So tell me, is Sup Forums a Libertarian or an Alt-Right board?


Other urls found in this thread:

its a left wing board

alt-right is a made up term like the holocaust.

Here is the poll

it's a muslim board of peace


A board consisting of many different polictical view, like /leftypol/, and the Alt right?


once Sup Forumstards accept this final redpill, we can finally move one

Most libertarians here are right-wing libertarians or paleolibertarians. But I still feel we're a small minority.

centristism is litteraly the most yellow belly spineless position you can take. this is an alt right board.

definitely not libertarian. That would require actual red pill and intelligence... this is more of a republican good goy forum

>daily threads about jews
>daily holohoax threads
Sup Forums is quintessentially nazi

There are no left and right, it's a scam they all are just stupid people miss informed on how there country runs. That's all. Capitalist and communist Are the same same with Jews Islam and christians, they want a one world government, well I don't I want all races to be free, so no left or right can set anyone free if they are divided why don't you think anyone attacks America because it got ride of most of its good white people, very few pure whites are left. And the only reason why America is lossing every war is because they don't have strong freedom loving smart white men fighting or leading the country. America is a stage, its lost its national states as of 1913 to the Jewish bankers read into. There trying to destroy all history's, I won't have that if the whites die out it's up to the japs to save the world I swear on this that's why I'm a blue eyed blonde hair German man who follows Buddhas teaching, these people are going against the very nature order they where buildt by.

Who said I was A centercuck? I'm just saying that there are Commie scum on this board who need to be acknowledged
>wouldn't want them to miss the helicopter ride

The alt-right doesn't exist. pol converted to Islam sometime around January. Everything else is taqiyya

the alt right doesn't exist.

Baathist korean carpet forum.

Ideology is not your friend.

thats true actually

we're a himalayan wine-making hugbox

Sup Forums is alt-left not alt-right

>huuur different views duuurrr we just do everything everyone wants
if you dont stand for something you stand for nothing.

I'm alt Right....
>Checkmate user

>Most likely loves Hitler
>Blonde and blue Eyes

Sup Forums is a board of peace


Libertarianism is a meme and nearly destroyed this board's reputation with it's cringe Kekistani shit.

>Capitalist and communist Are the same
wtf im enlightened now