Why are liberal people smarter on average than conservative people?

Why are liberal people smarter on average than conservative people?

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Because they're ultra high IQ city people.

They tend to be white

That's a Damore-tier schnozz

[citation needed]

This is false. Studies show that in America, conservatives are more informed. More informed means higher average IQ.




Only because the average snowflake is also conservative. Humans are naturally more egalitarian and caring, and thus even if they don't identify politically as liberal, they are. Thus, the average liberal is far smarter than the average conservative.

Funny how John Locke would be considered conservative today.

So would LBJ, what's your point?

Why do you put a picture of Locke who is a classical liberal ?
>Classical liberalism != liberalism
>Classicali liberalism = libertarianism

They aren't. They just think they are and seldom concern themselves with objective reality's take on the matter.

t. conservative who has worked among a lot of liberals (and often had to clean up after their incompetence).

This hasn't been my experience. I'm in uni, but I also do a working-class job in the summer, and those working-class guys have a much more accurate understanding of the world than the guys in uni. They're more likeable too

This isn't true for the very high IQ ranges, but for the average, it is. High IQ people tend to make more money, and their kids are spoiled. Rich people are less affected by socialism, mass immigration, feminism, cultural upheaval, ect. All the shitty consequences of prog policies hit the working white poor first, then it slowly moves up from the bottom hitting the upper middle class and moderately rich last. The super rich are always insulated and become part of the ruling elite in socialist systems.

No rich man has to worry about his job being taken by a Mexican, or his wages being undercut. No rich man has to worry about his kids sitting in class with a bunch of degenerate gang members who can't speak English-they go to private school, or the best public school in town. No rich man has to worry about the hypergamy resulting from feminism and degradation of the family, because he has the resources to attract pussy no matter what. And on and on. Basically high IQ=wealthy=insulation from the consequences of socialism until very late stage. Also wealthy people are happy and comfortable, and like to look magnanimous by virtue signaling. There are other factors too.

>people are liberals because I say so



i don't know about in britain, but in america the majority of liberals are stupid fucking africans and hispanics.
democracy only favors the majority. so the jews bring lots of sick coloreds into those countries, which essentially gives the Jews a disproportionate representation in the vote. I hope for Christ's sake that you aren't saying that Jews and minorities are intelligent...

>Basically high IQ=wealthy=insulation from the consequences of socialism until very late stage.

And even at the late stages, they have the resources and connections to make sure their wealth and family is safely relocated elsewhere before things go full Venezuela.

locke gets called a right-libertarian by socialists

Given the attached image however, I question the original premise of the question though.

Why do liberals pander to the dumbest people in society and throw fits when their plans to import millions of low IQ people get thwarted? Really nudges the neurons.

He also said niggers should act like they are a piece of furniture, it still doesn't make him much of a liberal by measure of the mid-60's. The western world has shifted quite significantly left in the past 100 years, Trump is considered (wrongfully) right, but by comparison to LBJ he looks like a mega-ultra libtard faggot-lover.

John Locke is a bad example to use, because his version of liberalism is basically conservatism.

If you wanted to show what we refer to as liberalism now, you should have posted a picture of Karl Marx.

Also, left-wingers are not smarter on average. Most leftists are niggers and spics. Just look at this map.

Trump was never a conservative. It was foolish for anyone to ever believe so. You could go on Wikipedia to see that.

the united states is a liberal country with two liberal parties and you only think the united states has moved leftward, because you think you can tell fags how to live

>Why are liberal people smarter on average than conservative people?

Define liberal.

>Liberal in the broadest sense as in wishing to reform the current system?

In that case it should be self evident that the people who have an opinion on how they society should change are generally going to be smarter than the ones willing to accept the status quo and call it a day.

>Liberal as in leftist?

In that case I would point to the leftist domination of the collegiate system. People of modestly above average intellect go to college and are dazzled by their professor's supposed wisdom and decide to parrot their political views with little actual thought or analysis. Alternatively people involved in the collegiate system are incline to embrace establishment left views out of peer pressure and a desire to conform.

