Is it ever acceptable to raise another man's son in the name of white nationalist values?

Is it ever acceptable to raise another man's son in the name of white nationalist values?

No. Never. If you can't reproduce have the decency to die alone and not embarrass men any further.

Are you looking at adopting?

only if he was your close friend, and you have your own children

my thoughts exactly

>The kid is white.
>The father is deceased, mother is a widow.
>You're impotent and can't produce chrilden of your own and figure that you can be a better father for the kid than nothing at all.
>The kid is your blood and the parents are unable to care for them.

If you are the godfather


Yes a son of a dead comrade or brother. Community should be responsible and help orphans.

>see this faggot and his (((family))) in the grocery store
>look down at the niglet
>look back up at the "father"
>smile and say "What a CUTE kid! He looks JUST like you."

If you haven't done this yet, I highly recommend it.

Spotted the eager cuckold.

Raise your own children, nobody cares about your children anyway besides yourself. Do you care about XY child in Angola or Vietnam? It's country's responsibility to care about all people, not your individual responsibility. Cuck capitalists and your individualism.

No haha, tha's a cuck.

Was that guy who raised Luke Skywalker a cuck?

No, I'm just wondering because I know a white nationalist who raises his wife's son and thinks it's better because single mothers can't raise a child alone

Na, uncle Owen was based.

That's a film, random sex having blacks of Africa won't become Luke Skywalkers, it's not like they couldn't care about their children, they don't want to build sewers, not to mention become Luke Skywalker.

he's got a point
I know a few people who raise kids of their partner and that can be coll if done right
all of them have had their own kid after that thought

That sounds pretty cucky but there are conditions that could justify it.
For example being sterile would make it more than acceptable.
Being a carrier of some kind of genetic defect would be another great excuse.
But if not then at least he should have his own children with her later.
Single mothers are a scurge.

I live in semi-rural indiana and there are a lot of coal-burners around here, tons of single mothers with mutt children. I had a mudshark get so fucking crazy she got ejected from the store after i mentioned the new tax they are levying against private citizens that burn coal after tricking her into thinking i was actually interested in her.

Yeah. My uncle used to have these kids he'd look after, we were 'cousins' the same way your dads best friend is your 'uncle.' Way later as an adult found out they were orphans of his vet buddy from vietnam who died in the war.

the only time its acceptable to raise anyone elses child is if its a blood relative. eg: a nephew.

Nobody ever mentions this kind of stuff but this is perfectly acceptable and honorable as fuck, as long as the mom was actually out of the picture and not just dumping the kids with your uncle so she could go get pounded by Ju'ma'l the abbo.

Only if you behead the father and seize the mother by force

Orphans are a special case, and orphans of war veterans are the most special of them all.

>I had a mudshark get so fucking crazy she got ejected from the store after i mentioned the new tax they are levying against private citizens that burn coal after tricking her into thinking i was actually interested in her.

Learn subtlety, user.
It’s much more fun.

>at checkout in grocery
>chubby clerk asks if I’d like to round up to the next dollar to donate to a worthy cause
>she smiles and taps at the register
This is for prostate cancer research, right??
>um, uh, ahhh…
>nooooo. this is breast cancer awareness month
Oh. When do you take donations for prostate cancer research?
>um, uh, ahhh…
>wait for manager to arrive
>ask manager the same question
>um, uh, ahhh…
No biggie! Just charge me for my groceries, then!
>um, uh, ahhh…
>5 minutes of fumbling with the register
>finally pay
>smile hugely and waive at cashier and manager
Be sure to let me know when you start taking donations for prostate cancer research!
I can’t wait to donate!

>My uncle used to have these kids he'd look after, we were 'cousins' the same way your dads best friend is your 'uncle.' Way later as an adult found out they were orphans of his vet buddy from vietnam who died in the war.

That’s about the most honorable thing any man could do for his friend.

However, in typical leaf form, OP was rather implying that marrying a random coalburner and devoting your life (and more importantly, your income) to her and Jamal’s wretched crotchfruit should be expected, if not forced upon you.
Fuck him, and fuck her.
She can sell her hole to the highest bidder every night for the next 12 years, until it’s too worn out to have any value.
By then, little Shitaveous should be able to steal everything a growing nigglet needs on he own.

The only time it is acceptable to raise another man's son is when either

A. That man was your brother or father, and has died leaving you the only or oldest male family member able to pass on your family values and traditions.

B. Exceptions to A exist but are rare