Are (you) a Cuck?

If she is fucking other guys without your consent?

Samael the Serpent is the First Cuck.

He sent his wife Lilith to mate with Adam to try and make offspring.


who is that

There's so many ways I'm -not- a part of this equation.

I'll try to explain.

>see woman I like
>spend time with her, have a good time
>go home, around night time I fall in a pit of despair
>used to suffer from it for months, but recently I got over the feeling in an hour.

Samael, Saklas or Yaldabaoth is the Serpent Archon who came to Eve and raped her to father Cain.

We call him the First Ruler, the Chief Archon.

And according to Gnostic myth he also became the First Eunuch.

These two myths don't seem compatible

If you found out that she was fucking other guys behind your back would you still date her?

Well he was Castrated by the Angel Harmozel after he raped Eve.

interesting where do I read more, also why do jews wear the funny sideburns?


The Aeon of Aeons looked down upon the works and Samael and disapproved, even as a father frowns
upon the wickedness of his child. Through the Blind Dragon he had gained great power both to make
and to unmake. In the vanity of his arrogance he had yet used it only to create. Lest he turn the coils of
the Dragon upon themselves and use its power to destroy, the Father of All sent the Angel of Light Aeon,
whose name is Armozel, to smite the Worm with his fiery sword.

Armozel entered the kingdom of Samael unseen and approached even to the sleeping place where he
lay entwined with his consort. Samael saw him not, for the drunkenness of desire was upon him. The
coils of the Red Dragon churned between their loins and spat out an unending stream of mighty
demons. Then Armozel reached with the flaming blade of his sword between their writhing bodies and
maimed the Dragon in his hinder parts. He castrated the Worm so that it could neither make nor

The coils of the Dragon ceased to mill. No more creatures flew up from its chaos. Samael turned from
his consort with a cry of rage. Lilith also cried out, but hers was a bitter cry. Armozel left them with
their backs touching. Nor did Samael see him depart, for the light was veiled from his eyes. Without the
binding power of the Dragon they could no longer join together. Each lay imperfect and alone. Their
lust burned and was not quenched. They rose up and parted and fled each from the sight of the other.

-from a Gnostic Grimoire saved from the fires of the Library of Alexandria.

She's my friend. And yeah I guess it was a date I paid for everything.

We don't talk about her husband, ever.

If what we're doing is dating, then I could only do it once in a while.

idk man

our sex life sucks. she doesn't enjoy sex, is self conscious about her body, and is always making it awkward by talking about random shit or going "OW" or complaining that I got my sweat on her or something.

Still having sex 2-3 times a week at least though and nutting inside so could be worse

Is this happening to you OP?

If you don't leave her immediately after finding out, yes.

>If she is fucking other guys without your consent?
You mean if she cheats on you? If you don't drop her right after finding out or just sulk a few weeks then take her back, you're indeed a gigantic cuck.

nope, I used to cuck her because I cheated on her about 10 times.
I eventually just broke up with her and have only gotten laid once in about 5 months...
fuck man.

You fucking what mate? Yaldabaoth isn't the Serpent. He is the god of the Bible YHWH the fool.

>Samuel the Serpant
>not Carl the Cobra

Continue, this is good stuff

Not to my understanding I am married, but in the past I was cucked by my gf without my knowledge.

Yeah. That's actually what cuckolding is in the traditional sense. If she is fucking other men at all, you are being cuckolded.

It sound like you are cucking her husband. Which I would say you should stop.

They are the Serpent Archons.

The Lords, Rulers and Authorities over this realm of Darkness.

no, she's fucking other guys with my consent. open relationships are the way to go, less frustration. men aren't supposed to stick with one woman, neither are women with one man.

the way it's meant to be.

My man. You have to learn how to play a woman's body the way a master would play a Stradivarius. I suppose that is what happens when one learns about sex from porn. You have to learn how to master the subtle arpeggios in a few minor keys. Remember, she is not the one who has sex on her mind every 18 seconds, you are.
You have to start with delicate and intricate subtly nuanced introductions that build in movements on the theme and dance around variations. You have to bring them to where you live before they can really appreciate a true crescendo with the timpani pounding over a blaring trumpet fanfare.

Porn really is destroying our culture.

