Brit/pol/ - The No Money Left Edition

>Hurricane Irma shitting up the colonies,follow the progress live
>Montserrat avoided (mainly)
>Anguilla hit, niggers and Caroline Lucas seeking gibs
>Turk and Caicos islands hit hard,hurricane still over the islands so damage cannot be surveyed yet

>Downing street wank themselves off to how good their responce supposedly has been to Hurricane Irma

>Argentina have ‘ceased to be a capable military force’

>MPs to begin scrutiny of vital withdrawal bill

>Northern Ireland 'should have different Brexit deal'

>Scotland’s deficit figures show that the UK works

>Jaguar Land Rover to go all electric from 2020

>School bans girls from wearing skirts as it brings in gender-neutral uniform

>Calls for extremism investigation into British armed forces after ‘neo-Nazi’ arrests

>Rees-Mogg defiant over abortion row: Catholic Tory MP says it is wrong to abort babies - even in rape cases

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filter tripfags.
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If you have/are planning to do this then please leave Brit/pol/ forever. Thank you.

>when you get a sudden tinnitus spike in your left ear but it goes back down after a minute


Someone threw a flashbang on your grave

What do you think about John Rees-Evans?

Is the italian right brit/pol/?

Merchant? Yes. We've always praised industry and enterprise.
Libertarian? No. We've always revered hierarchy, authority and strict rule of law.

But we must protect the faggots from islam goys

>been subjugated by

>admitting to being a merchant
not helpful lad



>Any hierarchy is subjugation
t. poorfag

There's literally nothing wrong with capitalist enterprises

The bongs are the natural allies of jewery.

AMW is great, unless your name is Muhammad...

Three words

Houston Stewart Chamberlain

>something I didn't say followed by a strawman

All I said was 'reverence for hierarchy', you're the faggot who whined about subjugation.


Should be in the OP tbqh

Found out today that the bird I sit next to at work is an antifa member. What can I say to trigger her that won't out me to the rest of the office?


Casually refer to antifa as "alt-left". Certainly spazzes them out on 4channels.

Dear brit/pol/ does this describe you?

You hate women and think they're all sluts but never talk to them and are too socially awkward to attract them anyway

You sneer at rich and successful people ("they're materialistic", "shallow", etc.) but are yourself poor and lacking in motivation to change your life

You're worried about the destruction of the white race and consider yourself master race but fail to see the irony that you yourself will never get married or be a positive role model to anyone of any race

You ignore popular 'normie' things - mainstream TV shows, social media, etc. - and tell yourself that you're more intelligent than everyone else because you're not 'brainwashed' by popular culture.

Do you not see how stupid all this is? I only say this because my housemate told me he visits Sup Forums and it all made sense. How many successful people are nazis? How many men with girlfriends/wives hate women?

It's ok to criticise the SJWs and immigration and all this other stuff. It's ok to be right wing or conservative. But if you're a loser yourself you have no place putting the world to rights. Go outside and talk to someone. What will your life look like in 10 years time if you just keep feeding these extreme beliefs?

What about the animeposters who contribute to political discussion?

Political extremists tend to be intelligent. The only intelligent people who voice extreme opinions are failures who have nothing to lose.

I thourght the whole point of them of them is that they actually had no members and its whoever turns up

You know exactly what I mean brainlet. Do you believe in equality of intelligence?

I just wish uggos and fatties would stop showing up to right wing demonstrations. It's like they're trying to make the things easy to mock.

anime weebsite



Someone create another decent thread, please.

If it's the odd anime reaction image, that's fine
If they're patently avatar fagging, report

He's an idiot, don't bother. Spouting utter nonsense.

Hardly ever occurs these days. It's just fat sweaty nonces asking for "headpats" in that obnoxious stuttering typing style.

>Political extremists tend to be intelligent.
Source? I'm not disagreeing but this could also be more self deception: yes I'm all these negative things but it's because I'm more intelligent (not because I'm out of touch/bitter/deluded)

How paranoid are you lol

What's wrong with this one?