>Liberal as in classically liberal? As in distrusting the state and wishing to limit its power?

They tend to be more intelligent because they were actually paying attention in history class.

Yes. And it really isn't even conscious in most cases. My parents are rich and are nice people, highly intelligent. Liberals. They think it is the moral position. Because of being focused on working and coming up during a more prosperous time, they really have no concept whatsoever about what has happened to working people who used to be able to provide for a wife and family and pay for college on a laborer's salary. It's just not their life experience. Also, in spite of being smart, they never have felt the need to learn about political systems, propaganda, and what the progs are actually doing because they were never stung by it. They believe MSM, and pretty much buy the propaganda. They are rich and want to give the poor immigrants and minorities a chance to have a life like they had. They never bother to learn or experience hard truths about race realism, the economic devastation to the middle class of welfare and illegal immigration, ect. People usually only learn about things and think about them in depth when it affects them directly.

>1950's USA
>not conservative

Please fill me in. I forget the name of that film that was released in the 50's, but it proves my point. The one that had unmarried people dancing in it and caused social uproar?

Britain carried the same tendencies until even recently. As degenerate as we've become, it's still considered uncouth to show two individuals sitting on a bed (with their feet off the floor) before a certain time on TV, due to that being the definition of marriage consummation. It was also considered degenerate to eat food in public while not sitting a few decades ago.

You're deluded if you think the western world hasn't moved massively leftwards.

Part of the appeal of leftist ideologies are that they allow for a delusional sense of morality and optimism.

I don't actually help the poor or working class yourself; but why should I? I don't understand politics or economics I elect other people to do that for me and they have assured me that they are honest and just.

To abandon that viewpoint requires one to see the world not as they wish it to be; but as it is. And that is a hard pill to swallow.


Damn it, I need to make up my damned mind and choose first person or second person from the start.

If liberals are so fucking smart why haven't they realized that communism always fails and being transgendered is a mental disorder like schizophrenia.

theyre not "smarter," theyre more educated. they just went to school longer. big difference.

>Most leftists are niggers and spics.
>that map

Well, them New Englanders sure must be smart niggers!

Well, we live in 2117 for starters you all need to catch up

because of the Dunning-Kruger effect

do you think that socialist feminists that crib their sex negativity from kant are less leftward than hedonistic liberals that like using sex to sell things?
st. bernard isn't a liberal

liberals' intelligence is spread out over a broad range of topics, so in most topics conservative minded people are more intelligent. focus is important

>do you think that socialist feminists that crib their sex negativity from kant are less leftward than hedonistic liberals that like using sex to sell things?

a) empathy. right-wingers lack it in proportion to how right wing they are. Empathy is a key ingredient in understanding human psychology and human societies - and thus being aware of the full context of the world around you.

b)cultural outlook - as representatives of the dominant culture with significant ensconced privileges, right-wingers by and large don't NEED to be smart. They succeed in life by being aggressive, or by having some technical skills, or being a dick to everyone, or whatever.

Since liberals are more likely to be non-white, female, queer, or at least beta white males, we *need* an integrated intelligence in order to survive in a hostile society. Right-wingers, don't.

essentials - anti-intellectualism is baked into right wing ideologies fundamentally. being predisposed to action over thought, force over diplomacy, hierarchy over collaboration etc, by its very essence, all right wing ideologies will tend to dumb down their adherents by their nature, while left-wing ideologies have the opposite effect.

Most New Englanders vote Democrat but aren't leftists in the way West coasters are.

They aren't though.

You'd think they'd use those brains to make some money.

mostly accurate but the premise that liberals are naturally more intelligent has very little scientific backing, it borders on pseudo-science to try to pidgeonhole someones political beliefs based on their IQ (which is already a dubious measure of intelligence to begin with) or vice-versa

a) communism has never been implemented.

