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nice coming from a child show paid actor and a mechanical engineer
also how do you explain the fact that they have different bone structure?

What are his published articles? I was just watching a panel with John D. Barrow on it. He's published 500 articles on space and time, and is big into science education. Why isn't he a celebrity?

Why this mechanical engineer? Because his job is mouthpiece.

So sick of seeing this cunt every where. Popping up so much and sprouting so much shit I would say he is ((((one of there guys))))

leftards there is no such thing as a race...
also leftards we cant let racism win...

when will they make up their mind ?

oh sorry they dont have any

OP doesn't care about race, he just likes that Nye supports his crusade to give strangers handjobs.

Wew good thing there's no such as race now I'm not a racist anymore! Glad we cleared that up so I can hate niggers in peace

Okay lets assume there is no such thing as race. Dark skinned people are not allowed on my bus. You cannot claim racism. I just don't want dark skins fucking up my bus. 60% of them are savages.

This post

Saying that "race is a social construct" is Insulting the the millenia of human society and culture, and its profound affect on both the mental and biological growth of humanity.

We are also much more alike than different with chimps, but still different species.

>we all come from Africa
>we're just stardust on a pale insignificant blue dot lmao
Nice try but you're not gonna get me with that nihilism.

Fucking mice have 85% similar DNA to us

cool how only humans are exempt I wonder how nature does that

where is that study about how we have more brain differences than skin colour differences

there is only one sub-species of bird, the bird sub-species

ostriches are the same as robins you fucking fascistic bigot

Why then can I tell races apart by their skeletons? their skull structure?

Why can I drink milk and a chinaman would shit his pants? if it's just pigment?
Bill needs to fucking relax.

>We are one species
Well, he's not wrong, but applying the same criteria to humans as all other animals would indicate there are at least 33 distinct subspecies of H. Sapiens. Using the example of tigers, the Sumatran tiger is relatively small with adult males weighing in at under 200 lbs while adult male Siberian tigers regularly grow in excess of 600 lbs. Both are the same species, but no one would argue that they are not distinctly different with specific adaptations to survive their enviornment . Bill Nye, the Science Like is full of shit.

there is no race. only ethnicities. there are different whites/blacks/asians. they succeeded with pan-europeanism in usa and muddled down the different white ethnicities

We are one race the human race but here's 200 extra SAT points for you, nigger.

>sickle cell disease
>Only affects certain races
>"race doesn't exist"

I guess diseases are racist now.

Speaking of birds, several bird species can have fertile offspring, yet they are different species because they had a different evolutionary history

Look at the Iberian chiffchaff compared to the Common chiffchaff, these are not sub-species, these are completely different species, yet they can have fertile offspring.

oh cool the dog analogy.
You know Thoroughbred dogs suffer from massive health problems right. Any forced selection for traits by population isolation ends up with it. Like having a birth canal so narrow c-section is mandatory or a spin that literally breaks under its own weight.

Meanwhile mixed breed dogs tend to have almost none of these problems.

as for subspecies, thats not an actually recognized thing anymore. if you can breed them together and get fertile offspring that could breed with ether group then their the same species. We know this is true for humans.

We have found, in both human and non-human animals, that darker pigmentation is associated with higher levels of aggression and sexuality (and in humans with lower IQ). Lighter pigmentation is associated with the slow reproductive strategy (K) including lower birth rates, less infant mortality, less violent crime, less HIV/AIDS, plus higher IQ, higher income, and greater longevity.

>subspecies, thats not an actually recognized thing anymore
[citation needed]

>no race
Good. Then stop treating whites like evil people and stop giving handouts to niggers and feeling bad for spic anchor babies.

We're a species prone to killing each other over minor variations in culture or geography. So there's that.

>Thoroughbred dogs
didn't occur naturally and diseases were not bred out of them through thousands of years of death, leading to impure genes.

race among humans is different because it occurred naturally.

did you even read the post above?

Actually if Race exist or not, its dependign by the criteria we use to define race. There are good reason to say that Race exist and doesn't exist. A good scientist know that, but probably is more is considered more usuful to say that race doesn't exist because its problematic for coexistence.

>race doesnt exist
>racism and race based privleges are 100% real

But sickle cell disease doesn't affect only certain races: it's only more prevalent in the black population

Yes, continually inbreeding dogs in breeding kennels results in defects. That still doesn't mean subspecies with identifiable traits don't exist. Olympics, chess/programming tournaments, IQ tests, we're at the stage where differences in these can't be dismissed as cultural quirks anymore.
I'm not some stormfag and I'd mix (whites certainly don't seem to be the most intelligent), I just detest the unscientific approach we've adopted. We're just animals so why are we acting like we aren't?

They should force people who think like Bill Nye to live in a flat full of immigrants Muslims and Africans, instead of them forcing them on the working class.

Oy Vey!

The legitimate point they have is that the typical racial categories we use (Asian, white, black, etc) are arbitrary artifacts of history (i.e. these groupings are only vaguely defined and there isn't a whole lot of scientific basis for such broad categories). However, they take it too far in saying there is no legitimacy in analyzing differences between genepools (i.e. Murray's science refutes the notion that people of West African decent in the U.S. are disproportionately poor due purely to the legacy of slavery).