Red pill me on Christianity pol

I see so much of it here, what lead you down gods path?

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Yeah, but that's some what true but because they aren't real Christians they half ass their faith at best. The live half truths and comfortable lies.
They don't devote themselves to God or the path of Christ
What they do is circle jerk each other with a sense of false sanctity and run as hard as they can from the long path of hell that leads to heaven

Christians are false Saints in the gross aggregate

humans arnt perfect, and so are Christians , what matters is that they are giving the best effort to be more christ like, or not


Can someone redpill me on being both racist and Christian? I consider myself Christian and have no doubts about my belief. But on the other hand, I also have extremely racist beliefs. Not that I think other races should be wiped out or anything, but I do believe that racemixing should be banned, for example. I am aware that being racist to such a degree is probably very wrong and if it is, then so be it. I will try to change my ways as I am doing so currently. But can someone, without taking Bible verses out of context, tell me in their honest opinion how racist one is "allowed" to be without going against God's will?

Are you catholic?

its the only religion that lines up perfectly with reality

it was the Sup Forums before the internet was invented

No, Anglican. But I've been considering joining the Catholic Church for some time.

Are you willing to go through RCIA?
I want to join the church too.

God is a God of heirarchies. But remember: with great power comes great responsibility.

No no no, I'm not trying stumbling and failing, they aren't trying.
They leave their churches and never study theology, they talk about the neighbors sports and the weather. They hit their children like other groups or stay sileint in bearing witness to parents doing so quote "Spare the rod spoil the child" but did not Christ say "What you do to the least among you you also do to me?"

Do the sell their wealth and start charities to uplift the down trodden? NO, they take the easiest bullshit to satisfy their emotions possible. They will not disown their families who are full of falseness out of emotional cowardice, did Christ not say "For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law."


>more Christians

Look at them go! Those Christians


Most Christians on this planet look like this
All of them are "brothers of the book" according to Christianity

Most Evangelicals and even Catholics practically worship jews as demigods on earth

Pedofiles are often priests, mentors or some other employment

What sealed the deal for me is how much Jews hate Christianity.

just some typical christians

what do we have here? Oh yes, Christians

>Christian education

It's the truth. Do you need any more?

>tfw Church organizations get massive federal money by facilitating illegal immigration

Why do you care that some blacks in africa are christian?

Fuck off you weird cunt

Christianity is a jewish desert cult

Atheism is cancer.

I'll admit that I think I would be better off going through the RCIA. But I'm already baptised and honestly I would rather not go through it, since I'd rather just join the church organically and settle into it over time.


All modern degeneracy has been caused by the decline in European religious identity since WWI, i.e., in Christianity.

Fedoras, Gaytheists, Pagan LARPers and Scientism fanatics all are operating on a causal picture which makes no sense:
the strength and popularity of Christianity reaches an all-time low --> social order, confidence in the future, happiness, community life, morality is at all time low.

They think that Christianity is the cause of our decline because they are ignorant. They just see some anecdotes of stupid shit liberal protestants are doing in 2017 and attribute this to Christianity all across history.

yup sure looks like a desert to me

well you see we used to be nonreligious but then that got popular with the normies so we had to go back to christfaggotry to maintain our quirky contrarian facade

>or some other employment

ya don't say

damn its so hot here...anyone got some water?

What atheists fail to realize is their foolhardy approach to arguments and childish antics do not help to lead anyone to atheism, but instead makes them more attracted to Christianity.

Calling someone a faggot, repeating Christcuck, and Flying Spaghetti Monster repeatedly is no replacement for an argument for Atheism, and anyone with half a brain is turned off by it once realizing the ridiculousness of it's practice's.

You've done this to yourself Gaytheists, praise be to God!

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:19-20

In Christ's time (and for most of human history, really), there was basically no distinction between race and nationality. The word in the Septuagint that is translated as "nations" is "ethnoi," plural of "ethnos." It's where we get our word for -- and our idea of -- *ethnicity*. As Christians, we are not called to create a "Christian ethnos," but to spread the Gospel everywhere, to all humans. Modern racism is almost usually a perverse attempt to label other humans as "sub-human" and thus deprive them of the hope of salvation delivered by Christ. It's okay to love your culture and your heritage, but if you're at a place where you can say something like "racemixing should be banned" then you might not be approaching the faith from the right angle.

Christianity is a jewish desert cult.

European society is heavily tied to the land, because Europeans mostly evolved as farmers. Thus blood, borders, and traditions are extremely important.

Middle Easterners evolved as herdsmen. Thus they wandered around from place to place, mixing with various peoples from all over. This is why Abrahamic religions break down the borders of nation and heritage, and try to unite all disparate peoples under one banner. Because this provides the greatest military strength (see ISIS)

Christianity fits Europeans like a glove fits a snake. Instead of priding honor, strength, self-fulfillment, it prides submission, like all Abrahamic desert cults.