Stalin was a peasant Tsar who used communist rhetoric to replace Catholicism as the opiate of the people. Politically he was a nationalist rather than a communist - notice the key difference between Stalin's "socialist in one country", and "mother Russia" rhetoric and Marx's "Workers of all lands, unite!" Big difference. Mao was basically the same phenomena.

And not that this matters, but you're an ignorant fool if you think being transgender is similar to having schizophrenia. That just shows you don't know anything about *either* of those things.

Is that what professor Goldstein told you?

>not a brainlet rekt by hobbes, johnson, burke, etc

Exactly. Well off people are either worried about working, their family or their leisure time. Liberalism gives an easy, face value morality that seems to be good if you don't put a lot of thought into it. Like you said, for an intelligent, successful person to take a step back and realize that everything in the media, everything they have casually trusted and based their world view on for their entire lives is a lie, it's just too much. Like I said you have to be stung by it personally to start digging.

A late middle aged to retired family man is not going to start overdosing on red pills when he has been happy, comfortable, and successful in his illusions for decades. I don't care how smart he is.

>a) communism has never been implemented.
>Why are liberal people smarter on average than conservative people?

Two equally retarded claims with no evidence, but who cares watch this thread reach bump limit.

What is even the point of this thread OP fuck you faggot

By what metric?

>muh participation diploma

nonwhites are more likely to not be liberal by any assessment of their views, and liberals typically conflate empathy with sympathy in their rhetoric. they have no particular ability with affective empathy, but believe themselves to be acting in accordance with utilitarianism to the benefit of lesser beings
there is also nothing in american politics motivated by survival for anyone that earns over 20k a year

>a) communism has never been implemented.
Ok, now we KNOW your an idiot.

/you/ are better at brawling, making money, winning over the white masses, and bullying others into shutting up.

((we)) are better at intellectual and philosophical projects, sciences, humanities, history, winning over the nonwhite masses, and convincing intellectuals are artist types.

so far, you're actually winning - look how right wing the world is! Capitalism is everywhere, White Supremacy is still strong, you have way more money and social status than we do, etc.

But in the long run, your power is based on too narrow a foundation to stand up forever. Thus the current crisis of capitalism, where the system is struggling to reproduce itself into a more complex and chaotic future.

If you polled everyone it would be very equal. The liberal academics would be weighed down by the inner-city retards, just like the educated conservatives would be weighed down by the rural and suburban retards.

>he doesn't know the highest-IQ posters make bait thread, then actively post in them expressing their own views as though they are 100% legitimate threads

Sure is summer.


Wowee looks at this, someone didn't pay attention in orientation, i will be contacting your superior chaim!

>Sure is summer.

You are the one sliding

nah, it's not pseudo-science, it's a personal belief based on empirical observation and analysis. closer to police work than social science!

but i'll absolutely insist that it's valid. SOME highly intelligent right wing people exist. Putin, for instance. But it's not the norm, and more frequently right-wingers who are intelligent will be good at one or two narrow areas instead of having high overall general intelligence.

but /you/ do have more MONEY overall, which is a big advantage

Because you count anything non white as liberal.

you guys have this big misperception that bourgeois democrats are the 'left'.

The left is like, queer furries working at starbucks, my friend. We are not well off. The latte liberals that /you/ think are the left are the very capitalist scum that we are organizing against.

the Sup Forumsack cannot resist jerking off putin even when roleplaying
are you a duginite

And you draw this conclusion how?

Then why does billionaire soros donate to antifa / other communist / marxist groups if you are not tools of the bourgeois

>it just... it just IS, okay?!