Lilith wandered into the mountains beating her breast and gnashing her teeth because the emptiness
inside her remained unfilled. She came even to the highest boundary of the kingdom of Samael. While
she stood looking afar, the clouds that obscure the edges of the firmament rolled away and revealed the
underside of the waters that encircle the earth. Light illuminated the waters and made them clear. The
roots of the mountains trembled. Thunder shook the peaks.

For the fulfillment of his own design the Mother‐Father of all caused the image of Geradamas to shine
through the bottom of the waters. His face was a human face, and his form a human form. A voice of
triumph rang down from the highest Aeons, “Behold the work that is Man.” Lilith gazed in rapture at his
heavenly image, wondering much at the harmony of his parts and the grace of his proportions. Lust
moved within her loins. She determined to fashion a copy of Man and use it for her consort. This was in
keeping with the plan of the Perfect Spirit.

She came down from the mountains and gathered together rotting leaves and mud and slime, the
mingled it with other corruptions and molded it into the pattern seen in the Waters of Heaven. With
infinite care she rounded its limbs and painted its countenance. Into its moth she put ivory. Into the eye
sockets she set pearls. Seaweed she draped over its bold crown, and bits of shells she pressed into the
ends of its fingers and toes. Between its thighs she fitted the leg bone of a goat.

Not if you don't like being walked on like a door mat.

She stretched herself upon the image and pressed it into her breasts and set her lips over its mouth. No
warmth arose to sustain her lust. The image of Man lay cold and still. She lacked the divine spark to
give it life. She wept in frustration and watered it with tears. Watching from above, the Invisible Spirit
sent down the angel Armozel to counsel her. He came to her in the midst of her vexation and whispered
into her left ear. Lilith did not see the angel whose light was veiled from her.

Lilith sought Samael in his wrath and laid her hand upon his check to still him. She smiled a smile of love
to placate him, and said, “My lord, come and see the wondrous shape the waves of the sea have thrown
up onto the shore.”
He went with her and marveled at the beauty of the image lying in the sand, declaring “Verily, it is a
work of my Mother, who is in Heaven.” For he knew no other Aeon but Barbelon.
“Only think what a splendid servant it would make if you could quicken it,” Lilith told him. “If it holds
the heavenly power of your Mother, its face will be a light to set between us.” She spoke the words
Armozel had placed in her mind but thought they were her own words. Samael approved her words.
“Let us call him Adam,” he said, “That his name may be a light and a power between us.”

Samael desired to call forth the spark of Barbelon from the mute clay to serve him. He did not know
that it already burned within his own breast. To display his power before Lilith and the watching hosts
of angels he transformed his shape into the shape of a man and may upon the pattern of earth. His feet,
touched its feet, and his shins pressed its shins. His thighs touched its thighs, and his belly was on its
belly. His hands held its hands, and his shoulders spanned its shoulders. From toe to crown he
measures its measure. The face of Samael kissed the face of earth, and the breath of the Serpent slid
between the lips of clay.

In the moment of his kiss the spark of light fled from Samael and entered the Earthly Man. This was the
intent of the Aeon of Aeons. He acted to restore the power of the light to the Holy Mother, Barbelon.
The limbs of earth became flesh and warmed with the warmth of the Sun. The man breathed a breath
and opened wondering eyes. He sat upright. His face was luminous.

When Samael looked upon Adam he knew he had been deceived. The beauty of the man was more
perfect than his own beauty. The man was whole, whereas he was incomplete. The rage of the first
Archon flew out of his eyes in fiery bolts that blasted the rocks and made the sea boil.
He cried out to the assembled hosts of angels, “I am a jealous God, and there is no other God beside
me.” At this the angels wondered, and spoke between themselves, saying, “If there is no other God,
then of whom shall this God be jealous?”

Without my consent? No, definitely not.

With my consent? Yah, sometimes.

We share a lot, usually with another woman, sometimes with a couple, sometimes with a guy. Yeah, yeah, "muh degeneracy"......but we're very happy and have a vibrant and interesting and open sex life.

>being walked on like a door mat.
that's what happens in 1-on-1 relationships though.

If I am, then he cucks me right back and 100x harder.