>racemixing should be banned

I've already covered that racemixing was forbidden in the Old Testament, and Jesus did not override the Old Testament laws except for animal sacrifice, as he was the ultimate sacrifice.

So the only way for kids to be safe is to be around NEET's then?

Meme tier religion

>Christianity is a jewish desert cult.

This is why your anti-religion religion is failing, you offer no argument and continually repeat ad hominem in lieu of an actual argument.

I really wish i had some of those merican christian childrens books, would be most likely top kek grade material for laughs.

As a Christian, I actually DON'T recommend anyone on Sup Forums join the faith.

This place to too obsessed with identity and appearance, I really doubt anyone here is suited being religious.
Christianity isn't like a political affiliations. People change political affiliations all the time, depending on how they feel. In short, people choose the beliefs that suit them.
Christianity isn't like that. You can't just decide that "Christianity is for me" and join up because Christian values or Christian goals line up with your own. Because what's going to happen when you confront something in the faith that you find challenging or confronting? What happens when you have to change who you are for your faith? You will just drop out, or reject it, or ignore it.

See, Christianity is about obedience. It is about servitude more than anything. You do have to analyze your own beliefs, and make difficult choices, and experience ridicule and humiliation. You can get a lot out of believing, but its a two sided relationship.

If you want a religion that is like a political affiliation, where it can be an identity and you can twist it to fit your beliefs and not commit to anything, then be a pagan like many on here suggest. It's like a hat you can put on and take off. Say a prayer to the spirits, tell everyone you're a pagan, then believe and act how you see fit. Christianity isn't like that.

Unless you're prepared to surrender yourself and be a servant of God, stay away from the faith.

Mary was a slut

Thanks. I know that many of my views are wrong, and I'm trying to change them.

>Christianity is a jewish desert cult
Every from Christ and onwards pretty much writen in Greece and Rome.
Also, the near East was heavily forested until the Romans started their mega-projects.

I love all the worthless scum of tge world so of course I'm Christian. We need to do more for the poor refugees.

I have a message for all of those Atheists or Pagans that denounce Christianity.

I understand your apprehension to the faith. I understand that certain passages can be interpreted in such ways that makes Christianity look antithetical to what we need in the West. I understand that like other religions, it is not infallible, and has flaws.

But what YOU need to understand is that without Christianity, Europe would've never been set on the course it had been set on. Europeans would never have conquered the globe. Although Europe was and is divided by tongues and ethnicity, all were united in Christ. Every man sought the betterment for himself and his neighbor, and if he strayed from the Gospel's teachings, he would be ostracized by his peers and become outcast.

With the turn of the 20th century, and the great World Wars that rocked Europe, faith in God collapsed, as the Eternal Jew worked his subversive magic to introduce horrible, insidious ideals like Communism, Feminism, Homo-acceptance, you name it. This erosion of the Faith that bound us together has lead to the erosion of our culture, our heritage, our genetics, everything. Without Faith to bind us together, what will we have? Imagine is Muslims suddenly stopped believing in Allah. Or if Buddhists stopped believing in Buddha? Where would their cultures be at? More than likely in the same post-modernist hell we share today, if not with some distinctions.

In short, I understand that religion is not perfect. But the importance of it is integral to the survival of a people. Religion is more than just "big guy in the sky that rules all," its a set of morals, values and principals that bind people together, and with the collapse of this in the West, well, that brings the collapse of the West itself.

Morality doesn't exist without GODS DIVINE WILL
If you reject GODS DIVINE WILL you go to hell also so don't do that

Real talk though the Christ cucks here are annoying as hell

>Christianity is about obedience. It is about servitude more than anything
Exactly. All jewish desert cults prioritize submission as the primary value. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, it's all the same.

Europeans don't value this, they value self-mastery, fulfillment, strength and honor.
Christianity deprives Europeans of their nature. These people are crazy

some jewish desert sect
nothing to be concerned about

Yes, FEELS make you right. Your feelings dictate reality.

>certain passages can be interpreted in such ways that makes Christianity look antithetical to what we need in the West.
Or, y'know, the entirety of Rabbi Yeshua's life and teachings.

>be me
>be interested in Christianity
>know nothing about denominations
>see Lutheran church nearby
>google "Lutheran church" and click on first link
>it's a picture of a bunch of niggers and whites holding hands and says "we must all stand against racism" blah blah
This was right after the Charleston shitshow. Needless to say I didn't pop in. That, the worshiping Israel thing, and the Pope being a cuck + pedophile priests aren't really selling me this religion, guys.

>Muh Varg

>using shill flag
>spouting nonsense
checks out


>1 Peter 4:17
>For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?

So God's argument in favor of his religion is that if I don't join up he'll torture me for eternity?
Sounds like a swell guy.

