Depression isn't rea-


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I've been "depressed"
it's definitely not real

OP it's all not real

depressed is a state of mind. Lots of people who have depression buck up and get out of it. Just because the brain is less active when depressed doesn't mean "you're stuck that way"

I've been chronically depressed for 9 years. Pretty sure I'm stuck. It's real. Thank God none of you have it

Depression literally creates holes in the brain. Well, most types at least.

Roughly 10% of the population is pretty much only prone to anhedonic depression, which is usually transient. There's also the wonderful "psychotic depression" that most people with MDD have.

have you been neet all those years?


It's all fun and games until you realize you'll still be 10-15 years developmentally behind everyone else for the rest of your life.

Lifting cured my chronic depression. I can physically feel a flood of endorphins after just my first set.

that's not depression, it's the result of active measure commie-rays infecting an unprepared brain

I was clinically depressed from age 5 to age 19 so I know for a fact it's real. Feeling terrible all the time and crying at the drop of a hat is some miserable shit. For anyone that is also suffering from depression: quit eating garbage (particularly fast food and soda) and start eating unprocessed food with plenty of vegetables, start exercising regularly (at least 3 times a week but ideally almost every day), and take a vitamin D supplement if you don't get any sun. That fixed up most of my shit, although I still go through depressive episodes once in a while. I didn't realize how fucking depressed I was until I finally came out of it.

Listen to Satan!
A healthy body yields a healthy mind.

This, depression is rampant because modern Life is unnatural as fuck.

Exercise, get some actual sunlight, and eat real food.

It's a jewish meme used to sell lobotomizing pills.
t. depressed and want to kill myself every day

Mental "illness" or some of them i believe correlate very strongly with greater intellect. As does deviancy.

That bein said i believe due to things like depression and such being in part genetic it has allowed for the development of highly intellectual societies and groups of people.

TL;DR Depression is a drive not a mallus


>no reply

None of this is real.

Depression is all too real, yet easily remedied

What is a "normal" brain though? Does it have like a standard level for chemicals in it?? We cant even measure brain chemicals, yet me push drugs that alter them.

I've started trying to get fit to battle my depression.
At first it was hard, since I lacked the motivation to do it
But as I started to force through it and do it more, I've been getting happier and happier.

I've been doing that since Trump won. Down 40 lbs since November.

I've never not been 'depressed' which leads me to believe that I've never been depressed since in order to be depressed you have to feel worse than you would if you were at equilibrium.

i've dealt with depression for 13 or so years.

it's getting stuck in a vicious cycle of self-pity and apathy that gets you there. start doing things for yourself and watch it magically change.

Life itself is unnatural

>I've never not been 'depressed' which leads me to believe that I've never been depressed since in order to be depressed you have to feel worse than you would if you were at equilibrium.
Watch this, it's to explain drug use but it makes a better point about default happiness

You have been "depressed", but have you been depressed?

this. if you're chronically depressed it just means you have a shitty life. so try and fix it. don't try and "fix" your mind with anti-depressants and all that kike shit, your mind's working just fine. you just gotta try and fix your circumstances.

tell me when to skip to

the question isn't whether depression is real, but rather what is the cause of depression.
Modern society (i.e. pharmacists) would have you believe that depression is caused by something wrong with your brain.
The truth is that it's something wrong with your life.
Taking drugs may treat the symptoms, but won't cure your depression.
Changing your life will cure the depression.


Actual depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain.

Only an idiot would believe that it's impossible to fuck up your serotonin and dopamine cycles.
And only an idiot would believe that antidpressants are the solution.
And only an idiot would believe that you can't do this with bad habits.

You ARE your mind. How do you propose someone "buck up" when their own decision making abilities are being impaired by depression? When your brain is less active, YOU are less active. Like, by definition. You are your brain. This idea that you can summon up magical willpower like in an anime to overcome a problem with your own mind is just... dumb.
Being depressed from a shitty life leads to your life becoming more shitty because you are depressed because of your shitty life which leads to your life becoming more shitty over and over until you kill yourself.