It's common fucking sense. Do you think an intelligent man would be a neoliberal or a blairite except out of political expediency?


>That the vicissitudes of economic life - discoveries of raw materials, new technical processes, and scientific inventions - have their importance, no one denies; but that they suffice to explain human history to the exclusion of other factors is absurd. Fascism believes now and always in sanctity and heroism, that is to say in acts in which no economic motive - remote or immediate - is at work. Having denied historic materialism, which sees in men mere puppets on the surface of history, appearing and disappearing on the crest of the waves while in the depths the real directing forces move and work, Fascism also denies the immutable and irreparable character of the class struggle which is the natural outcome of this economic conception of history; above all it denies that the class struggle is the preponderating agent in social transformations. Having thus struck a blow at socialism in the two main points of its doctrine, all that remains of it is the sentimental aspiration, old as humanity itself-toward social relations in which the sufferings and sorrows of the humbler folk will be alleviated. But here again Fascism rejects the economic interpretation of felicity as something to be secured socialistically, almost automatically, at a given stage of economic evolution when all will be assured a maximum of material comfort. Fascism denies the materialistic conception of happiness as a possibility, and abandons it to the economists of the mid-eighteenth century. This means that Fascism denies the equation: well-being = happiness, which sees in men mere animals, content when they can feed and fatten, thus reducing them to a vegetative existence pure and simple.

>implying that Brit/pol/ is as homogeneously identifiable as you presume.

Nothing wrong with that lad, say *pat* and they should stop.

It was created by a tripfag.

>trip to the cinema costs like £50

bloody brexit

on balance mussolini did more good than harm

He was wrong about race. But so was Hitler.

>out of political expediency
There are other reasons to espouse certain viewpoints. If I had a mid-sized business and wanted steady access to cheap workers, and government hand-outs just for having minorities and mental people as employees, I'd may well side with the neolibs myself.

I would define that as political expediency.

Politically it'd still be disastrous. It'd undermine the institutions and integrity of the nation. But for my personal finances it would be great.

What do you mean?

>It's common fucking sense.
No it's not. This response is SJW-tier in its reasoning. This is the right wing equivalent of: "you're a fucking white male!"

For example, do you think you're smarter than Theresa May? Or Blair? Or Obama? Or Stephen Hawking? Or Dawkins?

If your statement were true, wouldn't there be a disproportionate number of nazis/national socialists/racists with Nobel Prizes? Or in Mensa? Or some other group selected for intelligence?

By the way, I myself am right wing. I voted UKIP. But if your controversial beliefs are justified by nothing more than 'it's just common sense' then you're just as dumb as the extreme left


No really, I don't see Mussolini as opening up gates to mass immigration or as refusing to treat groups differently, he just might have let a small number in

>extreme beliefs
"Extreme" is totally relative. What was considered sane and healthy 70 years ago, or thereabouts, would be regarded as extreme by many now. Congrats on being nothing more than a defender of the status quo.

>Argentina have ‘ceased to be a capable military force’
Britain wins by default again.

probably describes most people in the thread tbqh. especially blackpill tripmongs

Ah, fair enough then

>Nobel Prizes?
You're joking right?




I think all those people have extreme views. I don't think they put those extreme views forward but instead try to drag the country in the direction they see fit out of political expediency. The only way to make change in this country is gradually, intelligent people recognise this and hide their true views. You would do the same. Scientists do tend to have extreme views. There is absolutely no way of testing or verifying these claims but it's more logical than the alternative which would be that politicians genuinely believe in the moderate things they say they do and have no agenda which is an absurdity.

Arkadiusz Jozwik(40 years old,pic related), a Polish Industrial Worker, was killed by a (then) 15 year old-teenager(Not named) in Harlow,Essex, before that the Polish worker was offended, for speaking Polish in his free time. All this happened last year on August, 27th, about Brexit time. The now 16 year-old Boy is sentenced to prison for 3 years.
SJWs and Lefties are going to march out further, what is your opinion Bongs?