>Europeans would never have conquered the globe
Actually, Christianity has been the biggest obstacle to Europeans conquering the globe

It's because of Christianity that natives were converted, and that the colonization process was halted.
Look at South America, Africa, India. Christian missionaries tried to convert the natives, pushed heavily against colonization efforts in an attempt to incorporate the savages into their culture.

Christianity has resulted in major brother-wars in Europe. The 33 years war, the hundred years war....all these major wars between protestants and catholics.
The Catholic church has been hijacked by people using it for political purposes. In the Middle Ages, it had dominion over entire nations, and was the most important political entity in Europe. It used to charge people money for confessions, which they allegedly needed to get into heaven. It's filled to the brim with corruption and pedophilia.

The Catholic church called crusades, not to retake the holy land, but to punish other Christians for failure to repay debts. This is literally what most of the crusades were about

Just read the Bible and interpret it for yourself if you're interested in Christianity. Listening to (((denominations))) is a bad idea since they all have their own warped interpretations.

The west is being judged right now because our Christianity has become (((christianity)))

Your post doesn't make sense but yes if you aren't a christian you are going to hell.

Orthodoxy is the final redpill.

Read the bible and make up your own mind

A kike (((pastor))) could go on CNN and tell you he happily married 2 nigger dikes in the name of christianity and you would still "the ABSOLUTE STATE of the AMERICAN CHURCH"

mainline christianity is wholy subverted. start judging us on our content and not our character.

I read Genesis and God required people to slaughter animals to appease him, brought a flood to kill everybody because they weren't worshiping him enough, and told the kikes to slaughter everyone who didn't adopt their religion, and cut off pieces of their cocks. And killed a guy because he jizzed on the floor and not in his brother's wife. Swell stories.
>your post doesn't make sense but let me repeat what it said

>Actually, Christianity has been the biggest obstacle to Europeans conquering the globe
See pic

>It's because of Christianity that natives were converted, and that the colonization process was halted.
Mutually exclusive. If anything, the conversion made it easier to expand European influence (See: Japan)
Just because savages learned of the Gospel doesn't mean anything, they're still savages. It wasn't until this modern century where the ideas about race changed drastically enough to see people of different races as """"equal""""

>30 Years War and 100 Years War
Both of these are succession conflicts involving the royal houses of Europe. The original context of the 30 Years War was religious, but evolved into a conflict to determine the political domination between France and the Austrian-Hungarian Hapsburgs.

>The Catholic church has been hijacked by people using it for political purposes. In the Middle Ages, it had dominion over entire nations, and was the most important political entity in Europe. It used to charge people money for confessions, which they allegedly needed to get into heaven. It's filled to the brim with corruption and pedophilia.
And that's why it's the worst denomination that only idiots follow. I mean, they exalt Mary over Christ, and that's idolatry, so you have a fair point.

>The Catholic church called crusades, not to retake the holy land, but to punish other Christians for failure to repay debts.
No? Although there were select instances were this occurred, generally outside of Crusades, they were mostly wars waged on Islam, barring the sacking of Constantinople (which the Great Schism was caused by catholicucks anyway)

My advice: brush up on your history friend

>If someone hits you on the left cheek, show them your right cheek.
That's all you need to know.
Fucking loosers.

>I read Genesis
The Old Testament is irrelevant to the core tenants of Christianity. Read the New Testament starting with Matthew.

>fucking loosers
>calling other people losers when you can't spell correctly

>start judging us on our content and not our character
So we need to judge you on something you like to LARP about, not something your organisations actualy do? Fuck that shit. I don't judge commies on their propaganda and i won't judge you on yours.
Fix your churches or continue to face mockery.

are you a liberal? im surprised this is coming from a polak

at this point its pearls before swine desu

you are bringing the same retarded atheist arguments. read the bible and then we can argue.

show me a bible verse that BTFO's me and I will BTFO you in return ok?

Oh noes, I made a typo.
Therefore, my opinion is irelevant.

And yeah, that was on purppose.

Just out of interest, how was/is colonialism justified from a Christian perspective? Without using evangelism as an argument of course, since it was obviously about more than that.

I like the majority of what Jesus was about, as for what I see among Christians, and most of the old testament, I don't like it. The only thing I don't like about Jesus was him telling people to turn the other cheek etc. I understand why he had to be crucified according to the lore, but I'm not looking to be crucified myself so I can't really take that advice and emulate him based on his eventual fate, and if someone fucks with me or my family I'll pop some lead into them, fuck that turn the other cheek shit.

I don't care about your book. It's like arguing with a commie and needing to find a verse from Das Capital to counter his arguments.
Instead of verses i want you to find me a church that is both resisting race mixing and mass immigration and has more than, let's say 1000 members.