Take your fucking meds.

How the fuck am I supposed to fix depression?
Chemicals in my brain prevent me from getting out of bed and do anything.
Psychiatrists will give you half assed medication just to milk your money as much as they can.
I was 220lbs, went down to 160 and got fit. Still feel like shit. Not even sex makes me feel good.

>yes good goy, instead of fixing the root cause, you should give me your money to "cure" the symptoms
yeah man, those kike anti-depressants are really fucking amazing. that's why no one has EVER recovered from depression because of them.

Fuck off you lazy potato nigger it's only 5 minutes

>quit eating garbage (particularly fast food and soda) and start eating unprocessed food with plenty of vegetables, start exercising regularly (at least 3 times a week but ideally almost every day), and take a vitamin D supplement if you don't get any sun.
A good magnesium supplement may help as well.

sounds like you've fried your dopamine receptors. were you a junkie back in the day?

and what caused your depression in the first place? are/were you actually sad or lonely, or is it just that you don't find anything fun anymore?


Here's a list of all illnesses etc that can have depression as a consequence. It's not always just the surrounding reality that sucks: it's your body.

Sure feels real to me.

Depression is real , but it's not something that should be seen as a horrible disease.
Most people go through periods of depression in their lifes. Some people more often than others , some people for longer periods than others.
Not really anything rare , just part of living really.

i just finished watching it, it didn't say shit about the default state of happiness. it said you won't get addicted if you're happy and connected and you will if you're isolated, but it didn't say shit about the equilibrium the guy you responded to mentioned.

>What is a "normal" brain though? Does it have like a standard level for chemicals in it??
One that is pro semitic. Otherwise you need Rothschilde chemicals.

Psychedelics work very well for depression.
Heroin does as well, but then your bound to opiates. All things banned :)

Get over it.
And fuck off.

B vitamins+folate could be heavily related to how you feel.

I was in the same boat.
This multi fixed me right up, made sex incredible, enthused talking to people:
Ortho molecular products - alpha base w/ iron (or w/ out iron if you get enough in your diet). It's on Amazon - normally have to get through a doctor as that's who they primarily sell to.

If you need something cheaper, find a good multi that has METHYLcobalamin for B12 (there are 4 kinds of b12).

also make sure you get lots of potassium if you do lots of b12/folate.. (2 bananas a day)

Not the one who replied but i tried to have jobs of all kinds, carry on my studies two times, and it bites back.

So does that mean every emotion is a mental illness? They're all identifiable on an MRI (pic related), so that means they're all mental illnesses right?


Bang on


Being depressed is an emotion that we all go through mate

Good man

You're a faggot, it's as simple as that, you fucking faggot

This. Although if someone wants to take antidepressants it's up to them - personally I think they're FUCKING SHITE and they fuck with your head. And you aren't in control of yourself when you take them. But in a really sinister way. There's nothing more sinister, in my view, than being forced to be happy. Isn't that what the depression crew always bang on about anyway? They say "I can't just snap out of it!" because they want to feel like THEY'RE in control of their emotions, they don't want to let someone else tell them how to feel.

Well for me that's how it is with antidepressants. I've been on them, and it's shit. You're not yourself. When you're on them, it's basically impossible to have realistic emotions. You don't feel the full range of emotions that you should be able to. You're being artificially kept happy, because there are artificial levels of certain chemicals floating around your brain. It's not a very nice experience in my view.

Also antidepressants lower your inhibitions a little bit, which is why some people end up killing themselves on them. True story. Also they can kill other people - James Holmes was on SSRIs when he committed his massacre.

Here's a story from the BBC talking about James Holmes' antidepressant use and how it may have been a contributing factor (not the only factor, but a factor which made things worse) towards his decision to commit his rampage:

Being NEET isn't a cause, it's a symptom.

>How the fuck am I supposed to fix depression?
Good diet, sunshine, supplements, exercise, meditation, watching less TV. Can do it one small piece at a time though, probably start with cleaning yer room.


