Is life in Poland really that horrible?

Is life in Poland really that horrible?

It's a 3rd world shithole, what did you expect

So fucking lame that I moved to Moscow. Turns out Russians love us

I don't get it.

I have internet, smartphone, food and warm bed, I'm fine.
t. Eastern Polander

For some people yeah, there is a lot of people from Communist era that have a slave mentality and they simply cannot stand the fact that the world is different and nothing is easy for them. They slowly fall into despair and eventually commit suicide. Other than that things are not that bad. Ps. It's far from third world shit hole. You just don't have that much money when you compare it to the West, but at the same time things are cheaper here, so comfort of life is generally similar.

b-but what's about lithuania?

Do you need a hug, love?

Poland and most of eastern Europe is shit due to Communism and mongoloid low IQ Slavs. The only decent nations in Europe are the North Western European Nations (the Nordic ones).

>Top10 pranks that went too far

Yes my daily german shitposter we are horrible, remember to tell that to everyone you meet. If in your all shitposting you will make at least one person not want to come here you will make us great favour.

lol no.

Oh look, German autism speaking again.

Why are you all such horrible humans?

Yes Nordics so smart, everyone go there, it's a paradise, don't come here, we poor, violent and stupid.

>mongoloid low IQ Slavs
Our iq is one point higher (99) than Australia (98)... so yeah, nice try.


Says AUS with lower iq with criminal genes. Nice try subhuman. I can date my family back to 1400 to Danzig and everyone was white and rich so GTFO criminal material from island.

If i had no National purpose, no identity and had to resort to create the Fictional Russian Enemy to find some purpose in life...i would probably kill myself too.

Probably what greece thinks about germany.

Yes, junkies on every corner, need to plough through syringes, needles, bottles and barf while going out of my apartment, water more expensive than vodka, only sponge bread and artificial cheese substitue to eat. Keep out!!!1111111111111


Thats exactly why the shitskins are going there.

>inb4 Nordics are cucks giving up their country
Nordic nations were just the most heavily brainwashed.

Dream on

Also Poland has a large amount of Nordic admixture usually all in the West and North though.

See above
>Feels good having the 4th best stranded of living in the world

It was boring and not adventurous enough for me in Warsaw, so I moved to Moscow. Every day is very similar there, Moscow has it madness and post-antiutopian rush charm to it
Polish blood brothers

I just want Poland to milk Germoney as much as we can, build a wall, sit back, relax, eat some sunflower seeds and watch the west burn. Is it too much to ask, really?
yes yes yes
all true

The biggest chunk of people who commit suicide follow very specific pattern.

>man, born in late 70's or early 80's(there was small scale baby boom in the 80's)
>parents were farmers in some godforsaken village
>it was fine until communism existed since people didn't care THAT much about moving to city
>communism falls, all the young people run away to city for work
>instead of going with them, he inherits the farm
>can't find anybody to sell it too and it's also kind of... you know this may have been in your family for generations, it means something to some people, it's hard to explain to people who move once every two years
>he is left alone in a shithole around people who are at least 20-30 years older than him, living shitty life, having enough money to just continue this life, no perspective for change, no woman, no family
>he still can afford the rope

Few years ago there was a reality show(?) in the "go on a blind date but in front of cameras" kind of way, where they were getting various whores to date with that kind of people. Now I understand that the intentions were good(women generally don't want to have anything to do with living in the country because talmudvision told them it sucks, so the idea of using electric jew to make it look "hip" - yes it can work), but they were one step away from making fucking Big Brother out of legitimate social problem.

Almost got robbed today in the strict centre of Warsaw. Also there are a lot of junkies, so I really don't recommend going there

Don't forget the robberies when the junkie sticks a needle close to your neck and says "wallet or AIDS"

Kek im not even Czech i told you my all family is from Danzig also implying i care about some HDI im invidualist not some filthy commie collectivist fapping on his statistics. I care about my property which is great thanks to me and my hardworking ancestors.

Yes forcing the poor refugees to this awful place will be crime and violations of the human rights.
Also they are full.

