I really don't give a shit about anyones opinions or "thoughts" anymore. How can I correct this...

I really don't give a shit about anyones opinions or "thoughts" anymore. How can I correct this? Most everyone's worldview is skewed through the lens of subjectivity and "feeling". No one is strong enough emotionally/mentally to take constructive criticism or engage in any debate that might make them feel inferior. How can I not be a dick to everyone without lying straight to 99% of the people I interact with on a daily basis?

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if u cant put mask in a daily life and pretend that u enjoy this fake shit show go into woods,isolate yourself,enjoy nature .

>I really don't give a shit about anyones opinions or "thoughts" anymore.
Well since I don't have the time to mathematically prove that you're a fag, thoughts and opinions will have to do.

I've already done that, but it just makes everyone think I'm crazier than before.

idk I rarely talk about politics or debate with people
maybe you should stop doing that

you understand that talking to and interacting with people doesn't have to be about debating right?

You're a prime example.

>Since I don't have the time to mathematically prove that you're a fag, thoughts and opinions will have to do.

WTF does that even mean retard. Putting fag in a sentence doesn't make you clever

If any of that bullshit were true you wouldn't have bothered to write than down, and make an entire thread for people to see. So go fuck yourself.

the problem is I don't bring up politics either, I barely even talk actually so I don't argue with people. However, people take me being silent as me being a dick as well or conceited

People suck. Take the blackpill. Become dark mastermind like me. Be molded by the darkness, let it fuel your rage.
Come to the dark side OP

I have been leaning towards just saying fuck all of it and stop trying to have people understand me. It's an incredibly depressing notion though bc I know I'll be isolated

Theyre idiots, 99% of people cant argue and have no faith or just cant talk like a human fucking being without shouting "THATS A FALLACY".

Or they call you slut and thats their end conclusion. In comparison to these rats (everyone besides me) i feel like a goddess. I feel like thoth. I feel on top and above, holy almost.
Meditate, lucid dream, astrally project, think and contemplate and be alone and be smarter for it. Be effective.
Hide out in an old abandoned ruined building deep in the woods long forgotten and sleep in the darkest wettest corner of its basement and love it learn to love it. Be with me user, you are learning!

I understand you though. To be a bearer of intelligence (true intelligence) is to be alone frodo baggins.

Most people fancy theyre wise because when they compare themselves to the lowest common denominator they seem less stupid. But still they dont touch the feet of the true ephemeral aether

Do you think i'm retarded? Way over the top for a shitpost. People can't even come up with clever arguments anymore.


Also light is darkness and darkness is light. You can reach transendence through either path, and dark energy is the most powerful. A single atom of which can destroy the whole world, cern has done some naughty research on it.

The reason i say a dark corner and abandoned building is because dark energy ( which acts as a portal to other realms) promulgates and multiplies in places where negative things have happened. Thats why you see ghosts and other things in these places. Because there may habve been a murder previously for example. When a spot is left alone, the darkness spreads and multiplies, you can gain more wisdom from it and understand the earths schumann rwsonance with your third eye and become more conscious.

I am not shitposting. Maybe this journey is too deep for you.

Find people who talk about ideas and not people or events. No matter what the ideas are, these people will be more open to your style of communication. Trying to fit in with the other 2 is a losing battle and you'll question your sanity.

Also, you become comfortable being alone and in otherwise uncomfortable situations.
You know the demon possessed kid in the bible? Well basically it attached itself to thw kid because he was so miserable over the death of his wife. He had insane strength, whenever they tried to chain him he snapped the iron like it was a twig.
No one could hurt him more than he was hurting himself with grief. And that was his strength.

but then how do you control it without going crazy?

But their ideas are shit 99% of the time


There is no such thing as crazy.
Life is misery, why not just accept that and use it to dig deep?
Kind of like life is struggle. By overcoming obstacles and trials you improve. A kite cannoit fly without wind. You must have resistance to prove your worth. Struggle is not a curse but a blessing. The more the struggle thw more the improvement.

