Commiefornia Education

I transferred here to Commiefornia to live with dad again because of retarded family situation. I was in Colorado beforehand. In the philosophy class that I have no choice not to take, we talked about feminism today (pic related).
>mfw this is an actual class
>mfw people bring up the nonexistent pay gap in
For some more context on the people at the school, I've seen a good number of dyed hair hamplanets, and everyone there is an applefag. Give me a reason to not end it all right now.

Bomb the place

Why is the first question a fucking riddle?

How so?

Shit nvm I see what you mean. I honestly have no fucking clue.

How did the man know the mothers eyecolor by only meeting her husband and daughter? It only mentions the daughters eyes but not the fathers or mothers, but you don't need know them if you know how eyecolor is passed from parent to child. It's a very simple riddle and I don't see what it has to do with feminism or philosophy.

It's because the doctor was the mother

Oh, well now I see why it was in the feminism section, I assumed the doctor was a man who had blue eyes so the daughter having brown eyes meant the mother must have them too. But after rereading they don't mention the doctors sex, so I was sexist for assuming the doctor was a man.

Apparently so... It just seems stupid to teach shit like this and try to be taken seriously

the point f communist education is to mke poblems unanswerable so tht yr only choice is to supplcate to the state

I'm afraid no reason can be given.

wtf thlnd.
not that yr wrong tho

>If one wishes to have an abortion, then one should be free to do so

I firmly wish, that the ((author)) of this text will end up gassed

I am typing on a gooker tablet. the autocorrect is fucked

Just fuckin with you mate.
Raise a glass for me to your beautiful home if you would

It's very obvious. Perhaps you need to reside in CA a little longer to see it. James is a transwoman. She started off as gender neutral, but transitioned to being a full time female.
As a result, Jasmine is quite financially successful, and does enough mind altering drugs enough to not really care about any reality involved in any of long as you give her the CASH at some point.

not my home. i fled niggertopia many moons ago.

I tried reaonably to assymilate. the language s balls hard but modern tablets help. at least i wont getvmy hroat slit here

Ahh, it all makes sense now. The solution to all of commiefornia's problems is North Korea, we should encourage them to fucking nuke this godforsaken state. I'd be having more fun in the middle of Miami with only a pool noodle than being here

dear god if california got nuked a many as six or seven innocent people might die

Thank god I'm too old for college. I wouldn't be able to handle the clownworld shenanigans. Hopefully this communist shit is eliminated in the next life.

I die a bit each day :(

>inb4 the afterlife is just a big gulag

Welp, it's been a not-so-wonderful life then. Thanks for the blackpill

They're setting the scene, highlighting the epistomological structure of feminist thought you retard. Not promoting it you single parented loser. No wonder you're cognitively deficient. Switch to ceramics.