Who here

Irelands is probably a lot higher. I know they classify some suicides as natural deaths here

>Don't forget the robberies when the junkie sticks a needle close to your neck and says "wallet or AIDS"
is this real or is lying about this just a tactic to keep immigrants out, because if its the latter then im gonna try it too

don't send poor refugees here, it's hell on earth

Those who have experienced near death experience and survived told of the tranquility and peace of the afterlife.

Those who have attempted suicide and been near death but survived on the other hand had had an exact opposite experience.

Don't commit suicide, dear anons, mm'kay?

Fucking tourists is all im saying

Shit like that happened in the 90's.

Latvia-tier shithole in disguise. Could be worse.
>steps on the hood
You deserve to get raped and murdered
Lithuania is with Poland
Estonia with Finland
And we with... Russia of all things?
I'm surprised our suicide rates are so low.

Poland is a poor shithole, invade us please

>Shit like that happened in the 90's.
if an Australian heard about that kind of robbery method that would think its from a movie, although its gonna become a reality since weve imported thousands of niggers

stay strong Boland :DD

I guess they are just too lazy to kill themselves

I was talking about
>Turns out Russians love us
What did you expect? Muh 1612, never forget?

LMAOing at your life you miserable faggots

Hey Greek user, don't mind the toxic neckbeard user losers here.

Greece is a based country that has given the western civilization, no, the world a ton of enlightenment.

One day we'll take Constantinople back.

>Western Europe lower than Eastern Europe

Well duh, suicide is haram.

The only thing you will milk are cows in a german owned milk factory while getting only minimum wage

I couldnt find any Constantinople, are you sure you dont mean Istanbul?

Don't know how describe like some hate and aggression? Too many Poles have irrational dislike of everything Russians not knowing that Russians of blood are as much victims of communism. Vse krasivo, v 2022 budem vmeste hachi and żydov bit.

you're polish so yes

Please tell me this is ironic.

The British and our pals the Portuguese staying strong threw these hard times.


* through fuck you

and far fewer invaders do you guys have any invaders at all?

podobne do mojego z ostatniego roku liceum


I lived there for 17 years and moved to Spain a year ago.

I miss my fatherland and its people, language and culture. Poland is fucking amazing if you live in a right city (Cracow, Wroclaw).


This must be one of those educated refugees.

I've been to Poland. I really liked it.

Actively looking to purchase property in Pommern and learning polish in my spare time. I figure if we Germans are so determined to exterminate ourselves I might as well get ahead of the curve.

>tfw Greece still has the lowest rating in Europe

(((You))) will never EVER get us down

Decent polish people like Germans.

But if you move there, try to learn polish while keeping in touch with your own culture.

Ukrainians. They are however a great way of showing what the EU wants.

They come from a country in the middle of civil war, right. Now the reality is that few of them are from the area where the conflict is happening, but it's still more legitimate of an excuse than majority of "Syrians"(actually Congolese). You can say then that they're refugees, right?

Around 1,5-2M of them entered the country in the last ~5 years, for various reasons. So hey - we have about 2M refugees in our country! EU IGNORES THAT FACT EVERY TIME IT'S BEING RAISED. They don't consider them to be refugees. That's the one and only thing that made me into wrongthinker. Didn't seem right.

And no children.

Definitely. I just don't want me or my kids getting culturally enriched.

I'd much rather my daughter being home stanislav than dimueueueueuueuedindu

>zachowanie - nieodpowiednie
t. Seba

Nice try, PO. I know life is easy for you. Too bad we are slowly dying. The birthrates are one of the lowest in the world. Is killing someone with long-lasting poison a good thing?

>if you live in the right city

What is so awesome about Wroclaw or Krakow??

It's terrible. Don't come here Abdul.

2 Million? didn't know there's so many of them. Seems to me your refugee quota has been reached by many times over.

At least the ukrainians are A. slavic like you B. Christian C. Didn't cross many countries in the way for "asylum".

I assume they are working and assimilating somewhat well?

>I assume they are working and assimilating somewhat well?
Why else would they come here, we have no free gibs.