Chapter 5
Samael looked upon the luminous face of Man and his heart burned black with jealousy. The creature
who had come into being out of the fire of his breath was greater in mind than any Archon. In him
existed no taint of wickedness. He was wholly pure through the power of his mother. The first Archon
perceived the spark of clear light in Man. He had not perceived it within his own breast. The way a
thing may be seen in a mirror that is not seen without the mirror, he saw it. Samael coveted the spark
and sought to possess it.
The Archons and angels hated Man because he excelled them in power of thought was free from sin.
They wrought together and awakened in him the heaviness of needs and desires that is remembrance of
the body, but forgetfulness of the spirit. The thoughts of Man became distracted. His eyes were turned
away from the spark of Barbelon that glowed within him. The Archons made for him a place of keeping
and set him within it, and called it Paradise. They told him, “Eat abundantly of the fruits of the trees,
take pleasure under the Sun,” for the fruits of their trees are bitter poison and their pleasures are
deceptions and death. In these things is forgetfulness of the spirit. So they intoxicated him with luxury.

Vox Day.

sounds gay af

not as much as a 1-1-1 relationships. My wife use to have girl friends that tried to break up our marriage. It was 2v1, I had to put a stop to that shit.


you mean with

Only if you know about it

If you don't enjoy it you're just a cornuto

well there's your problem

keep posting

she's clearly fat so no, it couldn't be worse. What you're dong is worse than celibacy.

Pig fucker.

nah she's pretty fit. she's had two kids though so she's insecure about her vagina, breasts are saggier than they once were, she has some stretch marks, etc.

Can you be more specific?

I want this book, so good

Hear and be wise. The God of the sons of Adam is not the highest monarch of the heavenly zones.
Above him swells one so much greater that his greatness cannot be measured. Even the name of God
defiles him, for he is not a god but a singleness of being without discontinuity. He shines with a pure
light no eye can see and speaks in thunder no ear can hear. There is none existing prior to him to limit
his duration. He is ineffable and perfect, standing alone complete unto himself.
Neither male nor female, neither large nor small, neither breath nor flesh, the mind of man can never
question his qualities for he is unknowable. He endures outside of time and encompasses duration. He
is the Father of Aeons. He rules before and above all existence. He gives knowledge but is not Wisdom.
He gives mercy but is not Love. The name of him is forever unspeakable, for in it are all names and
moments in the existence of things, and if ever it were spoken aloud the universe would unravel like the
hem of a garment and come to an end.

What if she's been having webcam skype sex with another guy but never met in person? Was I right to beat her purple and kick her out of MY house with only a towel?

I'm asking for a friend.

I am black and terrible of aspect. My eyes are quickened coals that smoulder with emerald fire in the
caverns of my skull. Sharp my teeth like those of the dragon that crushes its foe in deadly embrace.
Sharp my envenomed nails like the fangs of the viper that hisses. My lips are ruddy with clots of gore,
my mouth drips with fresh blood, my forked tongue is as black as Death, the stench of carrion hangs on
my breath, and the flies come and settle upon my cheeks. Yet my breasts like unto the hills of Gehenna.
My thighs vast columns of ebony that extend down even to the very foundation stone of the Abyss.
Leviathan coils his slimy length about them and makes his lair in my womb. It breeds serpents as does
the putrid belly of the dead horse.

Seek not to flee, O my love. My arms restrain you with terrible strength. I bind you to my breast with
the rank strands of my hair. I am the Jealous God. No other god shall lie with you. I am the Heavenly
Harlot, the Queen of All Pleasures. No other lover shall ever please you. Your seed is the payment I
exact for my whoredom. You are source of my delight as the corpse delights the jackal in the desert.
The screams that are born and die in your throat nourish my darkness. Your fear excites my lust. I will
not cease to abuse you all the time that I love you. Nor can you ever be rid of me, for we are joined as
one flesh under the dark face of the Moon. I cry out in the excess of my passions. My cries are like
those of the bird that flies by night and screeches.

>If she is fucking other guys without your consent?

She's fucking other guys with my consent, so I'm pretty sure I'm not a cuck.


Gotta share everything with those refugees.

There is one thing that doesnt seem right. According to this grimoire The Serpent of Paradise was actually Lilith. This does not fly for me.

It's the Christian in me.