail the crucible.

Would you prefer I made up a depressing fake story or should I tell the truth? Caveman raised his kids in a fucking cave and wrestled sabretooth tigers for scraps of rotten meat to give his kids the best life he could provide.

You are descended from the men and women that survived the bubonic plague and endemic warfare. They survived the slavery of the Roman Empire. The Golden Horde. The fucking depression and the world wars and the Spanish flu and every fucking thing in between...

And my anecdote is somehow an impossible feat? People raised their families in the god damn gulags and concentration camps... And you can't raise one or two kids before the age of fucking 40, without a six figure job and a 4,000sqft house?

Get over yourself, you weak fuck.

The issue is demographic. We're losing because you are too demoralized to even try.

>Because he was weak. Only weak people fail the crucible.

Do you realise how fucking stupid you sound? Don't answer that you're a leaf, of course you don't.

just stating, anecdotal evidence doesn't do much. you could have told me your grandma smoked 10 packs a day and she lived until she were 90 so smoking is somehow good and i still wouldn't give a shit about your anecdote.

Because my son is the best and greatest thing to ever happen to me. I can not imagine life without him.

What's your solution then oh might strong faggot?

also, do know that i'm not disagreeing that having a kid is a heavy burden. it always has been a heavy burden on humanity to risk everything to look after a child. but this the only way the human race has survived this long. like i said in my other post, if you can't afford to have kids then don't.

What the fuck? Why do these shitters not want children? Im a fag and it fucking keeps me up at night to no end that I'm unlikely to have kids. Are these just super self hating lefties?

I don't know why but I approve of it. Let the hedonistic marketing victims wipe themselves out in a single generation. It's basically a self-inflicted ideological genocide.

Not stupid at all. Consider how fucking pathetic you sound. Your family survived the potato famine and they'd be disgusted with you.

My grandmother smoked two packs a day from the age of 14 to 83 actually, but it doesn't matter... My anecdote stands the test of history. Only a weak man would ever take a look at this situation and ignorantly proclaim that it's too fucking hard. Pathetic softness. Either you're too weak to make a life for your family or you aren't. Some men can stand up and be counted, some can't. Which one do you want to be?

I don't want kids because I will grow attached to them to only watch them probably turn into commies because of the kikes.

That and I am half Native.

I used to not want to have kids when I was 18 - 20, but again, I never felt the need to get on reddit and say that. These people are definitely touched in the head. Like gays, they build their whole identity around this one choice

Build a family and don't sweat the little things. Do the best that you can and never give up. Having a little will power isn't a tall task.

Me too user. And I'd probably only feel comfortable raising a kid if I could give them a mother.

leaf, what are you even talking about? being weak for what? you may be an exception to the rule, but exceptions don't make the rule.


You are correct


Anyone can afford children. I can pay my mortgage cashing in pop bottles, if I were determined enough. It's not fucking rocket science. You just need motivation.

Edgy, they'll grow out of it.

You sound like you live off mummy and daddys money.

Thats not a solution thats the platitude spouting of someone whos never known REALLY hardship.

I think you're a little naive reducing this all to some contest of strength. Kind of adolescent user.

this. Am afraid of having daughter which is the cuckest thing could happen to you. My work will be my legacy instead.

>Weak for what.

The weakness I'm talking about is a failure of commitment. If you can't make a family work, because of finances which you guys cite the most, then you're weak. Strong men make things work. Weak men sit back and make excuses. If you don't have money, get money.

I don't get it, why should society care about them if they don't want to put back into it. Should be all be exiled to live in the wild away from everyone else.

I doubt it. I don't want children because I'm fucked up genetically. Don't want anyone to suffer a life like mine. I'd count shit like that as "some sort of disturbance in their lives".

Whaddyahmean? How am I able to bring a child into this world on retail wages and hairdresser tips without serious funding from the American taxpayer?

My wife is infertile anyways. She's into larping like a little girl anyways which should satisfy any fatherly instincts I may or may not manifest.

Maybe next life!

>Just turned 30 years old
>have 3 children
>oldest is almost 11
>from the U.S.
>currently living in and traveling throughout Europe
>have taken the kids from Hawaii to Vienna
>kids have never prevented me from doing what I want
>using kids as an excuse to give up your ambition and adventure is just an excuse for laziness

I've never used my kids as an excuse not to do something. People who use the tired argument that kids prevent you from pursuing things is total BS.
Me traveling with my kids around the world makes the experience that much more worth while. They're bilingual, becoming trilingual. They get to experience the places other kids are simply learning about. They go to international schools and are picking up talents and opportunities I never had as a kid.

You can both raise your kids, and travel and explore the world. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Because I'm not a sperglord faggot and I like pussy. I also don't mind having 8 children with my wife, instilling in them traditional values, and raising my white children the right way in order to strengthen and secure a future for my people. Already have 3, 5 more to go. Greatest feeling I've ever had.

