Our evolutionary ancestors lived off of a diet of small berries and nuts

Our evolutionary ancestors lived off of a diet of small berries and nuts
Tell me what proof you have that we are in anyway carnivorous?
Is vegetarianism the true redpill?

I think OP is a nut with small berries

Because we have to cook our meat?


link to study pls?
non political thread BTW
only retards could politicize that
eating meat or not is personal freedom

our ancestors fasted for most of the week and only ate 1-2 times in that period. (((3 meals a day))) is a Jewish trick. Your body will quickly adapt to its norm once you start.

>Tell me what proof you have that we are in anyway carnivorous?
I eat meat all weeks.
My father and his father too.
And so did the fathers that came before up to if not before the invention of fire.
As far as I know we grew up healty, if not healthier than who didn't.

If there were more disadvantages than advantages to eating cooked meat we wouldn't have integrated it into our cultures.
Only recently we've started to understand the disadvantages of eating meat and they mostly come from mistreatments and abuses.

Arguing about purposes in biology is stupid, we're not "designed" to do something and nothing else, we're adapted to some things and not adapted to other things; regardless of whether what diet we would ideally be
best adapted for, which I agree is a fruits based one, we can also reliably hunt, cook, eat and process meat.

We are built to run down animals user.

>binocular vision
>caniniform dentition
>gut enzymes solely for the breaking down of animal proteins
Illnesses that develop from lack of said animal proteins
...& much, much more, faggot.

Self defense
It was canines or bull horns
We chose canines

>what proof you have that we are in anyway carnivorous
If not carnivorous why do you enjoy man meat op?

You dont have to

Just imagine choosing to be vegetarian most of your life, then shit hits the fan and it's no longer a choice.

>Vegetarians actually believe this

>1 post by this ID
OP likes penis meat.

Primitive humans ate pretty much anything edible they could find or hunt.
Berries and nuts don't really try to run away.
But they don't grow all around the year either.

>Tell me what proof you have that we are in anyway carnivorous?

Our ability to cook spurred our evolution. Humans can process and digest much more nutrients out of cooked food than we otherwise could, outcompeting other animals, getting the extra energy to support bigger brains and thus getting even smarter with trapping, foraging, preparing food, storing food, eventually growing food.. spiralling a success upon success the world has never seen before.

Your vegan ancestors literally could not compete and either died outright or were outbred by superior cooking and meat eating ancestors.

We are an omnivorous species you fucking ignorant fucktard
We can eat meat or vegetables

>evolutionary ancestors
Then we evolved, dumbass. We have enzymes made to digest meat. Meaning we are omnivores.


We were always hunters. Fruits, nuts and other tiny portions were a part of our diet as well. I myself went on the caveman diet (no bread cheese or dairy products), you'll see results.

humans canine teeth are suitable for neither a carnivorous or an omnivorous diet.

We're omnivores dumbass.

Hey meat eaters, explain this

>Is vegetarianism the true redpill?
Bluepilled as fuck.
If you faggot grazers want to eat my food's food, that your business. It's when you pussies start shaming others for being normal omnivores that makes me want to smother you until death with a harp seal steak. Fuck off with your dietary mandates, you busybody assholes.

Why would you post a black guy in this thread?

What do they have to do with dietary concerns?