I've been depressed since my teenage years...

>It's all fun and games until you realize you'll still be 10-15 years developmentally behind everyone else for the rest of your life.

This is basically where I am now. I'll probably keep going just from inertia for awhile before biting the big one.

That's the result not the cause.

Yeah, and the illusions you have when you're stoned or tripping aren't real either, but that sure as hell shows up in brain bio-measurements as well, faggot.

You should have said browse the internet less. Most people here do not watch TV.

I've had a small bout of depression. Lasted about 6 months. I didn't exactly used to mock people who had a depression, but I always had my doubts. I've had a small taste of it and ever since, I tread carefully when I'm around depressed people. In my case, you just have to ride it out. It was a black hole I'd never want to revisit. Life is shit, but when the chemicals in your body align you're able to cope.

>it's getting stuck in a vicious cycle of self-pity and apathy that gets you there. start doing things for yourself and watch it magically change.
That's the correct answer - obviously it's sometimes hard and you don't want to, but that's how it is.

>the question isn't whether depression is real, but rather what is the cause of depression.
Well for me the question is "should we really be calling depression an 'illness'". Because I don't think we should, we should instead realise it's an emotion, which is exactly what it is.

>Taking drugs may treat the symptoms, but won't cure your depression.
You've hit the nail on the head


Clean up your room at first.

A good dose of magnesium glycinate is like a cup of tea tea or a mild stone. I notice that I'm running low on magnesium when I don't feel as calm and present as usual. It's as if my moment of moment awareness degrades down to a series of small blips of thoughts, perceptions and abstractions, and then after I dose magnesium it all becomes a steadier united flow.

What if I have millions in cash, a bunch of white babies, and have international notoriety?

>tfw want to see a doctor about depression but I am afraid I'll lose my guns if I get branded as mentally ill

lol at all these fucking cry baby's itt, wahhhh i live in a first world country and shitpost on Sup Forums all day feel sorry for me, lmao fucking kys's

Know buddy that used to suffer from occasional seizures. Regular weed use reduced them, but taking magnesium on a regular caused them to stop. Have seen recently story headline suggesting that sugar use could cause depression, and magnesium could reverse that.

When you cure depression with psychedelics, your health will be partly bound to a perspective that was generated within a psychedelic state of mind. They may enable to see you over the depression, but anything further they reveal can easily destroy you if you're not prepared to actively question the legitimacy of what you're going to experience during the trip.

Not as dangerous as turning to heroin, but still a consequence worth acknowledging.


>Good diet, sunshine, supplements, exercise, meditation, watching less TV
Not fixing the cause

Find other ways mate. Take up exercise, take up a hobby, go running or cycling, punch your bed, do whatever to get your life going in a better direction, do things you like, etc.

he was molested and a drug addict, also hedonic treadmill

so because you live in a first world country and you have all the luxury you could wish for, you're not entitled to feel like shit every once in a while?

Yeah you're right I linked the wrong one, I'll see if I can find the one I'm thinking of

Depression isn't real

I had severe depression for like a year, I was obsessed with my EX and would look at her blog everyday. I felt in prison at my job and I had constant anxiety attacks at work, where I'd have random urges to cry and run away. I got over it by quitting my shitty job realized my EX was a terrible person that made me feel awful about myself. Then I traveled to Europe and fucked a girl that was wife tier, no girl had ever made me feel so good about myself.

So basically if you are depressed it's ok to drop literally everything to figure things out. If you aren't happy, don't stay in that lifestyle.