>it's okay to be poor and have 10 kids because you have stronk will like ox
>hopeful will one day find job before one kid

yeah okay, leaf.

>People who use the tired argument that kids prevent you from pursuing things is total BS.

These people aren't doing shit without their kids, either. They are like NEETs who praise the advantages of NEETdom, especially the massive amounts of free time, online, while never actually doing anything but shitposting on Sup Forums.

I'm not going to turn this into a pissing contest, but I've seen enough shit in my time to learn a few things. I grew up working class and was raised by a single father that taught me the value of hard work. He raised three sons on his own and did the best job he could do. The only thing I got from him was a solid example of what a man is capable of when he has the motivation to succeed. My privileged upper class peers that grew up with all the advantages are fucking losers spewing the same lame bullshit you are... Whining and crying about how hard the fucking world is from their comfortable offices.

Since you made this kind of statement, I doubt whether or not you have actually seen anything or endured anything worth talking about.

Not naive at all. It's based on experience. I work in emergency services. You never know what a man is capable of when he has been put to the test.

In this case, we are talking about family... A weak man will fail. He will not put in the effort and he will cut and run. I've seen it. I know guys that have done it. They're pathetic. Strong men do what needs to be done... They stand on their own merit and succeed based on their will. It's not naive, it's the nature of man.

Finances is a poor excuse for not having children.

You don't have kids and you justify yourself with "I can only afford a shitty rental property out in a small town away from the city. I would want better for my child"

Then you earn a bit of money and get a better job, and then you'll say "I can only afford a modest mortgage on a two bedroom house in the suburbs. I would want better for my child."

Then you will have a great job, and then you'll say "I can only afford a 5 bedroom mansion in the rich part of town. I would want better for my child."

When will it end? If it isn't good enough now, it will never be good enough. Have some children and live within your means. It really isn't difficult.
We need to go back to the culture where people married when they were 20 no matter what.

mgtow in a nutshell

It's egocentric only if you were raised spoiled and never learned to think using your head

I'm a fucking loser who wasn't able to keep any of the women (an I assure you, there was many of them) I dated with me during my prime, many years have passed and I'm still a poor loser who has lost anything attractive about me physically, and financially I'll never be an actual provider.

I will die with no family or loved ones, entirely alone and not by choice. At the very least I won't have passed away a virgin, but it matters little once you've reached this age. Instead I'll get to watch my siblings who lead much more normal lives than me marry and have children while I live in misery and isolation, never again to feel the embrace of another who loves me. Children are so far out of my grasp at this point. The only real question I ask myself is when I'll find the courage to just end my miserable life.

>spudblood, leaf and ausfailian arguing about who's the most stupid

guys can you wait? the popcorn's in the other room

But I am, and I fucking pity my 23 mates posting pictures of their ugly wives and children on fb.

Fucking rekt yourselves m8s, havent ya

I hear this argument from parents who have totally stalled out in life in some mid or low level job as well. They like to blame their kids for their failed ambition or career progression. It is always: "well the kids were in a good school so we didnt want to move" or "the job is secure which is more important" etc. I often run into parents overseas as well who go on and on about how "brave" or "crazy" we are traveling with our kids. Like it is some fucking achievement or major undertaking to put them on a train or airplane. Then they go on with justifying why they didn't bring their children with them.

people who dont want kids shouldn't get ot profiting from all the privileges society grants people in age to breed under the expectation that they will have kids
these selfish fucks are splurging on the support their ingroup and the State give them for just that purpose, and on top of that they are doing the same with the species'.
She too showers them with privileges just so that they can fucking reproduce
we can't turn off the species blessing (although...) but we can turn off society's damn well
personally i'd just exterminate the stupid useless ungrateful fucks
or leave them in the cold to die or fend for themselves
let them be hobos in the bad lands, goodlands belong to who makes best use of them
let them have their childless society and see how good it looks to these fucks

>mental illness
fuck off with this jew meme

Basically this

What is poverty to you? If you can't feed a child when you and your wife are working, what the fuck is wrong with you? What are you wasting your money on that prevents you from making a pot of dad pasta?

I can make healthy meals for four people with leftovers for days on a budget of $12.

What are your financial prerequisites? Who do you need to be in your own eyes before you will allow yourself to breed? Who do you think you are and why can't you be that person?

on the contrary
children make you lose your self: your children are the center of your life
you can die for them happily
they come first
their love sustains you more than your own soul's
your failings to support them affect you more direly than anything

If you're too stupid and blinded by your biological impulses to realize how fucked you are by the system being only a slave to provide resources for other people then you deserve to learn every bitter lesson the hard way.