Gender bullshit

Ok Polfags time to use logic.

Ok I'm tired to say that genderfluidity and whaterver pronouns they have now is complete bullshit you are either a male or female at most a Hermaphrodite. I'm sick of having to have this conversation with libtards and faggots in facebook and reddit, and they trowing bullshit "facts" as smokescreen to further their agenda.

I've tried to look up "hard science facts" about this but google is flooded with bullshit. I need a logical philosophical and fact based explanation on why this is a buch of gay shit and these faggots should just kill themselves and to end these fictional snowflake shit.

sex chromosomes

Just ignore it and focus on housing or some other issues.

Look at how gender is socially constructed.

>would you have a concept of gender if there was one sex?
no. There would only be normal and abnormal behavior.
>if there was two sexes would you then have gender?
no, not if they do not have any categorical behaviors that you can attribute to the sex
>if there is sex AND behavior differences that are general to that sex, then you have gender. Therefore gender is dependent on sex

A) one sex
B) two sexes
C) behavior differences exist
D) gender exists

[(A → ¬D) V ((B&¬C) → ¬D)] V [(B&C) ↔ D]
, D,
therefor B and C

Im taking formal logic this year and I needed practice. any philosphy fags here that can tell me if this is right for this arguement?

This is an interesting approach.

Are you saying that those faggots have reason after all?

which fags are you referencing?

If you mean gender fluid fags then no. I am saying that saying it is socially constructed is not enough to claim there is a third, or 33, concepts of gender. What they are doing is adding context to gender, which is not how it is socailly constructed.

If they understood what is required for it to be socially constructed then this would not be an issue. The only reason they got into this place is because they deny C in . Where as normal people with any sense of them knows that there are C

in other words they don't think the behavior differences of gendre has anything to do with gender. They beleive that all behavior gender differences are all socially constructed so they think we are playing some random game of calling each other Masculine or feminine.

This is why feminists are resentful towards men and everyone in their lives. They don't really understand that masculine and feminine are GENERAL socially constructed attribute, that is based on real biological differences. Extreme third wave feminists slightly identify with the masculine and think that they are no different and can do anything because they like drinking beer and burping. Their understanding of gender is so shallow, especially on the masculine, that they think all it is, is just a tough act to try to be cool. After guys see through the facade, as they do with any women trying to be tough, they reject her because they see this as an insult to who they are, men. She is then left hating men because she thinks they are stupid for not letting her into their cool group of men. But really, what got her into this predicament in this first place is that she never accepted the feminine aspect in her. In this way society can be blamed because women need direction. And if they don't get that sense of tribalistic direction enforced by the women group then she will get that from men. Hence why she copies them, thinking that this will appease them.

So how would you say that gender is socially constructed?

seeIt socially constructed because anytime we try to categorize we are factoring in human error into reality. Thats why social constructionists always say "well I think gender roles are stupid because why can't boys wear dresses?"

This is an example of how gender appears like total social conditioning. But the truth is, that liberals don't understand, is that there are natural behavioral differences that do make up gender. And these behavior differences are only possible because of the physical differences.

i'm fine with some fags, the fags that have to constantly discuss how much dick they suck and how they're proud to be a cuck need to fucking die, but that's just for being dirty sluts. sadly many fags fall into this degenerate trap. there are a few good fags out there, these kinds of people you wouldn't be able to tell apart from straight folks. i have a coworker whos like that, i only really found out he was gay by accident, he looked like any straight dude to me

transgenders, on the other hand, need to be fucking burned at the stake. trans cunts are destroying america, and every other country they inhabit.

sorry i meant to say it is socially constructed TO A DEGREE. it can't logically be possible be enitrely socially constructed

there is literally no difference between gender and sex, not even a little bit.

gender= masculine and feminine
sex+ penis and vagina

Yes gender is entirely dependent on sex, and sex not gender. But there is a difference in that gender is us trying to categorize behavioral differences to the sexes. and anytime you do this, you have human error. and it is from the human error that liberals think the whole think is just a human error. That is wrong. but I don't agree with you that there is no difference.

Perfect you just touched on something I discussed the other day.

Why boys can't wear dresses?

I'm not getting what you are trying to say about the human error part and I'm still not sure what to think about it.

For fucks sake man you are slow. They can. who cares. this is just a piss poor example to show that human perception can cateogirze wrongly. But this isn't reflective of the whole concept of gender.

Gender are all behavioral differences that the society chooses to attribute to the sexes depending on the time. HOWEVER, there are behavioral differences that will never go away because they are from biology.

Men will forever be more agressive, assertive, logically straight forward, and ect.
Women will forever be more moody, outgoing socially, and caring.

Gender is socially constructed to a slight degree

anytime you try to measure something, because numbers are socially constructed, you will never be sure that you can ever measure with 100% accuracy because you are in the realm of subjectivity.

Same thing with gender. gender is just the attempt to categorize the different behavioral patterns of the sexes. and because we are humans, we fuck up and try to attirbute things that the other sex can do just as often. Wear dresses and so on. But retarded liberals use this example of human error to claim ALL behavioral differences are made up. THIS IS NOT TRUE

>it's a "retard asks Sup Forums to back up his completely feels-based opinion" episode

>time to use logic
if you have a womb you are female. else male. plastic surgery / hormone adjustment nonsense doesn't count.

problem solved. except those genetic edge cases, which isn't what you're talking about, you're talking about people choosing to "switch" when the technology to change the genetic makeup isn't avaliable.

True but more like I'm to lazy I really don't want to dive into this faggotry bullshit.