I'm never going to Western Europe again, it's infected with angry moslems and gay western euros

So you are in a "crisis" while your lowest salary is still twice as ours. People in Greece are fighting on the streets while cucks here are afraid to say a word.

I knew a guy from Lithuania trough steam and always seemed depressed.

Kraków is the cultural capital of Poland, almost untouched by degeneracy (unlike Warszawa). Most of people there are either Poles, Ukrainians or tourists. Good universities, lots of young redpilled people, amazing architecture, great local pubs and the best communication in Poland thanks to trams, buses and taxis.

Talerze pozmywane?

Any place is good if you have enough money and don't have to work too hard.

If Cracow was so good why you didn't stay there?

no to jest właśnie z ostatniego roku z LO

top kek

źle nie skończyłem, swoją drogą

>Is life in Poland really that horrible?

>Is life in Poland really that horrible?
They're escaping to the fucking UK, what do you think?

Nie moj wybor. Rodzice mnie wytargali jak nastolatkiem bylem i nie chce calego zycia od nowa znowu zaczynac.


Gdzie w Irlandii? Ja mieszkałem 4 lata w Dublinie, ale mi się znudziło.

rzeczywiście, lepiej się kisić w państwie które ma pajeeta-pedała za premiera i z każdym kolejnym rokiem będzie tam coraz mniej biało. Czasami warto wyjść poza swoją /comfy/ strefę

It's real and it's getting annoying, when you get stabbed for the third time in one week.

wu ef - dobry
zachowanie - nieodpowiednie


> Poles like to do low paid, boring jobs because they like it
> my Polacy tak mamy

I nie lubimy mieć dzieci. Dzieci są obrzydliwe.

miałem 51% frekwencji, nie mogłem mieć lepszego zachowania

W zadupinie w Midlands

Szczerze Ci powiem ze nawet o tym nie widzialem bo nie pilnuje Irlandzkiej polityki. Ale przyznam ze to ze coraz mniej bialo tu jest mnie zaczyna draznic. Ale mam zajebista robote wiec postaram sie utrzymac ja jak najdluzej

Ja mieszkałem w Cork
Niby spoko ale nudno jak pizda, największą atrakcją w Cork były Hiszpanki, które poznałem w pracy.
Cieszę się, że tam nie dorastałem - jezu, jak widzę te ich mundurki.. wyglądają jak smieciarze z Polski.

To jest nawet kurwa imponujące, że tak wykalkukowałes frekwencje i jednoczesnie nie miales NKLa z przedmiotów.

Było nudno jak w piździe w tej szkole, po chuj tam tracić czas. Miałem dzienniczek w którym sobie notowałem ile jeszcze godzin potrzebuję, aby mieć te 50%. Jebać mat-fizy, pierdolone downy ze spedalonym poczuciem humoru i ich kurwa matematyczne żarciki, nie mogłem tego wytrzymać

I was 17 at the time and my parents decided to move out because they always wanted to live in Spain and my brother is asthmatic and couldn't take the air there.

I visit Cracow every three months and currently I'm working to move back there.

Przynajmniej teraz jestes w calkiem zajebistej sytuacji bo znasz 3 jęzki, co powinno ułatwić znalezienie pracy.

Ja, jak nauczę się Niemieckiego, to biorę się za Hiszpański

Why should anybody care about birthrate? It's a scam. Having 10kk ppl would mean bigger properties and all. A lot of Poles could become modern comfy nobility stolen from me 10 yrs ago!


lel, is it actually

It is near the city of Atlantis.

This entire thread is filled with fake posts about why Poland is shit. A week ago, there was the complete opposite, but it was actually real. Its a shame when people come here and think Poland is actually like some Indian slums with aids ridden shit all over the floor. It's the opposite. I'm from Gdansk and the entire city has changed so much over the years, honestly it looks much better than most places in the UK.

Why dont you go back then, if you like it more

It's not 3rd world.
1st world means NATO
2nd world means Warsaw Pact
*3rd world means unaligned
>because most unaligned country's were shitholes people assumed 1st, 2nd and 3rd were a league table.