>being sad is a disease
>you have a disease
>take this mind-altering pill every day for the rest of your life to fix your disease
>absolutely nothing wrong with a major portion of the public on daily drugs that alter their brain chemistry

>i live in a first world country and shitpost on Sup Forums with a larper flag
FTFY, leaf

I have low self esteem and no image. Like when I close my eyes I dont know what I look like. But I am attractive. Dont know how to get rid of my social anxiety. Even when alone. 24/7. I'm too in my head. Im afraid I might not be mentally healthy...I think I've used porn + drugs to run away from chasing women irl = even more shame

also this is obviously a slide thread
>1 post by this id
>1 post by this id
>1 post by this id

Fix your diet. No one should be complaining about being depressed while eating junk food, doing drugs, and having a backed up digestive system. That right there is 90% of the problem but they don't want you to figure it out and instead take their meme drugs indefinitely.


not even close faggot

I think that if anything, sugar alleviates depression by lowering cortisol + other stress hormones, boosting metabolism and therefore production of beneficial hormones and neurosteroids. However, since by eating sugar you increase metabolic rate, you're also increasing your metabolic needs (nutrients). If you're not getting enough nutrients like magnesium and B-vitamins, increasing metabolism is going to do more harm than good.

So, if depression is caused by sugar-induced magnesium deficiency, yes, the story is technically true.

>>Good diet, sunshine, supplements, exercise, meditation, watching less TV
>Not fixing the cause
Except that depression can be caused by nutrient deficiency, lack of exercise. And meditation/awareness practices can provide semi/permanent improvement; only thing I know of that can.

sont feel good without drugs + porn, my anxiety will come back, i cant concentrate, hard to enjoy, my life just becomes a hazy cloud of negativity, until I smoke weed again (might be a biased post because Im high rn)

True, but why doesn't it mention how Chris Cornell's father used to bring his old friend Unkie Chesta Podesta around the house for years?

Meditation is an important part of treating depression. Depression is self-perpetuating because of the thoughts that come along with it. Meditation allows you to step back from those thoughts and regard as them they really are: thougths produced by a depressed mind. It takes a while to work this out, but if you make the effort to learn meditation, a powerful treatment for depression will always be there for you.

Similar to my experience. I could barely get out of bed I felt so depressed. I guess it just wore off a bit or got slightly better and I immediately took advantage of it and changed the way I did everything. Less screen time, consistent sleep schedule, workout first thing in the morning, set of goals for each day as well as the week and month.

Depression is no joke.

Me too. This is why eugenics should be in place. I blame my literal retardations and physical mutations on my mother being 37 when she had me. My dad caught her drinking and smoking too while pregnant...

Nothing is real, except that what is. But labels and categories are useful. Depression as a label serves a useful function.

I'm bipolar. Am I a meme, Sup Forums?

Yeah, your body uses water and minerals to process the sugar. If you're already malnourished and dehydrated it's gonna wreak havoc. Then there is new evidence of gut bacteria levels affecting you mentally, and sugar has effect there.

I suggest you embark on a journey to suffer through 1-2 years of anxiety just to prove you that it is not caused by drugs and porn in the first place. That kind of closure would be worth it. You would never have to wonder again.

who the fuck is refuting the existence of depression?

No, never did anything but weed until recently. Wife that I met since we were kids died and ever since then I haven't been able to do anything.
If all of that worked I would be fine by now. Meditation just pisses me off.

Reality is the opposite of Unreality.

Conformity is the root case for depression. Been depressed since late childhood up until my 30s. I'm never gonna shake it off and after 23rd of this month i'm outta here no matter what happens or doesn't happen. I hope this planet implodes on itself

>Depression is self-perpetuating because of the thoughts that come along with it.
Insomnia too, paying attention to breath while mentally chanting shuts down internal dialogue/monologue. Once I started with that, my insomnia pretty much was gone.

its cool how a website absolutely filled with people addicted to pornography, anime, video games, drugs, and other forms of escapism even have the balls to pretend like depression isn't real

this, and being unattractive to top it off, your fate is pretty much sealed... anybody with money/relationships/good physical health is lying if they claim they're depressed. with the exception of drug addicts

It does help. But thoughts themselves are not the root of the depression. Perception predates thought, but even perception is not what generates thoughts. In physical sense, it's the brain. If your brain is not getting its needs met, no amount of stepping back from thoughts is going to help you in figuring out why there even are thoughts in the first place.

It's all very complex. Have a look at this chart and then try to listen to someone saying that sugar is evil in all contexts: