Who wants to destroy the Jews?

Who wants to destroy the Jews?
Who wants to grind their bones into the dust?
And who wants to see them rise again?
Wealthier, more successful, powerful, cultured, more intelligent than ever?
Then you know what we have to do?

We have to love 'em.


Did he say Love the Jews?

It's strange, I know.

But with these people, nothing is simple. The Jew says all he wants is to be left alone to study his Torah... do a little business... fornicate with his oversexed wife,but it's not true. He wants to be hated. He longs for our scorn. He clings to it, as if it were the very core of his being.

If Hitler had not existed, the Jews would've invented him.

For without such hatred, the so-called Chosen People would vanish from the earth. And this reveals a terrible truth and the crux of our problem as Nazis:
the worse the Jews are treated, the stronger they become. Egyptian slavery made them a nation. The pogroms hardened them. Auschwitz gave birth to the state of Israel.
Suffering, it seems, is the very crucible of their genius.
So, if the Jews are,as one of their own has said... a people who will not take yes for an answer... let us say yes to them.
They thrive on opposition. Let us cease to oppose them.
The only way to annihilate this insidious people once and for all...

is to open our arms, invite them into our homes... and embrace them.

Only then will they vanish into assimilation, normality and love.

But we cannot pretend.

The Jew is nothing if not clever. He will see through hypocrisy and condescension.

To destroy him, we must love him sincerely.

Other urls found in this thread:


Love thy neighbor as thyself.

Bump for actual high quality post.
Good movie also.

You Goyim are ruining Sup Forums with all this 'love' business

May I add: even better than love is non attention and a focus on truth and dharma.

Retarded nigger, term "Love" in the bible have nothing to deal with your retarded cuck pink sentimental bullshit. To love is to follow Gods will, unite in God, stand up against evil and spread good. If your neighbor is a degenerate evil doer who cannot be saved, killing him is an act of love.

Underrated post

The west has done this and it has brought us ruination. However, in the process the jews have become complacent and revealed themselves as the monstrous parasitical existences they really are.

The time to rid ourselves of this evil is coming soon. Egyptians never had jewish slaves, pograms were a reaction to their crimes and supreme Jew Stalin faked all the Holocaust death camps.

We have tried ignoring them, deporting them and loving them. Each and every time we pay a terrible price for doing so. But we outnumber them 4000 to 1 and we are smarter, the only solution is utter remorseless eradication.


gather round you mouth breathing faggots, nows a time for the real historyz of the world that you havent heard before in your life

around the time of the black plague, a movement was called into action which persecuted the jews residing within medieval europe at the time as the main factor for the rapid spread of the plague as well as other occurrences which may or may not be true (cough cough blood libels). anyways, a few jews fled into the countryside with some nobles and they lived happily ever after, but not before forming the order of the four shields. the order sought to protect jews from persecution in all manners, that was its main goal in the very first place. growing larger after the whole plague fiasco the order of the four shields spread throughout europe like a phantom wildfire, to solidify their invisibility among the jaded populace at the time they came up with an idea to create bibles which were to be encoded with a wealth of information about the order and their mission. fast forward into the later centuries they have embedded themselves in every society around the world, and even played a role in the creation of marxism, but in order to achieve full sanctuary they created a splinter group called the black hand, they fabricated its history and its mission, giving its followers falsities to get them to carry out the orders dirty work. Gavrilo Princip was an unfortunate byproduct of this indoctrination. they orchestrated both world wars, forcefully introducing a revolution in russia and aiding hitler in his rise to power. fast forward again and they now have what they always wanted, their own country and a plethora of scapegoats to choose from as well as a buffet of weapons and armed allies which could decimate any 'baddie' that happens to pop up in the world today.

You cant because of your eternal white Jewness envy

>we must love jews

>t. not juden

A person envying the position of the Jews is not really smart. If anyone is to envy, it would be a small Buddhist kingdom up in the high mountains, left alone by the world and in touch with actual dharma and actual truth.

>is to open our arms, invite them into our homes... and embrace them.


