Should this be allowed Sup Forums ?

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I think it's funny because ultimately the kids will hate their parents for this.

"why did you let me ruin my life!?"

wow, ONE person changed their mind about transitionig??

guess I'll regret it too
nevermind that I've been living as a woman for years and years now

this is totally newsworthy, and really makes me think..

No one said that every transformer person will regret changing shape, sex or whatever.

Thing is: Should a 12 year old be allowed to change his or her sex? Is he / she mature moral agent to decide?

Cases like these show the tragic consequences an immature decision can have.

Based roman law:

The paterfamilias literally owns his children, wife and slaves. Let the paterfamilias decide.

Are you implying that you are twelve years old?
In either case you're mentally ill and nobody will love you for who you are.

that faggot should make up his mind before he commits suicide

Is it possible to change back to female identifying as chameleon-kin?

>boy asserts he is a female
>becomes a female
>changes her mind
women am i rite

Did Xhe get surgery?

If you have to undergo a sexchange to love yourself, you're gonna find it impossible for others to love you

Do the doctors save your dick just in case you wanna put it back on again?

Were you also twelve?
Do you think being cognitively impaired had any influence on your decision?

Based Spain at least remembering the traditions of our forefathers before our forefathers. There's a reason they did the things they did the way they did.

Hormone treatment. Now he is a boy with breasts lol.


Archive please




my sides

Ban everything because some people will regret doing virtually everything that's ever been done!!!!

I thought there was a minimum age on sex changes. Why isn't there a minimum age?

>sorry Jimmy I've called every doctor in town and they all said they can't un-chop your dick off

The thing is, a 12 years old kid is too damn young to make such a big decision. I am sure many trans people don't regret their transition, but there is a huge possibility kids so young making that decision will. This is why I am so mad to these liberals and SJWs and the likes, they treat gender identity as it were a fucking fashion trend and many fall for it. It's a fucking joke now. Those who really suffer from mental illness and need to change gender to be happy have beed greatly harmed by this liberal nonsense.

CORRECTED archive link (without jewbook)
wonky formatting tho

As far as I know they sell the dicks to china

Jesus fuck next level memeing

Literally my fetish is. I bet he has a tiny suckable girl penis too.



Kill yourself freak

>About 88% of children who have gender dysphoria do not hold those beliefs when they grow older
>Only 12% of boys who believe they are transsexuals still believe so when they are older.


*breaths in*

>"you changed your mind?
>the look on the guys face.

You stupid fucking idiot of a child.

Two schools of thought

The parents encouraged him, either out of

>fear for being intolerant or having his school call CPS
>are not good parents for chemically castrating their child and CPS should take the kid away

everybody can smell a mutilated dick a block away

It's not just one and you know it, scumbag.

Im just waiting for this guy to realize how much he fucked up.

Life is all sunshine and rainbows as long as you are on instagram and youtube. While you are 16 are you never want kids nor a job.

But then you grow up and reality hits you. No sane guy wants to be with you. So you have to pick from the bottom shelfs. And even there they dont want you because even those guys want kids. So you settle for whatever wants you.


parents should be executed desu



Tits or gtfo? Does it apply to trannies?

>too young to decide to have sex
>young enough to medically modify body and pretend to be a girl
why is this shit allowed

kys faggot


Why the fuck is this even allowed???

Kids aren't allowed to drink. Parents and doctors should be forbidden to do this sick shit to their kids.

Now if they persist and want to be mentally ill at 18 and want to fuck their life up forever let them do it at this point

When the fuck did kids started being dragged into this shit anyway????

basically this

this is as bad as allowing pedophilia

Obviously hormones should be restricted to people aged 18+. Minors are not capable of making an independent, informed decision about something so critical to their development

Of course, have you not heard of Dick insurance?



kids should not be allowed to do it anyway because the hormons will fuck their bodies up

like that 6 yo kid that started doing the process and now literaly cannot finish it because he will be stuck with a micro penis too small to be able to be transformed into a vagina

Top jej

Gross. No it does not. Yuck.

No, mutilating and drugging children should not be allowed.

I've seen some bad leaf posts, but damn


Diapers were a mistake.



Well how about that. Totally was not expecting that. I mean, I thought 3 year olds are old enough to know what gender they identify as and obviously consent to sex.

Someone post the comic

>1 post by this ID
How can I fall for such an obvious bait.

Honestly the parents should be executed along woth any doctor that had a hand in it. The kid deserves a mercy killing as well if he wants it. No one under the age of 18 should be allowed to make that change and the parents even suggesting it should be classified as child abuse.