Most conservatives accept things as they are. Most liberals are able to question why things are as they are. A few conservatives and liberals are able to understand why things are as they are.

hey, you wanna argue against me on the subject of communism and try to tell me that mao and stalin were communist other than in name, go right ahead. The revolutions that brought them in WERE communist, but the leaders themselves were nationalist. Thus Mao sold the chinese proletariat out to Nixon and Stalin re-imposed the Russian Empire and reconstituted serfdom.

i'm on solid ground here - stalin was a peasant tsar and mao was a peasant emperor of zhonguo. Both of these are in line with the histories of the cultures involved, whereas communism was a foreign ideology that neither one understood, which they took simply to add a religious garb to peasant uprisings that discarded the old religions.

as a simple piece of evidence, you may not that neither mao nor stalin spoke a lick of german. do you really think they actually read and understood marx? those books are pretty damn dense. no way did those backwards villagers have a damn clue what communism even was.

gay furries have never organized against anything, although i would encourage them to do so, so i can get the mental health facilities i want built
i was hoping to put the mentally ill homeless in them, but that's one couch surf away from the rainbow tranny furry's life anyway

A) Empathy. The progenitors and leaders of that flag had a lot of empathy when they slaughtered and started 20-30 million people or sent them to Siberian work camps for the greater good huh.

b) Cultural outlook- Right wingers are the representatives/developers of the dominant culture? Ok I agree. So in developing that culture, the most scientifically/militarily/economically advanced culture ever, they didn't have to be smart? The white men that invented 99% of everything that separates us from apes, we did in by "being a dick to everyone, or whatever?"

And you don't need an "integrated intelligence" to survive in a hostile society. You only need the medical, security, and most importantly, monetary handouts from the white male. The dominant culture cares for you like children.

Anti-intellectualism is characteristic of the left not the right. It is the left that has government scientists produce the science they want in the USSR. It is the left that censors books, plays, and free speech and thought, and it is the left that throws out the most qualified professors and professionals from high ranks and replaces them with less qualified morons.

You are a miserable, stupid faggot. I recommend not embarrassing yourself by posting here again.

Yes this

95% of niggers are liberal. Are you sure they're smarter than conservatives?

you're an idiot if you think 20k a year is enough to live on without being worried about your survival. you must be living in a bourgeoisie bubble if you think the poor in the USA aren't really poor.

i'm a mad genius, yo. ;)

>Most conservatives accept things as they are. Most liberals are able to question why things are as they are.
I've seen the complete opposite. Liberals accept whatever they're told by society, conservatives ask why they're being told it in the first place.

Not really. America was founded largely on Locke's principles. Conservatism, practically by definition, advocates adherence to the root.

why do liberals claim they are smarter than conservatives when 99% of blacks vote liberal and have an IQ of 85?

Because fuck drumpf, and fuck wipeypole.

If you call yourself Genius go ahead and say something smart then.

Forrest Gump is legally retarded but he was a great athlete, soldier, ping pong player, fisherman and entrepreneur.
What I'm trying to say is that stupid is as stupid does, and if these "smarter than average conservative" liberals won't do shit with their alleged intelligence, then what good are they?

That has more to do with where power structures actually lie. The modern conservative is more interested in reversion to a past model than conservation of the current one, whereas liberals are trying to dig in their heels and keep as much of what they've taken as they can, only proceeding to further change if they're allowed to.

yeah i thought you might like that! ;)

i'm not actually saying there's a jewish conspiracy. jews don't control the shit, white people do, come on. antisemitism is morally heinous and intellectually laughable for sure. but hey, if you're gonna act all conspiratorial and shit, the non-Existent International Communist Conspiracy might as well play along. If you wanna play with your tinfoil hat and pretend that the mostly-poorfag left is actually Gary Cohn, go ahead.

((we)) communists don't have superior officers because we don't exist!

they are brainwashed more with education
second, it requires intellect to "detect" new implicit social norms

That's just what you inferiority complex faggots tell yourselves. Rich people are conservative. Morons don't get rich. Solve that equation faggot

that's fake. /your/ people made up that conspiracy theory to scare you. soros doesn't do shit.

the left doesn't get paid. antifa has no money, we are just poor workers with backpacks and bike helmets.

believing in george soros is on the level of believing in fairies or pizzagate.


>Most liberals are able to question why things are as they are.
See: youtube.com/watch?v=xfO1veFs6Ho
Liberals are taught not to question anything.
Liberals are taught not to offend anyone.
Liberals are taught that nothing can be wrong.