Mussolini rejected race as a concept. Hitler over emphasised race as a concept. In my opinion the correct racial philosophy if you are running a country is accepting race as a concept but dismissing ideas of supremacy.

> before that the Polish worker was offended, for speaking Polish in his free time
What did he mean by this?

You're laffin , why?


Why have we stopped exploring Britpol? Britain has a long ass history of explorers, why haven't we invested more in sending our boys into space?

The Pole was killed by a "Superman-Punch" of the Boy, his skull was broken, which resulted in Arkadiusz death following after 3 days.

went exploring in cumbria, it was like exploring a wasteland

What are your beliefs? What would you recommend we change?

Just because I don't advocate a complete overhaul of everything doesn't mean I defend the status quo. Yes, immigration is out of control. Yes, jail sentences are too lenient. Yes, identity politics and political correctness has gone too far.

But does this motivate me to go to full nazi? Or want to imprison gays? Or beat up blacks? Or go MGTOW? Obviously not.

I don't know if these reflect your views but if you think solving all of society's problems is as simple as listening to what Sup Forums says, you obviously don't understand how complicated these issues are.

Again, btw, I myself am conservative/right wing. I voted UKIP. But I'm not an extremist

Nice argument. This is why I said
>Or some other group selected for intelligence
You see what I'm getting at: at leas prima facie there is no obvious correlation between intelligence and having the kinds of views espoused on Sup Forums

We've not got any money, lad

The picture of those retards

Space is boring desu.

>You see what I'm getting at: at leas prima facie there is no obvious correlation between intelligence and having the kinds of views espoused on Sup Forums

I never said that though did I.

Evening Honk

Nigga get out.

because space is a waste of time, the only planets we can reach without it taking centuries are rocks and sand or gas planets

It's basically unverifiable so there's no point arguing one way or the other.

>go to space
>go home
>go back to space
>land on a floating rock
Wow, a rock.

Remember that big war we entered to save Poland which ended up in the Soviet's hands anyway and then our empire proceeded to unravel, followed by increasing leftism, anti-colonialist, anti-imperialist sentiments in our politics? That might just have something to do with it. Nevermind firing chaps up into the firmament in rockets, we can barely afford to maintain our public services, our military, even our navy has taken a massive toll which the country has relied on for centuries.

>Dead is dead. I never saw a deader country.

good afternoon

I think it's common sense. Follow the path of least resistance. Follow the answer that is simpler.


We're deluded idiots then?

The lad killing him was in a group of multiple People, they called him names and insulted him for speaking his mothertongue to his 2 other Polish friends, the young men laughed about their low standard of speaking English, as witnesses state, their behaviour was aggressive and they physically attacked the 3 men.

Full of mineral wealth though

This poster is a pro-racemixing mentally ill Serb subhuman

S e r b
"Racemixing with middle-easterners is okay as Long as tthe character is good enough for that and she has the traitts you need. From Morocco to Iran and India there are Whites, there are shitskins we Need to send below the Sahahra and there are Caucasoids."
"Interestingly enough 2nd part: I am half Serb :DD"

Mineral wealth we can't reasonably exploit.

At present, true.
The first country to set up profitable extraction of minerals in space will have dominance for at least a century tbqh.



No, but there is the potential for a post-scarcity economy. And all the gases in the giants have use as fuel and stuff.

Are you the paedo foot fetishist?

George Galloway on his radio show just took a phone call from some North Korean advisor, before then endoring the North Koreans and (seriously) wishing that Trump gets a bullet in the head.

Wonder if the Flying Squad will be paying him a visit tonight..

We should annex the moon desu

No because you haven't considered what we believe, why we believe it and weighed up the evidence. Then you follow the follow the path of least resistance. For example with race:

Is it more likely that black people are less intelligent
Is it more likely that black people are systematically oppressed globally since the beginning of time

Weigh up the evidence. Make a decision.

And do what with it?

Oh god it would make me rock hard if there was a union jack on the lunar landscape.


he's the albanian-bavarian larper