Get ready for mass-scale Clown riots!

Oy Vey. Today this hateful trash comes out.

When will Hollywood stop with it's never-ending agenda of Coulrophobia and Anti-Harlequinism?

Why couldn't they have gotten any of the very talented Jester-American actors out there to play Pennywise, but instead cast a rube?

It's like annuddah Hartford Circus Fire!

Hope it FlopFlopFlops

>no child gang-bang seen?
>into the trash it goes

I apparently cannot spell today.

I'm gonna go watch it with my peeps. Hopefully it's goodgoodgood

Just annuddah sick idea from the mind of bigot Stephen King!


It'll flop regardless, King shit does not transition well from page to screen.

>>no child gang-bang seen?

I dunno The Mist and Creepshow were bretty gud m8.

Also this was a brilliant marketing ploy really. The original miniseries adaption one of those movies that everyone for some reason pretends is one of the scariest things ever made, and I guarantee most who say that have never actually watched it, because if they did, they'd admit how underwhelming and not scary it is. So now that so many people have this false image in their head of the original having not seen it, they'll just go see this one because it's new and shiny.

what political message will (((they))) slip into it?

Shinning was good, even though King was a whiny bitch about it.

Saw this yesterday, it was real good. Not too much (((politics))) in it actually, just some much racism about the black kid but it's really low key. Highly recommend.

It came out yesterday retard.

This new clown looks like shit.
Firstly, he looks very short.
Secondly, he looks so tryhard and edgy that he isn't scary at all.
Fuck that shit.

>watching remakes
you're the reason the art of cinema is dead.
not the jews.

because you continue to pay them for this abomination of art.

Gonna go watch it tonight lads.

And Misery and Shawshank Redemption. There's a bunch o good ones out there. Oh the Green Mile of course. A few others maybe.

Reminder that coulrophobia is a literal meme.
Reminder that coulrophobia didn't actually come around until the "Killer Clown" John Wayne Gacy was pushed by the (((media))).
Reminder that for hundreds of years before that clowns were seen as fun, buffoonish entertainers who children loved.
Reminder that (((they))) deliberately distorted what was once a fun loving past time into something that should be feared.
Reminder hysteria did the rest.
Reminder JWG didn't actually kill anyone while he was dressed as a clown and never actually used the costume to get victims.

any good torrents out there yet?

I always just thought that it was one of those things like where subsequent generations found previous generations' childhood tropes creepy. Like how Millennials found claymation creepy, or like how lately Gen Z finds old low-poly 3D video games creepy.