What do you guys think about Bernie Sanders

What do you guys think about Bernie Sanders

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American Lenin

I almost wish that he had won, just so that I could laugh at how utterly incompetent he would be at getting his policies through congress.

That reminds me of trump lol

Spineless cuck.

T. Ex bernie voter

Literally. Who?

Yeah, but it wouldn't hurt as much.

Communist Jewish guy who is more loyal to Israel than the US who would bring the goys down.

He hates Christians.

He's a lazy bum who's been doing petty theft most of his life and then discovered the demagoguery & "Social Justice" scam. He promises people everything and then uses hate tactics to say the working guy is keeping him from it.

He's a banker stooge who pretends to hate the bankers. His Glass-Steagall schtick doesn't hurt the bankers one damned bit, but he and the bankers pretend it does.

Fucking communist

filthy Commie Kike who made himself a Big Joke by promising GIBS GIBS AND MOAR GIBS!!!!!!!!!! to stupid Normies and helped funding Clinton's Campaign. (though he kept some Cash for himself)

IMO, he would have Lost HARDER than Clinton. since no one would be Crazy enough to pick an ACTUAL Kike as POTUS.


I think he is pretty cool. I hate rich people so goddamn much and Bernie is the closest candidate who would actually redistribute wealth so that everyone had more money. Most rich people don't deserve their money.

His policies actually make a lot of sense but since Americans either hate themselves, hate each other, or hate poor people, he didn't really have a chance.

I think he got a great third house after he sold out and endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.

How do you feel about Bernies three mansions and private jet?

Foixed it for you

What do you guys think about New Yoik Jew Bernie Sanders


socialist jew that only gained traction in liberal college students that don't know how the world works and other idiots by promising them free shit


You just described trump, kek

think he's funny on Curb Your Enthusiasm but I don't agree with his politics

>Funded by tax dollars
>Says it's free
>Likely frequently bitches about taxes

He had a good understanding of today's issues.

>hating socialism

>posting with nazi flag


You're a fuckin commie. Shut up. Communism failed. You are spiteful and jealous of others. This is your fortune minus the cookie.

A dirty Commie Jew

he looks jewish

Your opinion is invalid

He's my favorite United States politician. Many Americans agree with me.

Reminds me so much of Jesus Christ

You got San Francisco and New York. The 2 biggest faggot capitals of the world. I got free healthcare and education kek.


>A crazy socialist jew who got chewed up by the establishment.

It checks out...

he's a two-faced scumbag. will promise anything to get elected.

>I got free healthcare and education kek.


>Got a bachelor degree
>No slave labour the next 10 years to pay of my college debt
>My EU passport allows me to move anywhere in Europe if i don't feel like paying high taxes.

Sounds as good as free to me.

Cause niggers burden our social welfare systems too much. If this was a purely white nation we probably could have it.

You just described Trump kek

>BLM Flag.
>Unironically posting 'gib me dats.'

reddit riding his dick last year was pretty funny though

My fave Sanders moment was when he knew his campaign was over, but they still stole as much money as possible from every college kid and passed that cash directly to Hillary the next day. Complete and total company man

why do you deserve their money?


My Boiney was a very timid boy. You be nice to him.

Wow you're a jackass. The European countries are full of Africans and Muslims and they still do it

Yeah and we got legal window prostitution as well. How can you call your country "Free" when you don't even have the freedom to snort coke of some hookers ass?

Opportunist old shitheel that will say anything for a buck, even selling out his own voters til he found out his successor wouldn't cash in. Can't much say I care for the guy.

They rapidly shut down the whole Sanders sub reddit too, quickly redpilling these naive college goofs that it was a fixed from the beginning.

Maybe you should put down your banana bunches and pick up some fucking budget information on European countries, bruv'.

Tell the white guy reading these posts to you to do it, actually.

This. Communists are even worse than niggers.

If all of Europe, Asia and South America can have a free pony, why can't we get that same free pony? Are you an idiot or something?

the delusions and despair as Sanders floundered were delicious though

fucking college students were donating the maximum possible to his campaign

Ol' Man Sanders

God damnit. We need Bernie and his Belgium politics now more than ever


Someone's got to pay for the pony, Tyrone.

An effective Clinton pawn. He played his part so well that even now some people think he was a legitimate candidate. That being said I have nothing but contempt for Marxist pawns like Bernie and I look forward to hearing of his death.