In MIddle Age our ancestors just massacred them and they were quiet, the kikes need to be constantly humiliated and killed if they dare to protest, not anything else.


The only Jewish blood in me the Blood of Christ, spilled into my mouth from the chalice with a spoon.

The best Jew was a Jew who called out other Jews and was murdered by them, and thereby destroyed death with his death.

His love destroyed Judaism as it was, and Ge'ez and Coptic and Hellenic and Latin and Assyrian Jews all over the Mediterranean and Middle East forsook their Jewishness and instead joined themselves to Christ.

Christ is the final solution to the Jewish question.



He actually has a point with letting the war end already.

Jerusalem and the Holy Land rightfully belong to the Patriarch of Jerusalem and not the synagogues of satan.

It's true though, have you seen the interracial marriage rates of Jews in America, one of the least antisemitic nations on earth? They will cease to be a community within a hundred years. That's why I have a feeling that the altright maybe a Zionist psyop. Without antisemitism, Jews in the west would simply make themselves extinct by way of mix marriages. They need a boogeyman to increase cohesion within their community.

Is that a deep cover nazi skinhead?

I also think this is why the Jewish elite
wants to increase immigration of antisemitic Muslim. They realise that they may also blue pilled too many Normie jews, and are trying to instigate more antisemitism in Europe by way of Muslim immigration to force jews to migrate to Israel.

It's from a Jewish made movie called "The Believer" starring Ryan Gosling, about a genuine but internally conflicted Jewish neo-Nazi. It's based partially on the life of Dan Burros, a Jewish member of the American Nazi Party who committed suicide after his ethnicity was published in the New York Times.

Having never fully looked into him, I was shocked at first to see and hear him speak actual clarity on a level the interviewer doesn't, but seeing other related videos, the man knew too much. Reminds me of Ted Kaczynski, a lot.

Also makes me wonder more about the Beatles; there were some interesting bits of their early video content pointed out lately that make them appear to either be onboard the mason/NWO train, or useful idiots to it. Also makes sense with the LSD push ala "drop out tune in and turn on".

Was Helter Skelter and the narrative around ole Charlie (((them))) hanging him publicly?

Fuck, now I need to go autism through his role in that part of history...


Great Post OP. Only love can conquer hate - Only light can get rid of dark.

Report back cuz Manson was WOKE and im interested in what you find

Holy shit user...

This might be the most insightful post I've ever seen on Sup Forums...

And you're either 100% correct, or just a Jew who is Jewing us into being nice. But I actually think you're onto something here.

Found the kike, he knows we're onto his tricks. Look at him, he wants us to hate him.

I stole it from the Jew who wrote the Ryan Gosling movie "The Believer." The Daily Stormer posted an article a few weeks ago with scene from it and I watched the movie on Amazon Prime. It's super insightful into Jewish self-hatred and their neuroticism.

>If Hitler had not existed, the Jews would've invented him.
The jews DID invent him, he was a RedShield/Rothschild.

You are correct that we need to love them to 'death' though. When time and time again you take the high road and they take the low road, and it is exposed, you win and they lose.

The key there is exposure, dying on your own sword with no witnesses doesn't change the power structures or their position they jockey for.

This is some Trudeau "let your enemies win, that's how you defeat them" garbage. They won't assimilate, ever. I've lived in the most religious communities in brooklyn to learn their ways. Racemixing the rest of the world is a topic they rub their hands over. These people are brainwashed just like normies, just in a different way.

It's not the jewish normies that we need to start loving more, it's Alex Jones' (((globalists)))

Yet jews have the highest interracial marriage rates,with half of all hews marrying gentiles.

It's not my fault
If in Gods plan
He made the shiksa so much stronger than a man!

Why do you think they look white? It's because the women marry Europeans, which is acceptable to them as is enhances their genetics. They aren't breeding with any lower races

The Believer is an underrated movie, should be mandatory viewing for all Sup Forumslacks

Please understand that people of diffenet etnicities think completely different than you. (They) will not love you back, ever, under any circumstances. They won't even accept converts who are hyper-religious. All you're going to get is a fake smile and snickering behind your back