Evangelism would be the argument, I mean look at the world today. All of South America is Catholic and all of North America is Protestant. Most of Africa is Christian or currently being Christianized. Christianity is in Asian countries too. It's obviously been successful in spreading the religion, it's the biggest in the world.

>I was just pretending to be retarded!
It's okay, frog. With your demographics, retardation is only a few decades away (though you're already there)

Why need justification? The Europeans quickly became the most cultured, scientific, and technologically advanced civilization in the world. We had the men, we had the resources, we had the means, so why not? The world was ripe for taking. While we were making cannons and massive ships to sail around the world, the people living where we visited hadn't even invented the wheel yet. What did it matter if we colonized them? They weren't doing anything of importance, just like today.

I guess my point is that its justifiable outside of Christianity. From the Christian point of view, the only justification is spreading of the Gospel.

>With your demographics, retardation is only a few decades away
>the irony

>The Old Testament is irrelevant to the core tenants of Christianity. Read the New Testament starting with Matthew.
Well Jesus was a Jew and Jews believed in the old testament, yes? He said he came to fulfill the old laws, pretty clear.

Anyway yes, I like the gospels, but that's pretty much the only part that seems interesting. The rest seems like barbaric sandnigger bullshit.

With your demographics, retardation is right now.
Anyway, the point I was trying to bring is that Jesus died because he was a fucking hippie.
Christianity will die crucified by Jews using Mudslimes as the middleman.

>About ISIS
>Hurr durr Chrushanishy
>Points wars from 1000+ years ago
Varg fanboys IQ is under 50.

Thats my point. You want real world examples in 2017 instead of reading the Bible yourself.

I could find you that church 100 years ago.

What denomination are you guys?


All pedos and cia niggers will burn


Varg is a Goth faggot who should have be rotting in a prison.

>And killed a guy because he jizzed on the floor and not in his brother's wife
You clearly did not understand this story. It's about familial responsibility and the inevitable conflict between responsibility towards the family one is born into and the family one builds for themselves.

>I could find you that church 100 years ago.
Why can't you now?
We don't need pie in the sky solutions. Book won't save us. People doing shit can.
You should be one criticizing your fellow christians for their cuckery, not shill for your dead version of christianity that exists only in your dreams to people who couldn't care less.
Retake your religion: if you won't no one else will even try.

>Christianity will die crucified by Jews using Mudslimes as the middleman.
Exactly, Jesus knew he was a god and going to live forever in heaven, thus he was secure in being killed. I am not, I have no assurances. I don't know if death is finality, I don't know if I'm actually going to get rewarded or just fucking killed and then stop existing. So, I'm not going to emulate his behavior or take his advice to just let yourself get beaten and crucified, seems like bad advice to me. I still like everything else though.

Fan of good old pastor i guess?

good post varg

If you would actually read the bible, you would know about the Pharisees. These are "Jews" who rejected the teachings of God and instead created their own Laws when they were exiled to Babylon. They were part of the group that had Jesus crucified.

>Matthew 23:13; But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.

These are the same kikes as today who believe in the Talmud, which is actually the Jewish holy book that Rabbis teach in synagogues. See image.

The Torah, or the Old Testament, has no real meaning to modern Jews, nor did it to the Pharisees and Scribes of Jesus' day. The Old Testament is basically a history lesson leading up to the New Testament, whereas the New Testament is the foundation of the Faith.

I get the moral but it's extremely wonky and strange. And no reason for God to kill him for such a stupid thing, I'm sure a thousand other people were jizzing on the floor or in goats over there at the same time that story happened, did God kill everyone who didn't jizz into a vagina? No man would be alive.

And what happened to that dude? Obviously God was pissed, is he in heaven or in hell now? Did God torture him for eternity because he didn't jizz in his brother's wife, or was he allowed into heaven and God just shoots him a dirty look when he walks by and has to scrub the floors and wash the windows for eternity as punishment?

>You should be one criticizing your fellow christians for their cuckery

>Why can't you now?
Because the world and the church is completely degenerate. This is the judgment I posted of. Again, read the bible yourself. Only a pathetic man would use a real world example to define an ideology.

I'm not pastor anderson

It's not about jizzing. He refused to have kid with his wive becouse said kid would be according to law his brother's kid, not his. And that kid would then get his dead brother's money, not him.
His sin was greed, not wasting spluge.

>Only a pathetic man would use a real world example to define an ideology.
Big fan of communists i guess?

I don't know what awaits us in the afterlife.
Maybe nothing, maybe hell and stuff.
All I know is that I will die.
I keep wondering how people keep getting children while knowing about this.
What do they know?
It could very well be that when you die, time stops for you, and you get to experience the pain forever.

Christ never wanted a church or people worshiping him.
Denominations are heresy, but I feel respect for the Catholics who once fought Islam and Lutherans who once expelled Jews.