Yeah. That somebody is called Wall Street Bankers and big oil. Fuck the 1 percent

Got butt fucked hard by Hillary and the DNC and then endorsed her.
Let BLM hijack his mic and was too much of a faggot to take it back.
Got his ass raped by Ted Cruz in the health care debate.
Resorts to the usual SJW buzzwords like racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.
Would have brought on ten times as much of a Tumblr state than Hillary would have had he, by some miracle, beat Trump.

I liked him a lot more before I started listening to him debate. What he says and how he says it is tumblrina protocommunist faggotry and he sucks at debate and negotiation.


>Tax the shit out of the rich.
>The rich move to countries that don't tax the shit out of them.

Now what?


Niggers are too dumb to understand capital flight. Even if you say "HEY LOOK AT VENEZUELA. NO UNDERSTANDING JUST LOOK." They'll chimp out and drink their 40s.

BLM wrecking Bernie was the first time I saw him in the news. From then on, I knew he was something special.

>they still do it

This does not mean it is a sound policy that will last long. Someone has to foot the bill. It's basic economics that Socialists ignore most.

Dangerous flirting with communism.

Venezuela is Democratic socialism.

Jesus Christ, what even is that right one's torso?

A jew. He wouldn't have done anything to fulfill his campaign promises except if it made him money.


Where are they moving to exactly? Not Europe, Canada or Austrailia. Where can they avoid tax for free healthcare and free college?

I hope they enjoy their tax free 3rd world shit hole

The Jews are too wealthy relative to minimum wage pay, and Bernie Sanders wants to change that.


Do you even read the news about the 1% you claim to hate and their offshore accounts in places like South America, various Islands. Fucking A Tyrone.

The same way I felt about other phony Democratic candidates that were pushed early in campaigns. People like Howard Dean. Just a trade: the youth vote for a few bucks for the Commies.

That practice should be illegal

>moving to south America or the Caribbean to avoid the tax man

Hope you brushed up on your Spanish and hired a private militia to protect you from the locals Amigo. Because your quality of life will never be the same.

Enjoy getting robbed by a hue

I love Bernie. He should have been our president.

Lenin had a spine

Bernie is the human version of a character on the Muppets Show.


America's biggest chance of development and progress in 30 years for the 99.90% of the population.

$15 minimum wage/living wage, universal healthcare, universal education, scrapping FTAs, infrastructure plan, new new deal, returning Glass-Stegals, upholding civil and work rights and liberties,1% paying their fare share of taxes etc.

Then Clingon came like a wreaking ball to the DNC and Trump landslide.

Bernie has a spine too. Don't let the crazy black women that attacked him fool you. They were rogue agents and in no way affiliated with BLM

Tax evasion and asset hiding already is illegal, Tyrone (unless you're a corporation. THANKS COMPLICATED TAX CODE AND IRELAND).

funny you say that...

if ron paul had an evil twin, it would be bernie sanders.

Commie faggot.

Bernie Sanders was and still is the most trust-worthy and popular politician in the pile of dogshit that is the US establishment. Blocking Bernie's policies would be a great way to get yourself murdered.

He's a fucking moron when it comes to economics and history. He also allowed himself to get completely cucked by Hillary in the election. The only good thing I can say about him is that he's been pretty anti-war for the most part.

No third party, no spine.

because money should be equally divided for the most part, so that most humans can live a life without stress. If someone cheats (like most rich people do) and earns too much money, it needs to be taken away and given to those with less. Then we would have a normal middle class, and just a few people at the very bottom and very top. In my experience most very wealthy people are evil and greedy and deserve to have most of their money taken away if for no other reason than to teach them a lesson.


Bretty good assessment user.


>He's a fucking moron when it comes to economics and history.
>ayncrap posting

was a glorious age of reddit to watch the support for bernie collapse towards the spring of 2016

I guarantee he would be better at doing that than trump.

He's a worthless, lazy parasite.

the absolute delusion of Berniebots was astounding.

If Bernie is in power there would be no place for the 1 percent and wall street to hide their money. Fucking coperations will give that money back to the people!

And my name's not Tyrone it's Brandon

Reddit: The Candidate

>ayncrap posting

Says the literal communist. Take your labor theory of value back to the fucking 1840's where it belongs, you illiterate twat.

He conducted one of the greatest public heists known to modern man