>Sex changes are legal for children 12+
>The procedure involves breaking the pelvis, and implanting a stem-cell grown replacement that requires months to heal correctly.
>The next procedure involves complete removal of testes, penis, prostate, etc, and replacement with stem-cell grown female organs made from their own DNA; with no chance of rejection, it heals well over the course of months.
>With the help of hormones and surgery, eggs are grown in the womb with the X chromosome of the closest paternal female relative.
>The scientists and doctors clap

>2 years later "Oh shit i change my mind"
>accidentally 7 months pregnant
>Becomes the male mother of a child
>forced to have sex with weird fetishists from Sup Forums for money to pay off the loan for the expensive surgery and the child.
>Apocalypse happens
>Boy becomes the mother of all surviving humans
>Heralded as "Eve" after the apocalypse for generations to come.

All this, because some faggot felt good for jerking off in a dress and thought it'd be a fun idea to larp as a girl online for girlgamer bux

That's not the point, but you're mentally disabled, so I wouldn't expect you to understand.

I wish. Sadly no. And the balls? The balls are sold as pickled eggs.

for once a leaf with half a brain

A very succesful transition, then

kikes are not gonna like this

>your boys got breast
aussies are funny as fuck even on accident


43% suicide attempt rate.

How many children's lives should we ruin so you can masturbate in a dress, you fucking deranged tranny lunatic?

Don't worry hun, i'm on your side. Don't listen to these hateful fear-mongers. You're beautiful inside and out, don't let these basement dwelling losers get you down to their level. The most important thing about all of this is that people should have the freedom to be man or woman if they feel like it. Nobody else has the right to dictate your identity, so keep doing you boo.

This pisses me off so much. I'm prepared to go protest it IRL. Anyone else feel that way?

Ban children getting them for sure. You sick fucks shouldn't be allowed to groom kids.

I was told teens don't receive hrt. How can he transition?

They do in America, never heard of jazz?

watch the 1 minture video previewing ti the dumb cunt mother gave her son HRT that was supposed to be for her

No. Once you've made up your mind to transition, even at 4 years old, changing your mind should be illegal. We must do everything we can to counter and even outlaw cisnormative behaviors.

Underrated post

Is this why the next generation identifies as fascist and conservative more?

Now the poor kid will have a baby dick.

Combine these kids going through a phase with the attention whore parents that want to parade them around and are celebrated for doing so. There is going to be a lot of regret.

This was posted to reddit and within an hour was #3 post on the front page but just as it was about to go into #1 on reddit the mods of reddit news deleted the post for a while and then reinstated the post so it lost momentum and the dropped down. 4000 upvotes and 2000 comments which is more then double the comments of any other post on front page. People were arguing back and forth in the comments but a lot of normies seemed to get really fucking redpilled, think thats why the mods had to kill it for a while. People were waking up.

The OP questioned the mods about why they removed the thread and they perma banned the OP and stalked their reddit account sending creepy messages about what they were typing on other subs.

reddit mods are totalitarian commies kek

the thread that was removed:


>You've been a BAD GOY!




>reddit is an authoritarian hivemind shithole

wow thanks for the info, when you go back to 2009 tell them i said hi


if I had a kid that claimed to be trans I'd let it do whatever the fuck it wanted on its 18th birthday, but until then it's my duty to protect it. And that doesn't mean letting it do anything it wants, in fact, sometimes it means exactly the opposite

>pence in the corner

Congrats; you are part of the 15% that live longer than 3 years after transitioning.

Reason for death usually?


I rarely use it my friend linked me to the post and I followed up on other posts

didn't know it'd gone that far.

What is the point of a forum if you're not allowed to communicate?

South Park did it

there's enough salt in this post to open up a goddamn mine

>I've been living as a woman
No, you're a delusional faggot who's living as a delusional faggot. No one thinks you're a woman for single second.


>1 post by this ID

Every time.

>I don't think we should harm children, in fact we should ban it
SRS and hormone therapy is child abuse

Which is why we tell people just to wait.

AhahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahhhhahhahahzhahahahhahahahahahahabhahahazzzzzzzzzzAhahahahhhhhhhahaaaaaahhhhhahahahahahhahahahahahagaggabagagagaggsgsgevhfjgbggdgd umnbhfkhjfovofkgjdbgrterdeswdwhvjjfnfjbiibjgjtngnynnnynnynyngnnnnnnngjgjjgkkjjnmjgk,kkl