That's how far your college brainwashing program has gone.

Your kids are too scared to question anyone these days.

>being this retarded

you are almost exactly wrong. people are much more naturally self-oriented and resist authority over their personal lives at a local level.

they just say, outwardly, that they care about all humans and big time politics to make themselves feel nice and because they think it will make a difference in the world

but a difference in the world is only made by leading by example. this is where the conservative movement is essentially right

a) see above - stalin was a peasant tsar nationalist, not a communist. note "mother russia" vs "workers of all lands, unite!"

b) the white male doesn't give us hand-outs, shitlord. thats not how it fucking works. There are no hand outs. If you knew fuck all about the real world outside of your mom's basement you'd know that. the poor in america survive by the skin of their teeth.

>It is the left that censors books, plays, and free speech and thought

pic related loser

right....so looking to Locke for guidance is essentially conservative....what's your point?

because IQ measurements are racist. do the bannon manuever on yourself, shitlord

you're totally right! this is 99% of the reason capitalism rules the world today.

we ARE smarter, but it doesn't matter because we aren't soldiers and we have no money.

Bait is obvious.

and yet you all ate the shit up so deliciously, mmmmm

>while left-wing ideologies have the opposite effect.
Right in EVERY aspect but this.
While right wing ideologies make it hard for more intellectualized people, left wing ideologies will degenerate the society.

no, burger, you are not poor by global standards
you think someone earning more than 20k (roughly the average starbucks coffee slinger) a year is primarily motivated by survival, while the average beneficiary receives less than 16k a year from social security
your conception of price is probably heavily warped by being an unproductive resident of a competitive city

Because they are pure white.

>pizzagate is just a crazy conspiracy theory, goy!

They aren't, but because they're mentally ill, they believe they are.

poverty is relative. you can be eating cat-food just to pay the rent yet still have to have a cell phone because you can't even look for a job or find a bus without one.

20k is NOT an average starbucks person - it'd be around 17-18k if you work full time, but most of their employees are necessarily part time, so it's really often closer to half that.

yes, social security recipients are quite poor and that's a travesty. we should care for the elderly with more dignity that that. however, they also have access to medical services like medicare that increase their effective income, while retail workers usually have no or very-expensive health insurance and have to pay most costs out of pocket. Also pensioners and SSI recipients don't necessarily have to drive around as much, might have kids to help them etc.
most working-class people are kicked out the door at 18 and we are on our OWN after that with little or no support.

you really have to be in a bourgeois bubble if you don't think that poverty is a survival struggle in the united state.

i live in the rural / burban countryside where prices are quite low, but the reason prices have to stay low is because *wages* overall are super-low. Only privileged classes have enough affluence that they don't have to struggle for survival. That's the essence of the problem with capitalism. People who have affluent lifestyles often convince themselves that everyone else is equally well off and the poor are just faking it and whining, but that's dumb as hell; it ain't so.

Die in a subsidized housing fire.

the funny thing about that subsidized housing is, a) it sucks ass b) the police won't come when called and c) people like Fred Trump got rich as hell off government contracts building the shit.

i lived in the projects once and a dude got beat into a coma right against my door, on my porch. cops wouldn't show because no fucks given. thanks for the hand-out, master race, really big thanks.

meanwhile when black people DO own shit, white people burn it down and kill them. Tulsa Race Riots, exhibit a.

you all got bored, i declare myself thread winner, ooohhh yeah, suck it nazifags

Only fucking retards think the us has a free election, both sides are the same fucking side. They are both owned they will carry on with ruining the world.why is every burger think that they have free choice ? You don't you haven't since 1913 you are owned and have killed I'd say around 200 million people around the world including 2 world wars. America is the country that has ruined the world the most besides Russia, but all those Jews that took over that country most of them where American Jews. Do you want to go on? Do you know whites getter treated like second class people in the us ? They buildt the fucking place only people that deserve to stay on the us is native Americans and whites. Sorry but we build bought and fought for theses lands. So we should rule them.