I feel ya brah, its ridiculous.

those who can not control you will claim you are out of control.

The man in the mirror is your judge in life, no one else. Yes there are rules you must appear to abide by if you wish to take part in civilization but at the end of the day you are alone with yourself.

talk to that man. put your priorities in order, do not leave regrets.

I want to know more. i'm a pretty dark person but miserable. how do i learn to embrace my darkness? should i?

sometimes i wonder if I have a demon or something attached to me

True. But some can be brought up to the intellectual level of a plaything.

Its like arguing about us supporting terrorist groups like in Syria for example. How can I have a conversation about politics with someone who doesn't know what Syria is, that they have a civil war, that we're involved, and have no clue what it may be about.

its depressing to think of family and friends on the intellectual level of a plaything though. I really am not trying to be an asshole, but trying to explain something as simple as action/consequence is truly a low point when you care about someone

Misery is good. That festering pain is what makes you amazing. Its a prerequisite for higher learning.
Yes you should embrace it. The only time you should be happy is when you are miserable and inflict misery on others.
Not to the point that it destroys them, but to the point it allows them to be reborn!

You might have demons. If you have a basement, when no one is home just meditate in the dark. The point is to be out of your element and afraid, thats when you can make contact with the wise

>getting afraid in a damp dark basement

sorry pal, I think you might just be a big puss.

You have no idea how politicized everything in this country is.

Thats why i do it in an abandoned building thats really deep in my woods. I think it was built in the 20s and its made of cement. Has a ladder but i almost fell to my death once because its rusty. But i started out doing it at midnight when in my house basement when my parents left.

Oh yeah or if you cant find a good fear invoking place, just think of things that scare you or watch or a horror movie and then go out deep at night to a secluded place. Particularly the most uncomfortable and vulnerable spot

maybe I'm just really numb to spooky. At least you're getting exercise out of it.

Haha believe me you need to see things if youre desensitized :)

thats the problem though. I've become so annoyed with people trying to escape death and the constant hyperbole about people being "taken too soon" that I've come to terms with the fact I will eventually die. If something gets me in the woods at night and ends me, Nature selected against me.

Trying to explain that to someone though just makes me seem depressed/insane, even though I am just content with what life is

Its not death you should be afraid of. Trust me there are much worse things than the sweet release

but if there are worse things than death, how do you derive consequence from any other action performed?

Political beliefs are based on what benefits the owner of the belief.
For those who are strong, that naturally tends toward a realistic world view.
The weak must rely on a world view where they are oppressed and they must band together against the strong to survive. They know they can't compete against the strong on a level playing field, so they try to tilt the field.

but really just find friends that don't talk about politics. i don't really care about having IRL friends since I'd rather stay inside & shitpost or game with anonymous

Who says there should be consequence? If you fall in love with pain, who could possibly hurt you? The thing is what happens after death. Ive seen enough to know hell exists and its probably not fun.
Thing is, you arent allowed to love or be desensitized about anything in hell.
When you open your third eye you become aware of everything. The dimensions of the room youre in. The person 20 blocks down rhe road pulling out his keys.
Hell is like that. You are extremely aware so you can know the horrors that surround you and your mind will never dull the pain and youll be there forwever, torally hopeless. For some thats enough consequence i suppose

I don't think desensitized is an accurate word. I don't really have words for what it is. It's just that emotions are for the most part useless unless you're either trying to kill or fuck something.

Depends on the emotion. Worry is a useless emotion.

What i'm trying to say is, humans usually act in fear or anger when their "life" is threatened. If there are worse things than death, why would you have any emotion at all knowing that the end is merely the beginning.

Why would you think that you can control anything or that actions even have an inherent affect on anyone other than yourself?

Why does dying and torture and pain negate emotion?

Because if you realize there are worse things than death (something you have no control over and is inevitable) what is the point of feeling any emotion over something as fleeting as a state of mind